..,strongest level up The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven chapters of the Divine Array!

“Master, the two buzzes contain two kinds of aura, which are the other two Xing Jun.”

Bamboo leaves are busy.

Rooaaar ~ is another buzzing sound.

The evil dragon complexion is also hard to look at.

“There are five or six Xing Jun, plus the top 3 head, nearly ten Xing Jun?”

“damn it, this heavy rock star is what the hell place, actually suddenly came out so many Xing Jun?”

Zhao Fang is also a little surprised.

Zhu Yeqing said that the heavy rock star group is home to a large number of Xing Jun.

This ‘massive’ has a wide meaning for Zhao Fang.

Seen from his lack of gains in the dark stars for a few days.

Even if the heavy rock star is the land of Xing Jun’s group, there will not be too many Xing Jun, at most, it is the appearance of the three or four heads.

Just getting into the heavy rock star, but overturning all the imaginary of his before!

“We should have fallen into Xing Jun’s nest!”

Zhao Fang said.

“Young master, now, can you not say such a scary thing?”

Evil dragon complexion is ugly.

Xing Jun.

Heaven and earth The source of Law is condensed.

The power of each Xing Jun is not inferior to ordinary 7-Star Ancestral God.

When faced alone, Zhao Fang Squad can completely kill the opponent.

But if you suddenly meet eighty-nine.

Not to mention Zhao Fang, the evil dragon bamboo leaves, three people, even if the tyrannosaurus is also not enough!

At that time, it was not that they were hunting Xing Jun, but they were hunting by Xing Jun!

“hehe, don’t be nervous, nervous about our response to Crisis, no egg!”

Wen Yan, Essence Dragon is speechless. “You are not nervous, but you can give an idea Ah!”

“So far, there is only one choice!” Zhao Fang’s face in the intent of intent.

“Directly?” The evil dragon is dumbfounded.

“Master is mighty!” Zhu Yeqing cheers.

“Mighty you are a man, escape Ah!”

Zhao Fang took the head of Zhu Yeqing and took the lead to sweep away from the mountains.

Evil dragon, bamboo leaf green: “…”

Xing Jun’s overall strength is very strong, but in the Ability, it is not all outstanding.

In addition to Feng Xingjun formed by the origin of the wind, other Xing Jun’s speed is very general.

Zhao Fang three people clothes The spacesuit completely offsets the heavy rock star Gravity. The speed has at least 90% of peak, and it is easy to open the encirclement of Xing Jun.

If it is for someone else.

Even the three 7-Star Ancestral Gods can’t do this easily.

In the end, it will definitely be caught up by Xing Jun, and then fell into a trap, being disturbed by various harsh environments and dying in Xing Jun’s hands.


The mountains are densely linzhong, and the three silions are quickly moving.

In the end, the three people swept to a hillside hundreds of meters high, and it stopped.

“Young master, those Xing Jun did not all chase, only three heads, enter the entrance to this mountain!”

The evil dragon climbed high and looked at the scene outside the mountain, turning to Zhao Fang.

“Three heads, some are less!”

The original intention of Zhao Fang is to introduce Xing Jun into the mountains and rely on the natural advantages of the mountains to kill Xing Jun one by one.

But now.

Nine heads Xing Jun, only one third of them chased in.

“However, it is quite a lot. Kill them and slowly deal with other Xing Jun. These three heads are enough for us to be busy for a while!”

Zhao Fang said with a laugh: “You two, lead a single Xing Jun here, I want to ambush them!”

“Do you have to deal with both ends at once? Will it be a little hard?” The evil dragon frowned.

“will not!”

Zhao Fang’s answer is simple and concise!

“it is good!”

The evil dragon did not say much, turned into a bloody glow, and swept toward a head of Xing Jun.

Bamboo leaves are also like this!

After the two people left, Zhao Fang opened the System Shop, his eyes were bright and muttered: “If you want to make a quick fix, you can only use some unconventional means!”


Zhao Fang finds what he wants in the System Shop Auxiliary Treasure column.

“It’s it!”

Zhao Fang has a big hand and clicks to buy.


“congratulations Player, buy ‘Divine Array’.”

Divine Array: Tier-8 High Grade array, which sells for billions of supreme coins. The stronger the main striker, the stronger and the same.

Strongest might kill 9-Star Ancestral God!

There are not many introductions, but it makes Zhao Fang extremely heart-wrenching.

Just the price, extremely expensive.

Zhao Fang has long wanted to buy, but has been unwilling.

But this time, for ambush Xing Jun, he is also fighting!

“Divine Array, you need to use a Tier-8 Divine Artifact as the base. The stronger the base, the stronger the array will play!”

“If this is the case…”

Zhao Fang Zhan Zhan Zhan, “The Holy Dragon Dragon Knife!”


A golden battle blade like a dragon, appeared in front of Zhao Fang Void.

It is the existence of surpass ordinary Tier-8 Divine Artifact, the artifact, the holy dragon knife!

“Let me see, even the St. Dragon’s Knife as the base of the smashed Divine Array, how strong might!”

While speaking.

He directly took out the flag of the Divine Array, Array Disk, and started the array Array.

Not a moment.

A beautiful Array with an external appearance, which appears in the mountains.

In order to prevent Xing Jun from perceiving the Aura of the Great Array, Zhao Fang deliberately suppressed the Fluctuation to the Great Dragon Sword, so that all around the fluctuation, all showed extremely normal.


Not far away, there was an angry buzz and the dragon roar sounded at the same time.

“It is evil dragon!”

Zhao Fang is far away.


A bloody dragon shadow is starting at full speed and rushing toward Zhao Fang.

In his behind, followed by a whole body with a magma giant of flame law aura.

Fire Xing Jun!

The other direction.

The bamboo leaf green of a purple Python is also fighting with a wooden man, Azure Tree color, and one step is to lure it.

“Evil dragon, bamboo leaf green, Northwest thirty miles!”

Zhao Fang quickly transmitted.

The location is exactly where he placed the Great Array.

“Roger that!”

“To understanding!”

Two people are cold and stunned, staring at the behind’s Xing Jun, cold said with a laugh: “Big man, have the ability to follow!”

The two people went all out and plucked toward Zhao Fang.

The distance of thirty miles, for Ancestral God Powerhouse, is just a skill in the blink of an eye.


The terrain of the mountains is complex, and the lin is dense and dense. The two people are afraid that Xing Jun will get lost. They will hang them all the way. After three ten breaths, they will be led to the front of the Divine Array.


The two people of the evil dragon bamboo leaf green were guided and flew directly.

When the two Xing Jun are unknown, they will catch up with anger.

next moment.

Actually at the same time Stepping on the attack range of Divine Array!

“The fish is hooked!”

Zhao Fang stood up fiercely, his eyes showing a trace of excitement.

“Divine Array, open!”

Almost in Zhao Fang’s low-lying all of a sudden, the two Xing Jun also saw Zhao Fang, his eyes were filled with chilling killing intent, bent and stretched, and prepared to pounce on Zhao Fang.


Just at this time~ Hey!



Divine Array activate.

A huge array, directly shrouded the two Xing Jun.

The DD has a handle of three thousand zhang’s knives, appearing in the middle of the array, straight to the two Xing Jun. [ .wx.io]

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