“I have seen Young master!”

The two people also all liked to Zao Fang as a salute.

Zhao Fang frowns, “Is it really 50?”

“Yes. Didn’t Young Master find that the Mountain Gate of the Hagiasam Palace is not old?”

Lei Ze said with a laugh.

Zhao Fang found this when he entered the vicinity of the Moon Gate Palace Mountain Gate.

If it is not near the Space coordinate position, he thinks that he is not in the wrong place.

‘damn it, is it because of the shuttle of the Greater Teleportation? ‘Zhao Fang complexion is ugly, think of one kind possible.

Compared to these, he is more concerned about a problem.

“How is the Lost Kingdom?”

Zhao Fang left the Kingdom of God, and once killed the Black Dragon Powerhouse, so that Luo Shenguo offended the Black Dragon.

He thought it.

He will soon be able to return from the dark universe, even if Black Dragon is revenge, he can take it all.

As a result, I appeared again, actually after 50 years later.

“Luo Shenguo?”

Lei Ze and Gu Xuanhe look at each other, brows slightly wrinkle.

“what happened?”

Zhao Fang asked.

“Young master, let’s go in and say!”

Lei Ze greets Zhao Fang.

“It’s not convenient here!”

Bai Ziyue also said.

See the reaction of two people, Zhao Fang sinks in his heart and has a bad feeling.

A group of people stepped into the Fallia Palace.

Xu surnamed and his master, the 5-Star Ancestral God Realm’s bald old man, also followed.

Zhao Fang sat in the Palace Lord position.

This really shocked the two people.

That’s the only place where the Palace Lord can sit.

Normally, even the two high-ranking Elders of Reze Gu Xuanhe did not dare to sit.

What surprised them even more.

Lei Zegu Xuan He, even Bai Ziyue himself, is very calm and seems to feel normal.

‘Who is this fellow? This Venerable has been thrown into the Hagia Palace, and I have never heard of it. Behind the Nagase Palace, there is such an exquisite background. ‘One God Lord, but has two 6-Star Ancestral God ranked guards.

How to look at this is a remarkable sign of the background.

“Say it!”

Zhao Fang said solemnly.

“Forty-eight years ago, the kingdom of Luo was shattered. Today, the one who took over the kingdom of Luo is the southern king of the Black Dragon, Chen Nan.”

Lei Ze is awe-inspiring.

“So, the Roman gods were finally destroyed by the Black Dragon gods?”

“It is like this, but it is not all!”

Said, Lei Ze looked at Zhao Fang and asked, “Young master whether the sin of Lei Yan people?”

“Leiyan? Well, killing their Young Master Sas!”

Zhao Fang nod.

“That’s right.”

Reze nodded slightly, “In fact, the first to start with the Luoshen Kingdom, not the Black Dragon god country, but the Lei Yan family. Lei Yan Old Ancestor personally take action, but was blocked outside the array.”

“There is a Dragon Race Powerhouse oversee in Luoshen, and the Leiyan people are besieged in March. They can’t break the city. In the end, Lei An Old Ancestor went to the Black Dragon, and the two Great Influences joined forces!”

“Black Dragon seems to have invited a Dragon Race Powerhouse from Wanlong Nest to trap it and bring it back to the Wanlong Nest. This is only the two Great Influences.”

“At that time, Luo Luo, the king of Luoshen, was directly injured by his heart. If it was not the Immemorial Star Powerhouse, I was afraid that the early was killed by Lei An Old Ancestor!”

“However, Luo Yi’s thought is alive, but the rest of Luo Shenguo, but all died, not only Fleshy Body collapsed, but even the soul is also detained by Lei Yan Old Ancestor, brought back to Lei Yan, and suffered from lightning every day!”

Lei Ze’s words just finished.


Zhao Fang slammed on the table and instantly smashed one piece of expensive pieces.


“Wanlong Nest!”

Zhao Fang looked up and saw a few fires.

He did not expect it.

The Leiyan people took the lead in taking action, and they could not help but destroy the Luoshen country. They also detained so many souls and made them die.

Even Tyrannosaurus was imprisoned by Wan Long Chao Powerhouse.

However, the only good news is that Luo Wei did not die.

Immemorial Star Powerhouse?

‘Luo Yu and Immemorial Star seem to have no connection, is it because of Xu Tianhuang’s sake? ”It seems that it is necessary to ask him! ‘Zhao Fang picked up his eyes: “Continue!”

“After the Leiyans destroyed the Luoshen Kingdom, the Black Dragon God Kingdom no longer wait and see, and took over the war-torn Luoshen State.”

“At the time, the entire territory of the Luoshen Kingdom was not very flat. Every Great Sect Influence took action, fish in troubled waters. I also took action several times in the Xiaxia Palace, and I was slightly captured…”

Listened to it.

Zhao Fang has a complicated heart.

I haven’t had 50 years since I practiced myself.

did not expect.

Once I moved, I was trapped in 50 years.


For the ordinary year, 50 may be a long time for the sea to change into a mulberry field.

But for Martial Artist.

Especially the Ancestral God Powerhouse.

That’s just a matter of fingering.


Zhao Fang got up and his eyes were cold. “If you dare to kill Luo Shenguo, then take the knife first!”

As for how Lei Yan people know their identity and their relationship with Luo Shenguo, Zhao Fang is also extremely curious.

In terms of reason.

Knowing his identity, only Xu Tianhuang Yang Feng Murong and others.

Xu Tianhuang occasionally has some pride, but acting as a person is still bright and upright, and should not betray himself.

‘Don’t let me know who it is, otherwise…’Zhao Fang in the eyes is full of killing intent.

He hates this fellow behind his knife. Once he finds it, he will definitely eradicate it.

Suddenly, outside the hall, there was a flustered voice.

A peak god, he rushed into the chamber, yelled: “Palace Lord, Palace Lord, major event is not good!”

“Day Zong’s Sect Master Reminder’s knife, with the powerhouse of Lei Ziong, kills the Hagiagiya!”

This statement came out.

All Powerhouses in the House of Parliament have changed color.

“What? Day Lei Zong Lei Mingdao personally went out?”

“This fellow is 5-Star Ancestral God Late Stage. If he takes action, who can stop it?”


The current strength of the Lost Palace.

When using Reze Gu Xuanhe as a strongest.

Relying on Zhao Fang, he left Pill Medicine, and both people have been thorough breakthrough 5-Star Ancestral God Realm.


Both are 5-Star Ancestral God Initial Stage.

Even if they join hands, they can’t beat the Remington knife of 5-Star Ancestral God Late Stage.

“And, and the Reminder knife seems to be accompanied by a Sir object, the Sir is extremely powerful, and instantly kills three of our Supreme Elders.”

That peak God continues to cried.

The Supreme Elder of the Hagiaid Palace is generally 3-Star Ancestral God.

It is impossible to kill three 3-Star Ancestral Gods, even if they are ordinary 5-Star Ancestral God.


The other party can accompany the Remington Knife, and will there be only Strength?

But everyone did not panic.

Their eyes fell on Zhao Fang.

“Young master, do you want I’ll go?”

Asked the evil dragon.

Zhao Fang shook his head, “I come in person!”

When the evil dragon saw it, he knew that Zhao Fang had learned that Luo Shenguo was destroyed, his heart was suffocating, he needed to vent, and he did not insist!

Just in my heart, it is inevitable to mourn for Lei Ziong, who hit Zhao’s muzzle.

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