..,strongest level up Chapter 178 Chapter Sometimes, Death is also a kind of enjoyment!

“I ask you.”

Zhao Fang stared at the earthquake and his eyes were cold. “You Lei Yan’s Lei Yan old dog, the detained Luo Shenguo Powerhouse spirit, how much is left?”

“Leiyan old dog?”

Shock dry startled.

I quickly reacted, and the other party said that it should be the family zhongNumber One Powerhouse, Lei Yan Old Ancestor.

The original still calm face, a trace killing intent: “Dare to abuse Old Ancestor, little bastard, you are dead!”

“It’s you who died!”

The words fall.


Zhao Fang disappeared in place.

When the people once again captured his silhouette, Zhao Fang appeared in front of the earthquake.

The earthquake is not flustered, the power of the thunder and thunder is swallowed, and the eye is killing intent. “Brat, you are a paradise, you don’t have to go, Hell has no door…”


If the words are not finished, the shaking will be propped up by Zhao Fang in heaven and earth, directly crushing the heavy injury and flying out.


Days Lei Ziong Powerhouse are at a loss.

More shocked!

In their zhong, most people know the identity of the earthquake.

More clearly, this Lei Yan Powerhouse’s Strength.

Even if ten Lei Ming knives are in front of others, they are not enough to see.

and so.

Even if Zhao Fang smashes Lei Mingdao, this group of Lei Ziong Powerhouses is not particularly desperate and angry.

Because they have pinned their hopes on the plate.

They want to come.

Once the shock takes action, Zhao Fang is absolutely dead.

What to expect.

In the first round, the shaking was carried out by Zhao Fang and directly injured.

This kind of proud record, simply brighten their eyes!

People can’t look straight!

“Coincident, it must be a coincidence that shaking Sir next round will definitely kill the pretty boy.”

All day Lei Ziong Powerhouse looks forward to it.

But waiting for it, it is to shake a path of 凄 恍 like wild beast like a painful roar.

The earthquake is strong and stronger than the ordinary 6-Star Ancestral God.

Even so.

In the face of heaven and earth refining, Zhao Fang, who gave birth to Primal Chaos Divine Strength, everything was a scum.

The earthquake was smashed by the three views of the heaven and earth in Zhao Fang, and even the relatives and mothers did not know, and even doubted life.

It was not until the cough up blood was seriously injured, as if all the waste liquid of the body was spit out, and even the water in the brain was emptied, he suddenly realized.

“Primal Chaos Divine Strength! Your inner and earth actually have Primal Chaos Divine Strength !”

“How can it be be? You are just a god, how can it like this?”

this moment.

Has been full of unwillingness to shake the ground, finally understand that he can not turn over, his face is shocked and complicated screams.

“God Lord can’t have Primal Chaos Divine Strength ?a frog in well !”

Zhao Fang sneered.

The heaven and earth inside the emperor once again crushed the past and compressed the space constantly.

In the end, the shattering was like a wild dog forced into the corner of the wall. It was full of flesh and blood, and there was no strength to struggle.

“You, who are you? You have Ability to kill me, why have you been tortured me?”

When I realized that Zhao Fang had Primal Chaos Divine Strength, the shock knew that he had smashed his opponent from the beginning.

If he can take it seriously at the time, turn around and run.

Maybe you can still save a life.

But he didn’t have this kind of consciousness at the time, which caused him to be seriously injured now. The bones of the body were crushed, and the whole person became a mud!

“Kill you? Don’t think so beautiful, Thunder old dog dare to torture the souls of those people in Luoshen, I will not let you better, I will let you know, sometimes Death is also a kind of enjoy!”

“And you can only die, you can’t live, you can’t die!”

Thinking of this, the shock only feels creepy.

“You, what are you with Luo Shenguo…”

Just saying, the earthquake is like thinking, carefully staring at Zhao Fang, suddenly yelled: “I know, you, you are the fellow of the killed Sass!”

“I can recognize me. It seems that Lei Yan’s old dog is a bit of a skill!”

Zhao Fang is not unexpected.

“Our Leiyan clansman was pulled out of part of the bloodline from the moment of birth, and placed in the ancestral temple to prevent accidents. On the occasion of the fragmentation of Sas’s name, Old Ancestor used the Saskatchewan residual bloodline to calculate his cause of death. ”

“Similarly, you kill me now, Old Ancestor will also perceive it, and will kill you immediately, destroying your whole family!”

The earthquake shook.

“You can’t wait for him.”

Zhao Fang shook his head. “And, even if he doesn’t come, I will go to the Thunder and kill the old dog!”

Bang! Bang!

The heaven and earth inside the emperor will be shaken and suppressed, and the conscious.

But every time this time.

Zhao Fang will take out some of the spirits, repair the earthquake and let him recover.

Then abuse again.

Cycle back and forth.

Look at the day Lei Ziong Powerhouse all over the body, cold, look fear, even watching Zhao Fang’s thoughts, do not dare.

The onlookers are still like this.

Not to mention the earthquake.

Rao is his willingness to be as iron, and the torture of Inhuman for dozens of times has caused him to collapse.

Even start to talk to die.

Zhao Fang ignored him and still tortured.

After more than two hours, the earthquake was tortured to death by his life, and his heart was suffocating.

“Do you want to die and live?”

Zhao Fang looks at the remaining days of Lei Zong Powerhouse.

As early as when Zhao Fang tortured the earthquake, Tian Lei Zong Powerhouse knew that there was absolutely no hope for the discussion of the Hagia Palace.

I am going to run.

But it was stopped by the evil dragon and bamboo leaves.

Two people emits the aura, so that all the days Lei Zong Powerhouse, are afraid, do not dare to move.

This will wait until Zhao Fang kills the brain.

“I want to live!”

“Seeking Young master to give a living!”

“Young master Ming Jian, we are all forced by the Lei Ming knife, the bastard, in fact, we are all kind and honest Martial Artist.”

“Yeah, Young master, let us live a life!”

For a moment.

Nearly one hundred Boatship’s Tian Lei Zong Powerhouse, all in front of Zhao Fang, pray for survival.

They didn’t even think about it, using Battleship itself to attack Zhao Fang.

Can think of it.

Lian Zhengan was killed by the other side, Battleship that point might, simply can not help each other.


Once the Battleship is dispatched, it will inevitably irritate Zhao Fang.

At that time, not only will life not be guaranteed, but it will also fall into the realm of Realm.

more importantly.

They believe that Zhao Fang has no innocence with Zhao Fang, and Zhao Fang killed the leader and Lei Ming knife, they should not care about them.

after all.

In the eyes of this Rank Powerhouse, they are humble, like the mole cricket and ants on the ground, not worth mentioning!

“Do you want to live? Good, then I will give you a chance to live!”

Zhao Fang has a smile on his lips.

Immediately, Lei Ziong Powerhouse on the Battleship, quickly bowed to thank, and treated Zhao Fang with one kind of respectful ancestor.

“Everyone, with me to kill Lei Yan, if you can survive in the end, it is your creation, I will not pursue your fault!”

This statement came out.

The Lei Zong Powerhouse, who is busy with the hoe, is completely dumbfounded!

Killing Lei Yan?

You still kill us now! [ .wx.io]

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