Chapter 173 Character Summoning Card!

“Zhao Yuanhao, I want to kill you!”

Zhao Fang eyes red, issued a wild beast-like roar, Ten Veins Divine Sword came out, with the slightest hesitation Z Zhao Yuanhao.

Zhao Yuanhao eye reveals Sneer, in the eyes, the color of the playfulness flashes.

Did not react, stood still, waiting for Zhao Fang to move.

The ten-sword sword wave is getting closer and closer, and the Sword Qi, which is so fierce, tears the air and makes a harsh sound of ‘嗤嗤’.

But when it was approaching Zhao Zhengfeng and others, Zhao Fang grabbed his hand and the sword wave that was about to approach was recovered.

At the moment of returning to the sword wave, Zhao Fang body trembled, and the surface flashed a trace of painful color.

“I want to trick this Venerable and throw them out as a meat shield. How do you save? It’s ignorant, do you really think that this little trick can win this Venerable?”

Zhao Yuanhao, across Zhao Zhengfeng and others, looks to Zhao Fang, in the eyes, and is more and more intense.

A stream of blood oozes from the Zhao Fang corner of the mouth.

The seemingly crazy brainless attack, in fact, is to wait for Zhao Yuanhao’s counterattack.

I did not expect it.

The other party actually saw through.

Zhao Fang had to withdraw Sword Qi.

But Sword Qi is too aggressive, even if he is prepared.

Under such a hasty evacuation, it was still hurt by Sword Qi.

“Trever Worthy is Martial Venerable !”

Zhao Fang smiled bitterly, but his eyes were extremely cold. Latest fastest update

“Zhao Yuanhao, don’t you always want to be with me? i your father is now fulfilling you, rolling over and seeing how your father knows you!”

Zhao Fang shouted.

Although it is dangerous to fight with 5-Star Martial Venerable.

But at least, the safety of Zhao Zhengfeng and others will be guaranteed.


He still underestimated Zhao Yuanhao.

“With your Strength, what qualification does it allow this Venerable take action?” Zhao Yuanhao looked at Zhao Fang with disdain, then cold said with a laugh, “Even if you kill you, it is difficult to understand this Venerable hate, down It is better to torture you before you die!”

Zhao Fang is cold and cold, and the flame of his chest is about to erupt. He wants to stand on the fellow who is standing at Zhao Zhengfeng behind and burn it to ashes!

“What? You don’t continue taking action? If so, then this Venerable can take action first!”

Zhao Yuanhao Five fingers into a hook, the forefinger bends, seems to hook a thin silk that is invisible to the naked eye, and the other side of thin silk is connected to two Zhao family clansman.

Under the control of Zhao Yuanhao.

The bodies of the two Zhao family clansman moved uncontrollably.

Their eye reveals the horror color.

Struggling with the body, there is an extremely powerful force that binds them tightly and makes them lose control of the body.

Zhao Yuanhao’s intentions, they turned into a puppet in their hands, with a terrified kill to Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang did not move.

He saw clearly that Zhao Yuanhao was a thin line of Martial Dao True Force, which controlled the body of the two clansman.

The intention to let them rush, not to mention b!

Zhao Fang expression gloomy, does not play against the two people, just dodge with the movement technique.

But soon, he found something wrong.

The two people only own the Martial Master ranked cultivation base, but the strength of Strength can threaten the Martini Ancestor of the ordinary.

Look at the two people, with the body True Force exception Berserk.

The expression is painful and embarrassing, the eyes are red, even the skin, but also the blood of the infiltration.

That is with the body of blood, blood seeping through the body surface!

Zhao Yuanhao’s move is undoubtedly in the overdraft two people body, even if they don’t kill the two people, after this war, they will be overwhelmed by overdraft!

“You found out?” Zhao Yuanhao sneered.

“Zhao Yuanhao, you grand Martial Venerable, why do you want to make this kind of despicable means?”

Zhao Fang extremely angry, the killing intent in the heart, 飙promotes to the extreme.

“Despicable? This is what you killed the Yuanzong, the consequences to bear. I will not kill you now, I want you to experience, clansman loved ones died because of you, what it feels like!”

Zhao Yuanhao’s eyes are cold and the lips are a bit sinister.

The two people did not support how long.

The meridians within the body were destroyed by Zhao Yuanhao powerful’s Martial Dao True Force, and the whole guilt was also instantly misplaced.

In the two muffled sounds of ‘pēng pēng’, two people cough up blood, their eyes gradually dimmed.

At the moment of falling.

They stared at Zhao Fang, in the eyes, and they were very unwilling and questioned.

Seems to be asking Zhao Fang, why not save them!

Look at two people The expression of death, Zhao Fang bowed his head.

No one knows what his expression is at the moment.

I can only feel that Zhao Fang’s aura is very unstable and full of Berserk’s flavor.

It is like a volcano that will erupt.


Zhao Yuanhao sneered, his fingers slightly hooked, and two more people were under his control.

Among these two people.

One of them is Zhao Hai.

“Are you not a Branch Clan strongest talent? You can’t even save your own clansman, a Bran Clan strongest talent?”

“Speaking of it, you are now in the same situation as Zhao Zhan of the year. I want to save Branch Clan clansman, trying to challenge this Venerable, but in the hands of this Venerable, and finally, being thrown at the Mo Yun Mountain Range abyss Kill the valley.”

“You can rest assured that after you die, this Venerable will unload you eight pieces, turn you into a meat sauce, and let you reunite with your father!”

Zhao Yuanhao manipulated Zhao Hai two people take action , at the same time, and the words fell against Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang lowered her head and said nothing, but the aura is like a volcanic magma, especially Berserk.

Zhao Zhengfeng saw this scene, shouted: “Fang’er, quickly go! Leave us alone! Stay in the green hills, not afraid of no firewood! As long as you are alive, my Zhao family is Immortal!”

“Hey, Branch Clan strongest talent, abandon clansman, live alone?”

Zhao Yuanhao once again said coldly, at the same time, pointing to Zhao Zhengfeng, “Old Man, since you want to die like this, this Venerable will be yours. You will die under your own grandson, presumably, you should be able to see?”

After that, Zhao Yuanhao laughed loudly, and controlled Zhao Zhengfeng take action.


The icy voice suddenly spit out from the mouth of Zhao Fang and sounded on the field.

“Not enough, not enough! You can rest assured that after killing this old man, this Venerable will take you to Water Ceremony City and kill your own Clan…”

“I said enough, give i your father to stop!”

Zhao Fang suddenly looked up, with a black and white eye, reflecting the killing intent of the endless ice-cold.

“act recklessly, with you, dare to order this Venerable?”

Zhao Yuanhao eyes are cold, just about to start to talk, but see Zhao Fang has one piece green card in his hand.

The card is plain and faint, and there is a Martial General axe pattern on it.

But I don’t know why.

At the moment of seeing the green card, Zhao Yuanhao’s eyelids jumped wildly, and there was an extreme dangerous feeling in his heart.

“what’s going on? That’s just one piece ordinary green card, how can it make me feel this way?”

Zhao Yuanhao was shocked.


It is at this time.

The green card was crushed by Zhao Fang.

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