Strongest level up The latest chapter!

The first seven hundred and twenty-two chapters are all in the sky!

“That is, we are looking for Lei Yan Old Ancestor at Lei Yan World, like a needle in a haystack?”

Zhao Fang complexion is also not very good looking.

“If it is a needle in a haystack, there is always hope to find it. In Lei Yan World, if Lei Yan Old Ancestor is hiding, no one can find him.”

Zuo Yutang said.

“No one can find him?”

Zhao Fang murmured and smiled. “I don’t believe in this evil.”


Zhao Fang looked at the evil dragon.

The evil dragon knows, the divine sense instantly spreads the entire Lei Yan World.

After a moment, the evil dragon looks gloomy.

“Young master, this World is really different, every heaven and earth is like an independent existence. It takes a lot of time and energy to search completely.”

The words of evil dragons are still somewhat conservative.

Within nine million heaven and earth.

Even 9-Star Ancestral God is here, there is no single hundred years, and you can’t search for it.


The divine sense of 9-Star Ancestral God is not endless.

Divine sense Scarcity needs to be supplemented, so that Time is counted again, want to let the divine sense turn around in 9 million heaven and earth, less to say 1000-year later.

And Zhao Fang, can’t wait for such a long time.

For a moment.

Zhao Fang One of the Powerhouse’s complexion is not very good looking.

Zuo Yutang complexion is as usual, but my heart is happy for this.

Searching for a longer time, at least representing the time they are alive, will also lengthen.

“Nine million heaven and earth?”

Zhao Fang smiled coldly. “Leiyan old dog, I really thought that there are nine million layers of turtle shells, I can’t find you?”

Same as Time.

Zhao Fang Interview Communication System: “Can you retrieve the entire nine million heaven and earth.”

“Yes, due to the huge amount of search work, 5 billion supreme coins need to be consumed, will continue?”

Zhao Fang complexion ashen.

5 billion supreme coins, also just the cost of the search.

He feels that his heart is bleeding.

“carry on!”

“Oh, sorry, Player supreme coins is not enough to continue!”

Zhao Fang remembered that his supreme coins, in the search for baleful qi giant pit, had already been exhausted.

“damn it, you vampire, father will be sucked up by you sooner or later!”

Zhao Fang cursed, take some treasure from the storage ring, direct Exchange to System, make up 5 billion supreme coins, directly activate search.

System take action, naturally it will not miss.

After about half an hour.

“Hey, find the target, 8-Star Ancestral God, location”

Zhao Fang is cold and cold, like a Viper. “Leiyan old dog, I hope that you have enough treasures. Otherwise, I will flatten the Leiyan family.”

Thousands of Powerhouses are heading towards the location of System Exploration.

“Hey, the goal is moving fast”

As prompted, there is a map in Zhao Fang mind with an extremely prominent red dot on it, and move towards the opposite direction of Zhao Fang.

“damn it, this timid fellow, is the 8-Star Ancestral God Old Ancestor?”

Zhao Fang cursed.

8-Star Ancestral God, it is not good to kill.


Lei Yan Old Ancestor is not giving Zhao Fang a chance at all. When he meets and flies, he wants to killing each other. Difficulty has undoubtedly soared several times!

“Evil dragon, you follow me!”

“Bamboo Ye Qing, you protect the purple moon.”

“Others, let go of great war, give me the Thunder!”

Zhao Fang left this sentence, pedaling Shrink The Ground To An Inch, and chasing away in the direction of Lei Yan Old Ancestor.

“I really let him discover Lei An Old Ancestor?”

Zuo Yutang squinted, and the look at Zhao Fang left the silhouette, feeling a little unreal.

But Lei Yan Old Ancestor just now escaped when the emus of the emits, Zuo Yutang clearly captured, know that it is the Aura of Lei Yan Old Ancestor.

He thought that Zhao Fang would take a long time, and maybe even spend 1000-year to find Lei An Old Ancestor.

Unexpectedly, it was only half an hour.

Lei An Old Ancestor has nothing to do with it.

This made Zuo Yutang shocked at the same time, and had a deep understanding of Zhao Fang’s deep and unmeasurable.

唰唰~Zhao Fang and the evil dragon speed are extremely fast.

The two people are almost always swaying through several heaven and earth, and they are constantly close to themselves and the location of Old Ancestor.

It took a full moment.

“Young master, that Old Man stopped.”

The evil dragon shouted, “He didn’t escape when he stayed in the same place. Is it necessary to prepare to fight the battle with us?”

“That Old Man is careful, how can it be will be desperate with us, it is estimated to be trapping!”

Zhao Fang’s clear eyes reveal a vicissitudes of life, indifferently spoke.


The evil dragon was shocked.

“Young master and be careful, let me explore first!”

As said, the speed of the evil dragon speeded up, instantly tearing a dozen times of heaven and earth, after a dozen breaths, came to the several heaven and earth where the old Ancestor of Lei Yan was located.

In this position, he has been able to clearly perceive the existence of Ray An Old Olds.

Even, you can detect the looks of the other party.

It is a form of appearance, aura fierce such as the tiger’s old man, sharp eyelids, with lightning and flame intertwined, full of dignity and oppressive aura.

“You are Dragon Race?”

In the evil dragon’s perception of the old Ancestor’s at the same time, Lei Yan Old Ancestor also perceives the evil dragon’s aura.

“Leiyan, come over accept death!” Evil dragon is no nonsense, directly called the war.

He has not seen Ray An Old Olds, but since the other party owns 8-Star Ancestral God aura, it is sure to be the master of nine million heaven and earth, the most Powerhouse of Lei Yan, and the old Ancestor of Lei Yan.

“You and I have no enmity, why do you want to fight?” Lei Yan Old Ancestor showed extreme reason, not to fight.

“Do you need a reason for the battle?”

The evil dragon sneered, the bloody dragon claws tore the scorpio, and instantly fell on the top of Lei An Old Ancestor.

Lei Yan Old Ancestor eyelids slightly lifted, not flustered, with the power of Lei Yan suppression.

He thought that with his own rumors on Lei Yan’s origin, in the same level, except for the Old Monster of the Holy Land, others were not their own opponents.

Can be a short-lived fight, but let him find that, relying solely on the power of Lei Yan, he could not help the evil dragon.

“How could this fellow be so strong?”

Lei Yan Old Ancestor was shocked. “I haven’t heard of any new peers in Dragon Race recently. Who is he?”

“hēi hēi, Lei Yan Old Ancestor, are you this Strength?”

The evil dragon sneered, “The loss you have previously sat in the thunderous pool of fire, the insights on the source of the thunderfire, actually so bad, it is so good resources!”

“you shut up!”

Lei Yan Old Ancestor seems to be a bit angry.

“How? Strength is still not allowed to say it? That’s OK. If you have the ability, use Strength to suppress Benlong.”

The evil dragon is mad and ridiculous, and Lei Yan Old Ancestor.

“You This is in court death!”

Lei Yan Old Ancestor seems to be really angry, his eyes are cold, his palms flapping, behind the heaven and earth, and the screaming loud noise.

Followed by.

A bloody wave that is more turbulent than the tide, has surged through the old and ancient old Ancestor behind.


The body of the evil dragon is the annihilation of the Blood Spirit Dragon, which is extremely sensitive to the blood. The for a moment is aware that the bloody waves are the accumulation of endless blood.

Seeing refreshing

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