..,strongest level up The first thousand seven hundred and tenth chapter Wan Xing Xing killed the emperor!

“You go for the evil dragons!”

“Don’t fight with them and use the speed advantage to drag them.”


Zhu Yeqing is eager to try.

She also wants to see how fast speed will be after herself at full speed.


The bamboo leaves and green wings spread and turned into a white glow, and the blink of an eye disappeared without a trace.

Same as Time.

Zhao Fang takes out the Array Disk and the St. Dragon’s Knife and arranges the Divine Array.

Array is molded in a moment and hidden into Void.

Dōng dōng !

For example, when the drum beats the squeaky loud noise from the drumhead, it is quickly and indirectly transferred to Zhao Fang.


Zhao Fang eyes shined.

as predicted.

As the sound of dōng dōng became clearer, one seemed to be a match, and the roar of the aura of heaven and earth was also transmitted.

At the same time is also a dragon roar with a tearing scorpion.

A huge bloody dragon, shaking his head and slamming his tail, rushing toward Zhao Fang.

Behind the Scarlet Dragon, followed by six aura tyrannical Xing Jun.

The other direction of the bamboo leaf behind, also followed by the five head Xing Jun.

“Evil dragons, first open them,”

Zhao Fang is a voice.

After all, his cultivation base is only the god of the Lord. It is full of force to activate the Divine Array. It can only deal with its four heads, Xing Jun. The five heads are the limit.

If there is more, it is not that he kills Xing Jun, but Xing Jun backlash Zhao Fang.


From time to time, the evil dragon emits a dragon roar, such as a path of blood ripples, and Vibration, with the behind six heads Xing Jun, plunging toward the distance.

Same as for a moment.

Zhu Yeqing is carrying a five-headed Xing Jun, rushing into the Divine Array!

“The knives, open!”

At the moment when the five heads of Xing Jun fell into the array, they sneaked into the Void’s Divine Array and smashed it!

The first knife!

Second knife!

The majestic Blade Intent, the killing intent of the cockroach, forced Xing Jun to retreat, and the injury became more and more serious.

The fifth knife.

The sixth knife.

At the same time prompted by the fifth knife, a seriously injured Xing Jun was spread by Blade Qi, twisted into pieces!

The sixth knife fell, and two more Xing Jun died.

The remaining two Xing Jun also reacted and wanted to escape, simulanely attacking the same place in the array.

The seventh knife, the eighth knife came one after another!

Xing Jun, the last two dying struggles, did not escape their fate. After contributing two beads, they died on the spot!

“Five beads, get it!”

Zhao Fang Void Hand grabbed the five beads that were suspended in the array and was immediately caught by him.

“Young master, I can’t hold it anymore!”

The evil dragons are voiced, and the sound reveals a trace weak.

Zhao Fang took the punishment beads, Shuguang Zhanzhan: “Take it over!”

After a while.

The six Xing Jun, naturally, can not escape the road.


Due to the out-of-array load, Zhao Fang was only trapped in five heads, and the other was trapped by the move to move unhindered, and the evil dragon entered the game and killed him.

After Zhao Fang solved the six-headed Xing Jun of Divine Array, he teamed up to kill it!

“ha ha ~ This heavy rock star is really our blessed land. In just one day, we will harvest twenty beads!”

Zhao Fang extremely happy.

“If Xu Tianhuang knows that we have one day, we will get so many beads, I don’t know if I will regret not coming to the Rock Star!”

The evil dragon also laughed.

Three people are adjusting for a moment.

I will leave again.

The next few days.

Zhao Fang The three people of Xinglong Zhuyeqing became the hunter of Xingjun. They took advantage of Divine Array and kept killing Xing Jun.

Eight days down.

Zhao Fang has harvested 98 beads.

It has also been discovered that many million years of magic drugs can be described as a bumper harvest.


Divine Array Blade Qi able to move unhindered, killing the last one, Xing Jun.

“The ninety-ninth!”

Zhao Fang grabbed the fireball that she just got, and her lips showed a trace of smile.

These ninety-nine criminal beads contain seven intangible sources of invisible and thunder.

Enough to extend any one’s internal heaven and earth to perfection.


“Congratulations Player, killed a hundred heads of Xing Jun, accidentally triggered the title of ‘Wan Xing Xing Huang Huang’, and the reward experience value is 100 million points.”



Zhao Fang’s expression is wrong.

I will open the title of ‘Wan Xing Xing Zuo Huang’.

The Xing Xing King: Rare title, killed at least one hundred Xing Jun, can be activated.

After the title is activated, you can speed up the insights of heaven and earth and become the pride of Heavenly Dao. At the same time Attack Power Enhance, raise your hand, contain Heavenly Dao, the source of power, and have the same immunity, have certain immunity!

“It seems that there is no egg to use Ah!”

That being said.

Zhao Fang is still activating the title.


“Congratulations Player uses the title of “Wan Xing Xinghuang”, and Heavenly Dao’s original insights doubled, attacking Xing Jun, immunizing 30%!”



Zhao Fang blinked, “Looks, it seems pretty good!”

“Young master, I feel that there seems to be something different.”

The evil dragon came forward, referring to a rock star, frowning.


Zhao Fang startled.

His mind is all immersed in Slaughter Xing Jun, manipulating the array, but he has no leisure to pay attention to all around.


Evil dragon nod, “I just passed the area when I was blaming. It was a baleful qi area, and the baleful qi was extremely heavy. It formed a thick fog. I passed by that area and felt the power of powerful suction. ”

“At the same time, the fog area aysss, and the powerful beasts come out.”

Wen Yan.

Zhao Fang brows slightly, “Is there Xing Jun inside?”

“No, but this is the most amazing place!”

“Tracking my Xing Jun, when I passed the area, I saw the big terrifying Vicious Demon, and fled directly, I dare not pursue me again!”

“But I am in my heart, but I really want to enter the area. I always feel that there is something calling me!”

The evil dragon frowned.

“Heavy rock star is a treasure star, the piece of baleful qi area, absolutely unused. You can feel the call, explain the area abyss, there is really a treat that helps you.”

“However, in that area, even Xing Jun did not dare to approach, the danger is unquestionable. I also want to explore it, but with our current Strength, it is only court death!”

People have curiosity.

After the evil dragon said this, Zhao Fang was also curious about the baleful qi area.


After all, he did not experience it. He did not feel that the evil dragon faced the temptation of the baleful qi area and could still analyze it calmly.

“Young master said it is!” Evil dragon nod, “However, Young master is really not interested?”

Zhao Fang laughed, took out a few gold, wind, water beads, handed to the evil dragon bamboo leaves green two people, “temporary rest, first refining the penalty beads, strengthen the inner heaven and earth!”

“Young master is planning…”

The evil dragon eye stunned, guessing that Zhao Fang intended, took the golden bead, excited nod.

“Yes, Master!”

Bamboo leaf green is equally exciting.

The name of the bead, they have heard it.

But today, it is first time use, excitement, exhibit one’s feelings in one’s speech.

On the occasion of the two people refining the bead, Zhao Fang also propped up the inner and earth and began to blend the beads.

“I don’t know, what changes will happen after the fusion of heaven and earth in the royal product? Is it really curious Ah!” [.wx.io]

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