..,strongest level up The first thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine chapters are transformed into bamboo leaves, but bamboo leaves are not good.

Her own cultivation base is just 6-Star Ancestral God.

Or 6-Star Ancestral God Initial Stage !

Before can lead Xing Jun not injured, purely relying on various treasures, barely support.

Today, the treasure is almost exhausted.

If you want to blame, there will be an accident.

“What are you good at heaven and earth law?”

Frowning and hesitating, Zhao Fang looks at Zhu Yeqing.

“…water, there is wind!”

“Water wind? Your Luck is really bad enough. Xing Jun, who was previously killing, has no water-wind property.”

Zhao Fang shook his head.

He wanted to give Zhu Ye Qingzhuzhu, let him make up the Strength.

Reduce the risk of blaming.

Unfortunately, Zhu Yeqing’s Luck is not very good.

“Right, this thing you bring first.”

Zhao Fang takes out a white feather.

“Master, what is this?” Bamboo leaves are awkward.

The evil dragon complexion is cold, like the looks at the enemy, staring at the white feather, “Ying Long Shenyi?”

“Yes! It’s the old Ying Yilong pair of wings!”

Zhao Fang is not surprised by the reaction of the evil dragon.

After all, I was an enemy. Now I see the enemy, Relic, and I will inevitably hate the house and the Uk!

“The old thing is hypocritical and mean, but it is a good thing.”

The evil dragon expression is slightly relieved.

After all, even if he was angry again, he did not dare to blaze Zhao Fang.


Ying Long or Zhao Fang to kill.

In a certain sense, Zhao Fang reported to him for his bloody feuds that he had not completed for many years. He is his benefactor.

“This thing, I don’t need it, the evil dragon is not expected to look up, you hold it for the time being, you can save your life!”

Zhao Fang handed the white feather to the bamboo leaf green.

“Thank Master!”

Zhu Yeqing is not Idiot. From the reaction of Zhao Fang two people, it can be seen that this thing called Yinglong Shenyi is really unusual.

After receiving it, according to Zhao Fang’s instructions, direct blood refining should be the dragon wing.

Blood is stained with white feathers.

After it was completely red, the white feathers disappeared.

next moment.

Bamboo leaf green complexion big change, more painful than the five-horse corpse countless times the tearing sensation, emerged in her back.

Ah~ bamboo leaves blood-red, immediately screamed.

“I’ll go alert!”

Leaving this sentence, the evil dragon disappeared immediately.

On the field, only Zhao Fang and Zhu Yeqing two people were left.

Bamboo leaves within the body, rushing out of the tyrannical and overbearing aura fluctuations.

That is Longli!


The surge of power surged and directly shattered the robe of bamboo leaves.

Whole body naked, first time standing in front of a man.

But these are not the most important.

嗡 衣 衣 衣 衣 衣 at at at at at 衣 衣 衣 衣 衣 衣 衣 衣 衣 衣 衣

The ubiquitous Gravity is like a flood of incompetence, rushing toward the bamboo leaves.

at that moment.

Bamboo leaf green feels its own bones, every body of skin, seems to be crushed by this force, no resistance.

“Heavenspan Tower !”

At the crucial time, an Yingying azure glow, shot from the Zhao Fang cuff, covered in the top of the bamboo leaf.

Instantly extract and isolate the space in which it is located.

The suffocating sense of oppression disappeared.

Zhao Fang and Zhu Yeqing appear in the Heavenspan Tower 4th layer.

After regaining the control of the body, Zhu Yeqing quickly mobilized all Divine Strength and slammed it toward the back.


The raging Divine Strength, mixed with the overbearing dragon force, blurs the flesh and blood of her back, and is extremely miserable.


Just on the occasion of this extremely miserable.

On the back of the bones, there was a feather.

in a blink.

A pair of wings are formed on the back.

The wings are pure and white, and the lines are extremely beautiful and slender, such as the most holy fairy.

After the appearance of pure white wings, the screams of bamboo leaves, this slowly stopped.

At the same time, the back injury is also repaired with a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, it will be restored as ever.


Zhu Yeqing looked at behind with some horror.

“Try speed!”

“It’s Master!”

Bamboo leaf green immediately nod.

The dragon wings are unfolded, and the 50 meters are wide.

Although can’t compare with Divine Beast, the pair of wings of the sky, but not too small.


Should be the dragon wing slightly moving.

The body of bamboo leaves is instantly appearing thousands of miles away.

“So fast!”

Even bamboo leaves are smashed.

As an 6-Star Ancestral God, she broke out with all her strength.

This should be a dragon wing, a little move, it is a thousand miles.


She has not yet run the speed to the limit.

“Try the ultimate speed!”

Bamboo leaves Azure Eye 眸 bright.


Two thundering sky-splitting sounds suddenly exploded.

Bamboo leaves disappeared in place, and instantly appeared in five thousand miles.

“Five thousand miles!”

Zhu Yeqing was shocked.

A single round speed is enough to match 8-Star Ancestral God.

“I can actually have such a fast speed!”

After the bamboo leaves are slightly breezy, they are excited and yelling. They control the dragon wings, keep flying on the sky, but they are s-shaped, sometimes…

She did not notice it.

The naked body. The body itself, flying in the sky zhong, and constantly posing a variety of wonderful postures, such a scene, for the Zhao Fang on the ground, is what kind of amazing impact!

“I’ll go, forget to let her dress!”

After watching it for a while, Zhao Fang can’t afford it.


Light cough, instantly immersed in the endless joy of bamboo leaves, pull back to reality.

“Ah~Master, sorry, I, I am out of order!”

The bamboo leaves are appearing in front of Zhao Fang, and they quickly squat.

Her whole body, two peaks in front of her, kept beating, like two cheerful children.

“First put on your clothes!”

Zhao Fang took out a set of clothes and handed it to Zhu Yeqing.

Zhu Yeqing only realized that he was naked.

‘No wonder when I was flying, I felt the body was cool. ”Master has been myself face, shouldn’t you see it? ‘Take the bamboo leaves of the clothes, and instantly think of the scene of just now, the face is red, like drunk, with his head down, like an ostrich, can’t wait to find a hole to drill in.

Put on a dress from Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang also exchanged a spacesuit and handed it to Zhu Yeqing.

The space suit follows the heart of Zhu Yeqing, transforming into the appearance of her normal clothes, and sticking it on her body.

As for Zhao Fang’s first set of clothes for her, Zhu Yeqing did not return it to him.


Zhao Fang With a big hand, the two people disappeared into the Heavenspan Tower and reappeared in the mountains.

“Young master, I have three heads of Xing Jun here, can’t I do it?”

Zhao Fang just appeared, and the mind sounded the sound of the evil dragon.

“First drag for a moment, let me come to the array!”

“it is good!”

Zhao Fang During the arrangement of the array, the evil dragon called again: “Young master, another eight head Xing Jun!”

“Stable, I let Zhu Yeqing help you!” Zhao Fang low roaring sound, then saw Zhu Yeqing a look. [ .wx.io]

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