Chapter 172, 5-Star Martial Venerable!


When I heard the name.

Zhao Yuanhao has a sense of familiarity.

Looking at Zhao Zhengfeng and watching the number, he suddenly realized, yelled, “this Venerable thinks, you are Zhao Zhan’s father?”

Zhao Zhan.

It was his life.

A few opponents.

It can even be said that Zhao Zhan is the only one of his opponents in his life, qualification, natural talent, which one of the most evildoer!

Zhao Zhan was born in Branch Clan, but he is not weaker than his cultivation base.

This made the Zhao Yuanhao at that time very uncomfortable.

Especially in Clan Gathering.

Two people fight, evenly matched!

This makes Zhao Yuanhao unacceptable.

He does not want to believe that a trivial branch of a person can actually tie himself.


At the last moment of the fight, the two people are huge and are on the edge of the weak.

Zhao Yuanhao, ignoring Clan Gathering Law, quietly took a copy of Pill Medicine, which was the first step, completely defeating Zhao Zhan, and the person who might become the enemy, was crippled!

Under Zhao Zhengfeng surprised and angry, the roaring face also made him remember deeply.

He thought it.

Nothing to see Zhao Zhan in this life!

I did not expect it.

This time, Clan Gathering above, I saw Zhao Zhan’s father.

His eyes flashed and he scanned the sooner Zhao Fang, who was getting closer with a laugh: “What is Brat, the son of Zhao Zhan?”

Finished, wait for Zhao Zhengfeng to answer.

He continued to sneer, eye reveals ruthless color: “It seems that this Venerable is the nemesis of your Clan. Eighteen years ago, Zhao Zhan was in the middle of the day and was disabled by this Venerable. Today, his son is still in full swing, even killing me. Yuanzong, but then, he has to kill for me! Not only that, but also you, and your behind clansman, will be obliterate!”

“I hate Ah! I know that, even if Old Man says anything, let Fang’er wait for ten years. Just give him a ten-year time, even if you have 5-Star Martial Venerable cultivation base, Fang’er will kill. !”

Zhao Zhengfeng The voice is full of regrets.

At the moment when Zhao Yuanhao was imprisoned, his body could not move, and a Death felt, covering the whole body.

he knows.

This time, I am afraid that I will be more fierce!

“ten years?”

Zhao Yuanhao sneered, “It’s a pity. But it’s life! Your branch can’t compete!”

While speaking.

He waved his hand.

An invisible True Force fluctuation swept out, move towards Zhao Zhengfeng behind everyone went.

In an instant.

Zhao Mei and others, I feel deeply trapped in the mud, an unspeakable pain, spread throughout the whole body.

Their eyes are rolling, and there is a bloody surge in the eyes.

The face is more red.

A pair of people are caught in the throat and will suffocate and die.

“Zhao Yuanhao, you give i your father to stop!”

Zhao Fang saw this scene, his eyes were red and his voice was roaring.

The speed of his speed is a bit faster.




At Zhao Fang, speed up at the same time.

The a path of the young silhouette, but suddenly burst out, turned into a group of Blood Mist, with a strong smell of blood, spread between this heaven and earth.

In the blink of an eye, there are three people dying on the spot!

“That is, the consequences you have to bear to kill Yuanzong!”

Looking at the more and more Zhao Fang, Zhao Yuanhao grin hideously said: “I will let you witness the clansman die one by one, in the painful torture, will cramp your skin! Sacrifice Yuanzong!”

His words are full of ruthlessness and killing intent.

It makes people feel that there is a feeling of one kind of war.

It seems to be why he is attached to him.

The voice fell.

There are also a few Zhao family disciple, the body burst open, turned into a Blood Mist, dissipated between heaven and earth.

Just a few skills in the blink of an eye.

More than 20 people brought by Zhao Zhengfeng have already died five or six.

The remaining few people.

Both are eye reveals of fear.

They brushed and looked at Zhao Fang, with hope and expectation.

I hope that Zhao Fang can save them!

But these hopes, but between Zhao Yuanhao waved, turned into nothing.

Several more people died.

The nearby smell of blood is getting thicker and thicker!


With Zhao Yuanhao cultivation base, I want to obliterate Zhao Zhengfeng and others, just a wave of skills.

But he was eager to torture Zhao Fang.

Deliberately not all to kill.

Zhao Fang’s blood in his eyes is getting richer.

Mind thinks of the picture of clansman’s tragic death.

That pair is full of hope, longing for the eyes of Life.

But in split second, it became bleak, and eventually, even a body did not stay.

Anger, killing intent…

Entangled in the heart of Zhao Fang, and like a flame, burning in his chest.

“Zhao Yuanhao, you will die today!”

Zhao Fang looked up, his eyes were all replaced by blood-red, looking at Zhao Yuanhao, one word at a time.

This sound is filled with endless cold, with killing intent.

Among them, the baleful qi even condensed into substance.

Turn into a path of 涓涓 trickle, impact.

Actually in split second, blocking the offensive between Zhao Yuanhao.

Zhao Yuanhao startled.

In a sacred skill, Zhao Fang rushed to the front.

Loudly screamed.



“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, consumes one million Divine Grade Proficiency , activate Level 1 Berserk !”

After the Level 1 Berserk, the Zhao Fang attribute doubled.

Strength, speed, and strength are all doubled.

His strength at this moment, alwaysy is infinitely close to Martial Venerable level!


Zhao Yuanhao noticed that Zhao Fang was abnormal, gaze shimmers, “what is this Secret Art, can you split the second, let you have the Strength of the Martial Venerable Initial Stage?”

“Old man, pay with your life !”

Zhao Fang didn’t answer, just snorted, Ten Veins Divine Sword came out, and the killing intent swept out.

“act recklessly !”

In this regard, Zhao Yuanhao is just a sneer.

I am about to take an action.

Suddenly, he browed slightly.

It seems to think of something interesting, so I am standing in the same place, not dodging, and there is no plan to fight back.

Just grab a hand when the ten word wave is approaching.

Behind the dozens of people who were banned by it, several people were caught by them and appeared in front of them.

These figures are all the same people of Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang was shocked and quickly stopped.

Zhao Yuanhao’s grasp is not to keep them in front of them, but to cast them like a weapon to Zhao Fang.

Even if Zhao Fang closes, it can’t stop their impact.

Moreover, speed is extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the ten-wave sword wave before, like a moth, rushed up.

“Do not!”

Zhao Fang roared.

But it can’t stop it at all.

A few figures, in an instant, were smashed by the ten-sword wave.

Broken meat and blood, splashing Zhao Fang whole body.

Zhao Fang stunned standing in the same place, eyes are godless, it seems silly!

“Ha ha ~ personally obliterate clansman feeling, is it very wonderful?”

Zhao Yuanhao gloomy smiled. “You can rest assured that there are still five or six people here. It should be enough for you to kill it again. It is not good, and there is this old thing!”

Zhao Yuanhao grin hideously, Zhao Zhengfeng, and Zhao Mei Zhao Hai and other five or six people, all in front of them.

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