“9-Star Ancestral God !”

“This aura is definitely not weaker than 9-Star Ancestral God!”

Evil dragon complexion solemn.

Just breaking through to 8-Star Ancestral God, in front of this phantom, also gave birth to a desperate one kind can not fight.

Can make him feel this way.

Unless it is a super existence in 9-Star Ancestral God.

Or is surpass ancestral God rank Powerhouse!

“She seems to be experiencing Inheritance!”

Zhao Fang turned around around the little man, a little surprised, tch tch was amazed: “Huck is too good, she just entered the bottom of the pit and met her own Great Destiny!”

Wen Yan, evil dragon is a bitter smile.

When he entered the bottom of the pit, he followed the place that called ‘call’ to himself, but it was looking for a long time before he discovered that the same Powerhouse annihilated the Relic of Blood Spirit Dragon.

The evil dragon thought that his own road was very strong.

But compared with Xiao Man, it is completely a slag Ah!

“This skeleton should be the source of her Inheritance.”

Zhao Fang stared at Xiao Man’s lower jaw and rubbed his chin.

“Can’t let her stay here all the time. The baleful qi at the bottom of the pit is the same as Cheng Jing. Once she realizes her existence, she must be swarming…”

The bottom of the pit has no walking dead, but the baleful qi is still strongly terrifying.

“It’s safer to put her in Heavenspan Tower.”

“Well, just take in the 5th layer that just opened!”

In the Taobao process, Zhao Fang accidentally found a piece of iron and copper embroidered pieces.

I thought it was a piece of scrap iron.

Heavenspan Tower gave strong feedback and a burst of eagerness.

Then, the embroidered piece merges with the Heavenspan Tower, and the 5th layer, which has been unable to open, is magically activated.

The 5th layer Space flow rate is more noticeable than the previous four layers.

The most remarkable point is.

As long as Zhao Fang is willing, anyone can be admitted.

The 5th layer is significantly more active than the passive ones who need to be accepted in the first four layers.


Heavenspan Tower’s rays of light, covering the little man, and the animal bones next to her.

Rays of light flashed.

Both Xiao Man and the bones disappeared and entered the Heavenspan Tower 5th layer.

“carry on!”

Zhao Fang looks at 邪龙竹叶青two people.

This unprecedented ancient market, the Great Search, lasted for seven days.

Zhao Fang relies on the supreme coins from the treasures of Heaven and Earth Exchange.

Most of the treasures found in the ancient market were undervalued by System. Only some of them were particularly worthless. Zhao Fang chose Exchange and the rest were collected.

This leads to it.

The source of his supreme coins has become narrower and can only be used less and less.

“Unfortunately, the magnetic field Immemorial is strange. If you don’t shield the divine sense, it will be fine!”

Looking at the sand sea, Zhao Fang looked sorry.

“Master, baleful qi Changlong has come to us.”

The seven-day search treasure also let the baaleful qi at the bottom of the pit notice Zhao Fang and his party.

Dozens of baleful qi long dragons, rolling up the sand of Berserk, hit the Zhao Fang three people.

These baleful qi long dragons, extremely terrifying, the destructive power of each baleful qi long dragon, are not inferior to the evil dragon.

Dozens of evil dragons level Powerhouse, ordinary 9-Star Ancestral God met, too!

“You advanced Heavenspan Tower!”

After the evil dragon bamboo leaves disappeared, Zhao Fang took out one piece of the charm.

This is the Greater Teleportation character that kills the monster.

A wide range of shuttle moves is possible.

Zhao Fang has never had a chance to use it. This is still the first time.

“Treasure is at hand, it is time to leave! Come and chase me, Say Naray.”

Zhao Fang waved at the baleful qi long dragon, the Greater Teleportation symbol started, and the whole person was shrouded in a layer of mysterious Space.

Followed by.

Space’s force collided with baleful qi, Space twisted, magnetic field collapsed, and Zhao Fang behind, there was a huge black hole.

“Fuck, play big!”

Zhao Fang complexion is black.

He had never seen anyone who was doing Great Teleportation, and there were black holes.

Although the black hole appeared, it was full of force.

But as long as the common sense Martial Artist knows that the black hole appears, it means that all around the Space is completely violent and can easily be transferred to other areas.

“Don’t tell me, I don’t send it!”

Zhao Fang wants to break free.


The power of Space completely shrouded it, and he was only a consciousness. There was still a reaction, and there was no chance for the body to move.


Rays of light flashed.

Zhao Fang disappeared in place.

Baleful qi Long dragons are mostly swallowed up by Black Dragon.

The remaining baleful qi long dragon, the aura diffused by the black hole, directly minced, Scatter!

Greater Teleportation of ******common.

Basically, the process is to activate the Greater Teleportation, and once the eyes are closed, the location is here.

After Zhao Fang was disturbed by the black hole, he blinked his eyes for thousands of times, but he was saddened to discover that he was still moving.

It’s like entering a path that doesn’t know how deep.

He can only move forward!

In the end, even Time is forgotten.

I do not know how long it has been.

At the end of the ramp, a trace of light appeared, and Zhao Fang was excited.

Finally I have to leave this ghost place!

Through the ramp, Zhao Fang appeared in a strange star.

What makes him surprised is that.

This star is not a dark universe, it is a universe!

“The Ability of the Greater Teleportation is so strong that it can travel between the dark universe and the universe.”

Zhao Fang was shocked.


He himself knows that this is definitely the impact of the black hole.

The ordinary Greater Teleportation is a shuttle in a universe, and it is impossible to move between the universe and the universe.

“I am a blessing in disguise?”

Zhao Fang has always been depressed, and finally revealed a trace happy expression.

“I don’t know, what is this place!”

Zhao Fang does not have a star map of the universe, and it is not clear at all. Where is the current location?

“First fall back to Xiagong!”

Zhao Fang thought about it.

He placed the Space array in the Hagiaid Palace and left the Space coordinates.

I took out the Thorship universe Battleship and rushed to the Hagia Palace.

Three months later.

Thunder Primal Chaos, Lost Palace.

A Battleship filled with Thunder aura appears in the scope of the Falliag Palace.

There are tens of thousands of kilometers away from the Lost Palace, which was discovered by the Powerhouse of the Hagiaidon Palace and severely scolded: “Who is strong and powerful?”

“Let you stop quickly, otherwise you will be strangled by my downhill Powerhouse!”

“Remind again, stop at speed, or die!”

The sound is like a thunder, echoing above the Haoxi Palace.

But the Thunder Battleship didn’t stop at all, but it was getting closer.


There is a coldly snorted sound.


A bald old man in a wide robes of clothes, with large sleeves fluttering, the whole person swept across and flew toward the Thunder Battleship.

In front of the Moon Gate Palace, a young master with a folding fan, the playful looks at this scene, “The poor fellow, who has alarmed the Master, will die very badly!”


At this time.

Several flowing lights, shot from the Nagase Palace.

The young master brother of the folding fan, after seeing someone comes up, his eyes brightened and hurried up.

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