..,strongest level up The first thousand seven hundred and twenty chapters of the tigers are out!

“Where is the Leiyan family offending me?”

Zhao Fang laughed and smiled coldly: “You don’t say Old Ancestor in a word, destroying the kingdom of Luo, imprisoning my countless friends, and using lightning to punish them day and night. Now, I have to ask me, where is it for me?”

“Luo Shenguo?”

Zhenyuan startled.

Immediately, it seems to think of something, the eyes suddenly shrink, looking at Zhao Fang with amazement: “Is it you?”

“It seems that you know my identity.” Zhao Fang smiled and played.

“You, you are not dead in the dark universe, when will you return to the universe?”

After the earthquake, a few steps back, it is very wariness Zhao Fang.

He absolutely did not think that the 50 year had no news, so that the fellow, which was judged to be dead by Lei Yan Old Ancestor, went alive out of the dark universe and returned to the universe.

not only.

Also killed the Lei Yan family doorway!

Simply slip the world!

“Dam in the dark universe?” Zhao Fang looked at him with a slight gaze and smiled: “It’s a bit interesting, tell me, who told you that I am dead in the dark universe, and now I can give you a happy way to die!”

When I heard that Old Ancestor had killed Luo Shenguo, Zhao Fang had speculation that someone must give up his information.


How does Lei Yan Old Ancestor know his relationship with Luo Yan, and thus destroys Luo Shenguo.

Also let Zhao Fang catch a tyrannosaurus.

It seems to be now.

pretty close!

“A happy way to die?”

Zhenyuan squinted at the behind swarming Leiyan Powerhouse, the air seems to be full, staring at Zhao Fang 狞said with a laugh: “bastard, you ruined my holy land, and my family made irreconcilable until death The bloody hatred, I still want to talk from my mouth, dreaming!”

Zhao Fang sighed. “I wanted to give you a happy way to die. If you don’t want it yourself, then don’t blame me!”

“Evil Dragon!”

“Bamboo leaves green!”

Two people came out of Zhao Fang momentarily.


Zhao Fang The sound is cold, hehe! Hey!

Two silhouettes at the same time move, carrying the aura that caused Zhenyuan, and even the entire Leiyan group, to be shocked, to kill Zhenyuan and Leiyan clansman.

“Take the enemy!”

Zhenyuan 嘶吼.

At the crucial time, any words are superfluous, only to drag the enemy, waiting for Lei Yan Old Ancestor to appear is king.

Hundreds of Thundering Powerhouses have responded.

Three 50% groups, put out a strange square matrix, or display the Combined Strike Technique, slamming the two dragons.

But they are this group of people.

Most of them are just Half-step Ancestral God level.

The rest are nearly 100 Ancestral God, most of which are Ancestral God Initial Stage, the remaining ten are 5-Star Ancestral God, five or six are 6-Star Ancestral God, and the 7-Star Ancestral God.


There are two 7-Star Ancestral Gods in Leiyan.

But when things go hot, there is only one 7-Star Ancestral God.

And their opponents.

Although only two people.

Can be two people One is 7-Star Ancestral God, and the other is 8-Star Ancestral God which is not inferior to Old Ancestor.

The two people together, it is not the shock of the Yuanyuan and others!

This is true.

In order to win, the evil dragon is for a moment to open the dragon world, full of bloody slaughter aura’s dragon world, covering hundreds of Thundering Powerhouse.

Most of these slaughter auras are accumulated by the normal killing of evil dragons.

Still others are the baleful qi that blends into the bottom of the crater.

Strong alliance, even if it is encountered by ordinary 8-Star Ancestral God, you should also frown, not to mention the Lei Yan people.

Pēng pēng pēng !

Just a shock crush.

In addition to the earthquake and four or five 6-Star Ancestral God barely stood still, the rest of the Powerhouse, all were flying.

Only the more than 300 people of Half-step Ancestral God Realm were even blasted on the spot!

The scene presents a one-sided rout!


Rao is a psychological preparation for the earthquake, but the result is still far beyond his expectations.

So when he saw this scene, he was completely shocked and stunned for a second.

It is this second.

Bamboo leaves are near.

She seems to be in the grass, patiently waiting for the prey to reveal the flawed hunter, in the moment of the loss of the gods, the most violent and deadly blow!

A green sword light, suddenly close to the earthquake head.


Under the sword, the head of Zhenyuan was directly thrown into the air, and his eyes were still unbelievable.

Especially when looking at the face of bamboo leaves.

His heart was shocked, like a turbid wave, emptying, difficult to calm down.

‘This, this is not a friend of SARS? I remember she was just 6-Star Ancestral God. When did it become so strong? ! ‘Bamboo Ye Qing, as a friend of Sas, has the opportunity to come to Lei Yan.

At that time, accidentally came across the earthquake.

For the look of the pretty, cultivation base, the deep female Ancestral God, the earthquake is naturally memorable.

“However, I want to rely on First Kill me, it is too naive!”

Zhenyuankou zhong sneer, with the body vitality, the body separated from each other, at the same time each repaired, two epicenters, appeared in Void.

This is the special Secret Art of Lei Yan, three thousand Lei illusion.

It sounds very sloppy. In fact, the illusion is not strong and can only be used as a bait to confuse enemy.

“What is really childish is you!”

Bamboo leaves green shook his head, hand zhonggreen divine sword, a touch of cold and quiet.

Zhenyuan body shrinks, it seems to feel something, looking at Zhu Yeqing with horror, “slut, what did you do to me?”

“hehe~ Forgot to tell you that this green demon sword, the body of the sword is covered with more than 800 kinds of venom to the poisonous beast, once the sword, unless there is antidote, otherwise, even if you are 7-Star Ancestral God, It must be dead!”

Bamboo leaves are said to be indifferent.

Zhenyuan listened to the creeps.

Can poison the venom of 7-Star Ancestral God?

Although some terrible, but the vast universe is so vast, even Ancestral God, can not claim to stand on the peak, can poison the venom of Ancestral God, although some rare, but the existence!

“Hey, you can’t get these venoms at all. If you want to marry me, just find a normal excuse!”

The sneer of the trepidation, the look of the guilty guilty, is obviously strong.

Bamboo leaves are laughing.

If she used to, she did not have this kind of Ability, and got these venoms.

The heavy-star star’s baleful qi giant pit line is not only the full harvest of Zhao Fang, but also the bamboo leaves, which are also greatly captured.

Not only an Ancient One is good at Inheritance of the poisonous senior, but also accidentally got a broken Green Devil sword.

After the repair of Zhao Fang (System), the Green Devil sword recovered as it was, the power of the power, even 8-Star Ancestral God, did not dare to slap its edge.

Even if the front is killing, Zhenyuan is not an opponent, let alone a sneak attack.

“Believe it or not!”

Bamboo leaves are too lazy to care for him. The poisonous extreme tyrannical of the Green Devil sword directly destroys the inner and earth of Ancestral God.

Once the heaven and earth are broken, Ancestral God becomes the passive water of the rootless wood, even the gods are not as good!

Zhenyuan complexion gloomy.

Ah, ~ ear, but there is a path of screams.

The Leiyan Powerhouses who were brought out to block Zhao Fang, in front of the evil dragons, are like a group of sheeps across the tigers, without any power.

In the blink of an eye, it was washed and suppressed!

“Old Ancestor, you won’t come out again, my Leiyan will be finished!”

There are a lot of Leiyan Powerhouse yelling. [ .wx.io]

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