Strongest level up The latest chapter!

The first seven hundred and twenty-three chapters and ten chapters, the gods!


From the blood tide emits aura and temperature point of view.

These are fresh blood.

Stripped out, less than ten minutes!

“In the short time, Lei An Old Old Ancestor killed a lot of people, even rivers of blood, baleful qi is so amazing?”

Evil dragon looks solemn.

The whole person stepped back and stared at this scene seriously.

“With the flesh and blood of my nine million heaven and earth creatures, I will build a heavenly altar, and I will sacrifice the flesh and blood to the people in front of me.”

At this moment, Lei Yan Old Ancestor is like an old god stick, a face of fanaticism, and a few words in the mouth.

Boundless bloodstream, surrounded by Lei An Old Ancestor.

Eventually flowed into front of him.

The bloody tides rushed to form a huge and extraordinary altar.

“You killed all the creatures of nine million heaven and earth? You are this perverted old madman!”

Rao is the evil dragon. He is self-proclaimed. He is very deviant, debauchery and free, and compared with Lei An Old Ancestor, he found that he is still too tender.

This Old Man is really too embarrassing.

Seeing that you are not sure to beat the evil dragon, you directly sacrificed the entire nine million heaven and earth creatures, and built a mad Great Array with their blood.

“Hey! Those creatures, but the cattle and sheep that Old Man has raised, to kill cattle and sheep, what can you care about?”

“And, the sacrifice of the great God of Heaven is the glory of their Supreme.”

Lei Yan Old Ancestor is like a madman, expression 狰狞.

“Go to your damn it Supreme glory, Ben Long is now crushing this altar, let the big god of the bird, dead in the belly!”

The evil dragons are like two blood rivers, the dragon body swings, and the Baleful Blood Qi is rushing, not inferior to the blood color energy gathered by the altar.

“én? Are you dying Blood Spirit Dragon?”

Lei An Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old

Immediately, the horror becomes ecstasy!

“It’s actually annihilating Blood Spirit Dragon, the best dragon of the slaughter. If you can capture your body, this Old Ancestor might break through the shackles and breakthrough into the 9-Star Ancestral God.”

Think of it here.

Lei Yan Old Ancestor is also a bit crazy.

He was promoted to 8-Star Ancestral God, already countless for thousands of years.

The potential is exhausted, and there is no possibility of this life.

For breakthrough, he looked for a variety of Secret Art to enhance his Strength.

The bloody altar in front of you is one of them.

It is also the most promising, allowing him to have Secret Art at 8-Star Ancestral God Realm comparable to 9-Star Ancestral God.


Comparable to 9-Star Ancestral God, how can it compare with the real 9-Star Ancestral God.

“ha ha ~ bestowed by heaven opportunity, I did not expect that when this Old Ancestor had to accept his life, Heaven actually took the most potential annihilation of Blood Spirit Dragon in the Dragon Race and sent it to this Old Ancestor.”

Lei Yan Old Ancestor is a bit mad at the excitement. When looking at the evil dragon, his eyes are full of deep desire.

This makes the evil dragon very unhappy.

“Blood Devouring Dragon Print!”

The unhappy evil dragon, directly open, use the Blood Spirit Dragon Inheritance obtained by the baleful qi giant pit.

A bloody dragon with a huge countless times than the body of the evil dragon, with the terrifying power of the devastating ground, one swallows the old Ancestor of Thunder and the bloody altar of towering sky!

The scene is instantly calm.

Only the evil dragons, and the Blood Devouring dragon seal.

Zhao Fang, who was watching in the rear, could not be slightly frowned.

“Be careful, that Old Man is still not dead!”

The words fall.

“gā gā gā ~~”

A gloomy 乖戾, a creepy laugh, from the Blood Devouring dragon seal.

“I didn’t expect that this big god just woke up, someone sent such a supplement, it is really my intention.”

Sharp and low, like the sound of the wind, into the ears of the evil dragon Zhao Fang.



Inside the Blood Devouring, there was a sound of chewing and swallowing.

“not good!”

The evil dragon complexion is slightly changed.

Not waiting for the defense of the Blood Devouring dragon seal, kā cā, the dragon seal directly broken.

A wolf-like tiger, with ten giant tails, red body, Twilight cruel’s strange Vicious Beast, rushed out from the dragon.

There is a gap in the belly of this strange Vicious Beast.

The Old Ancestor is like an inverted onion, pressed in this gap, the strength of the body, uncontrolled, crazy into the blood Vicious Beast within the body.

“what are you?”

Evil dragons have a wide range of knowledge, but for the creatures in front of them, they are black and white, without any impression.

“The ignorant junior, this great god is a god, not something.”


The bloody ten-tailed Vicious Beast, who seems to be aware of the problem in his own words, complexion gloomy, screams: “If you talk nonsense, you will surrender Fleshy Body. Free from the flesh, otherwise”

The evil dragon is not afraid, but with a pair of birds, “With your bird, you can also control my body and do your mother’s spring and autumn dream!”

“you court death !”

The bloody aura of the Divine Body is crazy, and it feels better than the Blood Devouring.

“Seek to die!”

The evil dragon dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, provocatively looking at the gods.

The eyes of the gods are cold and cold, snorted, and directly swallow the Blood Devouring dragons.


A pair of gloomy cold eyes, staring at the evil dragon, “that big god will let you see and see, the great god of terrifying!”


Blood light flashes.

The god of heaven disappeared in place.

Figure Instantly approached the evil dragon, ten-tailed swing, instant solidification, such as ten poles extremely hard long spear,simultaneously stabbed to the evil dragon.

“So fast!”

The evil dragon was shocked and swayed.

However, it was turned into a long spear, and the blood of the thorn was blurred.

Destroy the defense of Blood Spirit Dragon and instantly collapse!

The evil dragon itself was also bombarded a few times outside the thousand zhang.

“What? You are like Strength?”

The gods are ridiculed, and the silhouette disappears again.



With the attack of the gods, the evil dragons were completely suppressed and there was no counter-attack.

After a few rounds, the flesh and blood that was beaten were blurred and seriously injured.

“桀ha ha Ha ~ Long Xunzi, know the means of this great god, with you, also want to fight with this big god? Really overestimate one’s capabilities!”

“Now, you are still obediently dying! From now on, annihilating Blood Spirit Dragon will only have this god! 桀ha ha Ha~”

The triumphant laughter filled the sky, the vibration of all directions.

The evil dragon’s eyes are unyielding, but this means of heavenly gods is really strange. To be precise, there is some restraint that is restrained by him.

When he faced him, he was completely suppressed.


The gods of the gods and the earth are close to the evil dragon.

With the current injury of the evil dragon, if he is hit by this gun, even if he has Dragon Race Fleshy Body, consciousness will also be annihilated.

Can be biased, at a critical moment, I suffered a heavy injury, unable to resist!

Seeing refreshing

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