
Someone comes in white, temperament is superb, bleak, and emits with one kind of dignity after the power.

It is the beautiful Palace Lord of the Nagase Palace, the white purple moon!

Bai Ziyue behind, followed by several Anncestral God Powerhouse of Ancient Clan.

“Xu Young master.”

Bai Ziyue looks at the folding fan Young master brother, slightly nod, seems to recognize, but the words are a trace of indifference, “Xu Young master is willing to join my Luoxia Palace, this Palace Lord extremely welcome, but please respect me This Palace Lord, I don’t like this title!”

Xu surnamed Young master smiled slightly, in the eyes swept a trace annoyed, but quickly recovered, quickly said: “I am Menglang, white Palace Lord do not worry!”

“This palace passed by here, I heard a change, what happened?” Bai Ziyue asked.

“There is nothing wrong with it. Someone drove the Battleship and broke into the Hatoyama Palace. My master happened to meet it and went to suppress it.”

Xu surnamed Young master said casually.

“Fat Venerable?”

The white purple moonlight is slightly condensed and looks into the distance.

“hēi hēi, this Battleship is good, this Venerable is coming!”

The bald old man is close to the Thor, and is directly attracted by the gorgeous Thor, creating the mind of the ship.

“Take this Venerable stop!”

The bald old man took a palm shot directly, and the Giant Palm covered the sky, blocking the front of the Thor, and the card’s Raytheon could not move forward.

5-Star Ancestral God !

The bald old man manifests the aura, which is 5-Star Ancestral God level.


In the Battleship of the Thor, the sound of Zhao Fang’s indifference was heard.

“Roll? Bastard, listen to your voice is not big, the tone is quite crazy!”

The bald old man looks like a smile, it seems that there is no anger.

But Xu, who is standing at the Mountain Gate of the Hagiagong Palace, shook his head. “The fellow is too arrogant, and he dares to let the teacher roll. This is bound to be dead.”

“Good familiar voice! Is that he?”

Bai Ziyue likes that he didn’t hear Xu’s youth, his body trembled, his eyes staring at the Thorship, full of expectations!

The bald old man took the action again and wanted to pull Zhao Fang out of the Thorship.

The results can be imagined.

Raytheon Battleship, which is owned by the Thunder Young Master Sas, is the common Battleship?

Several counterattacks, so that the bald old man is gray, and the difficult situation is unbearable!

“bastard, this Venerable wants to kill you!”

The bald old man is very angry and takes action. He wants to blow the Thor.

The Thor’s hatch opens.


A silhouette flies out.

Go straight to the bald old man.

“Is it finally come out?” Bald old man eyes cruel, “Go to hell!”


That silhouette coldly swept a bald old man.

At a glance, this powerful 5-Star Ancestral God was frightened and unable to move.

“Who is this person?”

at that moment.

The bald old man strongly felt that his heart seemed to be caught by a Vicious Beast, an indescribable choking sensation, and his forehead instantly appeared countless sweat.

The Thor Ship stopped.

There are two other silhouettes coming out.

One man and one woman.

“Young master !”

Just now, the old man, the unparalleled man, the White robed Youth who walked down the Battleship, extremely respectfully.

“God Lord?”

Bald old man startled.

But with the last lesson, he can’t be arrogant this time.


A man and a woman beside White robed Youth, he could not see through.

Always feel that they are strong!

At least stronger than yourself!

“Who are you? Why have I never seen you?” Zhao Fang looks at bald old man.

On the day of the run amok, the Ancestral God Realm Powerhouse in the palace, almost all appeared.

But there is no such bald old man in front of him.

“this Venerable… I, I am new to the name, called the gallery.”

The bald old man just wanted to call this Venerable, but quickly reacted and corrected.

Zhao Fang didn’t care.

Cross the gallery directly and fly towards the Mountain Gate location.

Tall one-eyed red hair man, swept the gallery, indifferently said: “If it is not your just now, it is to maintain the Hagia Palace, at this moment, die early!”

Bald old man body trembled.

In the evil dragon’s eyes full of evil looking, he did not doubt the authenticity of this sentence.


The aura that the evil dragon spreads at will makes him feel suffocated.

This is at least 6-Star Ancestral God, to give him such a strong Pressure’s Might.

“What’s going on?” Xu surnamed you a little worried, “Is the master respect suppressed?”

Because of the distance, he is not clear about what happened.

But still can see.

Originally murderous aura The bald old man, at the moment, is like a follower, followed by the redhead man behind.

“It’s him!”

Bai Ziyue suddenly surprised and shouted.

The whole person flew straight out.

Not only her.

Ancestral God Powerhouse of Bai Ziyue behind, at the moment, his face is also bright.

There are two people, and even the voice of the two people, Reze and Gu Xuan, who are practicing in seclusion.

“Young master !”

Bai Ziyue is delighted.

“Young master ?”

Xu surnamed you.

what’s the situation.

What kind of identity of the three people, so that the eyes are higher than the top, the white purple moon has always been so excited, so excited, also called the other party as Young master?


Xu surname youth complexion gloomy.

Since joining the Haoxi Palace, I have been pleased with Bai Ziyue many times. The other side is neither hot nor cold.

I thought that her temperament is like this!

However, in front of the scene, Xu was extremely annoyed.


He is not a fool.

Even your own masters are like a follow-up. With the young master’s follow-up, how can you be dissatisfied?


Zhao Fang laughed.

“I finally saw you!”

Bai Ziyue fluttered into Zhao Fang’s arms, and did not care that This is in the Hagia Palace, and he did not care about his identity as the Palace Lord.

“what happened?”

Zhao Fang feels that Bai Ziyue is somewhat abnormal.

“Time you are not here, do you know how much I worry about you?”

The white purple moon sounds with a cry.

“Don’t you haven’t seen it for half a year, is there such an exaggeration?” Zhao Fang said with a laugh, “I didn’t expect, my charm is good at Ah!”

“What is a small half year? From the last time you left the Hagia Palace to go to the Qing Dynasty, the old has been 50 years.”

White Purple Moon wipes away tears in the eyes, coldly snorted.

“What! 50 Year?”

Zhao Fang complexion big change, “No, I didn’t take long to go. Even if I counted the Dark Universe’s Time, it was only half a year. How did it become 50?”

“It’s 50 years!”

In the distance, there are several tyrannical auras coming together.



Xu surnamed you clearly know them, eyes are miniature, and they are more curious about Zhao Fang’s identity.

He knows that the Palace Lord on the surface of the Nagase Palace is Bai Ziyue.

But in fact, it is the two people in front of the entire Xiaxia Palace.

They are the right-hand man of Bai Ziyue, the real confidant.

Usually the size of the house is the first to pass their resolution.

After the results, the final approval of Bai Ziyue!

Together with their identity as Ancestral God, it can be said that these two people are the well-deserved Master of the Fallia Palace.

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