..,strongest level up The first seven hundred and seventy-seven chapters of self-confidence shocked the outside of the palace.

The densely packed hundreds of Ponte Great War ships, which will hang around the entire Xia Zong.

Battleship above, standing with thousands of aura 彪悍, the eyes of the cold and secluded day Lei Zong Powerhouse.

Day Lei Zong.

The famous Great Influences in the Kingdom of God.

Sect Master, 5-Star Ancestral God Late Stage.

Under the Sect Master, there are five 5-Star Ancestral God, nine 4-Star Ancestral God, and more than 30 Ancestral God Initial Stage.

No matter the level or quantity of the Powerhouse, only the kingdom of God can overwhelm them.

Today, the day of Lei Zong Battleship, the soldiers are on the Xiaxia Palace.

For the discipline of the Hagiaid Palace, this is a great disaster.

Day Lei Zong has always been overbearing, surrounded by its Sect, and ultimately can’t escape the doom of the destruction.

In the view of many falls Elder of the Hagiasho, the Saigon Palace will also step into these Sects.

For a moment.

In the entire Yexia Palace, there is a faint sense of despair.

Day Lei Zong is at the forefront of hundreds of Battleships.

There is a lightning-shaped Battleship, the lightning spread on the Battleship surface, which is extremely rich.

The other Battleship is like a courtier to the king.

Lightning Battleship is extremely dazzling, and the people above are also very dazzling.

All days, Lei Zong Powerhouse knows that on the Sect Master’s exclusive Battleship, there is a Sir that is stronger than the Sect Master.

Battleship is at the forefront.

Day Lei Zong’s Sect Master, a rough man with a big beard, is now respectfully and cautiously standing on the side of a silver-haired youth.

Silver hair youth carrying his hands, calming his eyes, there is a violent Thunder intertwined.

The most striking thing is that this person’s between the eyebrows.

There is a lightning scan.

There is the ultimate strength of Berserk. Even if the silver hair turns around, Lei Mingdao does not dare to look at him, lest he see his forehead lightning imprint, was hurt by his lightning source.

“Shocking Sir, this little Haicha Palace, there is no qualification at all. I am disturbed by Sir. You hand it over to me. There is no time for it to make the Hagiagong Palace a thing!”

Rough bearded Remington knife, be careful, look at the silver hair youth, pay attention to smile cautiously.

“I just passed by, you don’t have to care, what to say.”

The silver hair youth voice is indifferent, “However, I heard that the new Palace Lord in the Hagia Palace is a big beauty?”

Speaking of it, the silver hair of your eyes, passing a touch of color.

Lei Ming knife startled, this only thinks, the shock in front of the eyes, not only the famous 6-Star Ancestral God, but also damn is a color.

‘No wonder he will come to the Hagia Palace, it was originally because of the new Master of the Fallia Palace. ‘Reming knife immediately understood, patted the chest to ensure: “The new Palace Lord Bai Ziyue, used to be the Supreme Talent, is a famous big beauty in the country of God. Sir, I will take her! ”

“Beauty can catch? Please!” Silver hair youth coldly swept a Lei Ming knife.

Lei Mingdao had a cold sweat on his forehead, and he was too busy to admit his mistake: “I am confused, Sir said it is very, I will give you Bai Ziyue!”

Just talking.

Falla Palace’s defense array activate.

A White robed Youth came out from inside.

“God Lord?”

Lei Mingdao looked up and saw the White robed Youth cultivation base at a glance, with a trace of disdain.


Evil dragon, bamboo leaf green, white purple moon, Lei Ze and others, fish out of the defense array.

For other people, Lei Mingdao directly ignored, his eyes fell on Bai Ziyue, his eyes revealed a surprise, big said with a laugh, “I am not coming out, I did not expect, actually sent to the door!”

Said, Lei Mingdao looked at Bai Ziyue, “White Palace Lord, your blessing is coming!”

“This Sect Master introduces you to you. This is the thundering Sir of Lei Yan. He looks at you as a pleasing eye. I am ready to point you a second or two. Don’t hurry to pays respect to shake Sir!”

Lei Ming knife pulled the tiger skin as a coat.

I forgot to drive the ship to over 100, to the true purpose of the Hagia Palace.


Bai Ziyue has not yet started to talk, and that in the impression of Lei Mingdao, the white god of the cannon fodder is obviously looking at the earthquake.

After seeing the lightning imprint on the forehead, I sneered, “Sure enough, Lei Yan clansman!”

“brat is crazy, is there a copy of your voice here?”

Lei Mingdao saw the dissatisfaction of the dry eye, and immediately took the action, a purple thunder knife emerged out of thin air, straight to Zhao Fang.

‘You can die under the knife of this Sect Master. You are proud of it. ‘Reming knife heart zhong thought like this.


He found an extremely eccentric phenomenon.

In the face of his extremely sharp and sharp knife, the Powerhouse of the Los Angeles Palace is like a blind eye, and there is no reaction at all.

It is as if the terrifying Thunder aura is not existence.

“What? Dare to underestimate this Sect Master?”

Lei Ming’s eyes are cold and cold.

He did not find that the evil dragon bamboo leaves green, even Lei Ze and others, when looking at themselves, the eyes are carrying a trace of mercy.

“Trivial Thunderblade, I want to marry me? Give me a swallow!”

The icy sounds.

next moment.

Lei Mingdao was shocked to discover that his own knife that killed the ordinary 4-Star Ancestral God, after encountering the White robed Youth, was like a pug encountering the Master, not only did not hurt the other side, conversely was poured out by the other side. One by one lightning vortex swallow.


Thousand zhang Thunder knife annihilated invisible!

“how can it be?”

Lei Ming’s big eyes are hard to believe.

“én? You are also Lei Xiu? It seems that your insights on Ray’s source are quite high.”

It was only after the shaking that Zhao Fang was noticed that his eyes were a trace.

“Shocking Sir, I just hit it with a shot, I will kill him now!”

The Lei Ming knife that lost his face was angry and abnormal. He was directly out of Battleship. The whole person seemed to be transformed into a terrifying thunder and turned toward Zhao Fang.


Zhao Fang sipped, took a slap in the palm of his hand, and picked up the star from the sky. In Lei Mingdao’s horrified gaze, he directly pinched it.

Not just intentional or unintentional.

The soul of Lei Mingdao escaped.

How far has he escaped, he was caught by Zhao Fang.

“Ah~ What kind of monster are you! Shocking Sir! Help!”

Lei Mingdao was completely scared and shouted directly.

All the days of Lei Zong Powerhouse are also dumbfounded.

Grand Day Lei Zong’s Sect Master, 5-Star Ancestral God Late Stage’s Remington Knife, actually in the hands of a god, only took the move, was instantly killed.

How can this damn how can it be?

Days Lei Ziong disciple are only shocked and unable to believe in the scene.

Instead, it’s shaking the eyelids to reveal a trace of color. “It’s a bit of a skill, just the move, should it be the scope of Super Divine Skill?”

The earthquake is still confident and calm.

In his opinion, he is 6-Star Ancestral God, the cultivation base is higher than the Remington knife, and he is born in the Leiyan family. The insights of Ray’s origin are extremely powerful, and the combat power goes straight to 7-Star Ancestral God.

Even if Zhao Fang is fighting evildoer, he can fight 6-Star Ancestral God, and he is sure to pick it up. [ .wx.io]

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