..,strongest level up 1 721 chapter nine million heaven and earth !

Kill ten people in ten steps.

A thousand miles does not stay.

The evil dragon is like a peerless swordsman, every time take action, there will be Lei Yan Powerhouse commandment.

A dozen flashy skills, the originally injured Ancestral God Powerhouse, were basically lying on the ground.

Even those 6-Star Ancestral God are no exception!

The gap is too big!

In front of the evil dragon 8-Star Ancestral God, they have no room to fight back.


Hundreds of Powerhouses brought by Zhenyuan were directly killed by the evil dragons.

Even Zhen Yuan himself, who wants to escape, is also dragged by bamboo leaves.

What is even more tragic is that after several take actions, the shocking perception of the body is getting more and more weird. A gray Divine Strength that he has never touched is steadily eroding his inner and earth.

No matter how he resists me, it will not help!

A moment’s skill, the inner and earth of the earthquake, directly abolished most of the time!

“Really poison!”

Nowadays, Zhenyuan has finally cleared headed, consciousness to the seriousness of the injury.

“hehe, what is the taste of this poison?” The bamboo leaves are green and sultry. The little lips are filled with the flavor of evil looking.

“The demon woman, if I am dead, it will not make you happy!”

The Yuanyuan eye was congested and snorted, and the heaven and earth trembled.

“Do you want self-destruct inside heaven and earth?”

The bamboo leaf green complexion has changed dramatically, and the figure has quickly retreated.

“ha ha, no matter who you are, dare to invade my Leiyan, Old Ancestor will not let you go!”

After shouting the slogan, Zhenyuan’s inner and earth moments lightly, like Tribulation Thunder, terrifying Lei Wei, impact in all directions.

Along with Boom, a loud noise.

The whole piece of heaven and earth is left with that eye-catching white glow.

Berserk’s near-destruction of Thunder’s power, turned into a ripple of visible light visible to the naked eye, spreading in all directions.

at that moment.

Bamboo leaf green complexion ugly.

Bai Ziyue and others, it is complexion 煞 white, fear trembles.

For them, an 7-Star Ancestral God is an insurmountable mountain.

Such terrifying existence self-destruct, even 8-Star Ancestral God, is also a headache, let alone them. In front of this shock wave, everyone has no rebellious mind.

‘Be able to die before, pull them to bury, but also die without regrets! ‘consciousness is about to annihilate, Zhenyuan thinks like this.

But it is at this time.


Zhao Fang refers to the power of Thunder coming in front of him, and a flowing light is generated in the cuff.

The flowing light turned into a small tower, ushered in the storm, and instantly turned into a thousand zhang giant tower, which was blocked in front of Zhao Fang and others.

It is the floating tower!

The raft tower, Tier-8 artifact.

It belongs to the defense auxiliary artifact.

The best place is seal and suppression!

The so-called suppression.

Not only are some evils, even Divine Strength aura, and even individuals, can suppress!

The Thunder Force aftermath of the ecstasy self-destruct can also be suppressed!

The appearance of the floating tower is like a pinnacle of the sea, which instantly stabilizes the Berserk situation.

The power of the self-destruct of the earthquake is turned into useless!

“This, this is impossible!”

Zhenyuan was stunned, and the heart screamed to the extreme.

Originally thought that with the help of life, Zhao Fang group can also be a heavy injury or even killed.

In this case.

Even if you die, you can be killed.

But the result is now.

The power of self-destruct was blocked by the other party.

No one else injured!

In other words.

I am dead?

Split second, Zhenyuan felt the deep malice of the million universe, feeling that he was like a poor child who was abandoned.

Unwilling to be angry, it is 飙promotes to the limit!

But all this.

They have nothing to do with him.

Because he is going to die!


With the annihilation of the power of self-destruct, the last consciousness of Zhenyuan was also completely shattered and turned into cosmic energy, Scatter Starry Sky, no existence!

Grand Lei Yan Giant, the shock of 7-Star Ancestral God, was forced to self-destruct, dead!

Everyone who saw this scene felt incredible.

“Young master, is it okay?”


The evil dragon bamboo leaves Qing quickly rushed to Zhao Fang, and asked.

Zhao Fang shook his head and looked at Lei Yan World.

Thunder World has a countless array defense, coupled with the intentional evasion of the earthquake, causing Thunder World, just being crushed some outer array.

The entire World is relatively intact!


The evil dragon raised his eyebrows. “There was such a big movement outside. Even the thunder pool and the sea were taken away by the Young master. The Old Ancestor impossible could not be seen, but it was not coming out. What is this mean?”

“Don’t he be in Lei Yan World?” Zhu Yeqing guessed.

“he is.”

Zhao Fang is sure: “It must be.”

“I guess, too, or else, Zhenyuan is also impossible. We are sure that we will die.” The evil dragon ordered nod.

Then he frowned. “However, this Old Man can bear it. An 7-Star Ancestral God is killed under the eyelids. It doesn’t come out. This kind of person can’t handle it!”

Zhao Fang looked cold and looked at Thunder World. Indifferently said: “If he doesn’t dare to come out, then I will go and find him personally!”

“Young master !”


Evil dragon bamboo leaves are worried about looks at Zhao Fang.

White Purple Moon has no start to talk, but also does not want Zhao Fang to be in danger.

“Lei pool fire sea, this Rank heaven and earth can not help me, trivial Lei Yan World, and not Longtan Tiger Cave, why not?”


Zhao Fang took the Lei Zong man and passed through a path of defense on the surface of Lei Yan World to enter the interior of World.

“Young master, this Lei Yan World is known as nine million heaven and earth, and it is a mysterious, not a small one.”

Zui Yutang of Lei Zong Vice Sect Master and 4-Star Ancestral God peak reminded Zhao Fang after entering Lei Yan World.

Day Lei Zong, belongs to Lei Yan affiliated Influence.

For Lei Yan World, I still have some understanding.

Although I don’t know much, I obviously know more than the layman Zhao Fang.

“What about nine million heaven and earth?”

“It is said that Lei Yan World is not a whole, but Lei Yan Old Ancestor won 9 million of heaven and earth Refining with Great Expert.”

“In this nine million heaven and earth zhong, Lei Yan Old Ancestor is the absolute Ruler, as long as he is willing to hide in a heaven and earth, outsiders can not find.”

“Even if Strong is better than him, it is a very difficult thing to thoroughly explore the entire nine million heaven and earth.”

Zuo Yutang is slowly said.

“These, why didn’t you say it earlier?”

The evil dragon complexion gloomy stares at Zuo Yutang.

“I, I did not expect, Young master will enter directly here.” Zuo Yutang is very wronged.

Like these two Great Influences, there is very little one of the influences of the influence, directly into the other’s nest.

Even if the other side is weaker, the old nest is the place where they have been operating for many years. It is not comparable to the general place, and they will not get involved.

Unless enemy is dead!

Zhao Fang, but it is a complete accident. [ .wx.io]

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