The Ice Age of the 1st, 724th attack!

“桀ha ha, let’s die!”

“No one can hide the killing move of this great god, you will die!”

The blood gun tears inside heaven and earth, and instantly approaches the evil dragon. Δ』看Δ书』Δ阁ww w. knse.l evil dragon is at risk!

But he did not show any horror, just staring at the gods indifferently.


The laughter of the gods is gradually gathering, and the suspicious look at the evil dragon.

Soon, he noticed Zhao Fang.

“Must die?”

“Who gave you the confidence you don’t have?”

Zhao Fang looks indifferent, waving, the floating tower is suspended, covering the evil dragon with the infinite divine light.

The evil dragon body appears countless tiny ‘float tower’.


Sharpness’s blood gun hits the tiny floating tower.

The bucharest tower is broken!

A lot of blasting!

But the bloody guns of the stunned power, but blocked in the layer of the floating tower.

In the end, annihilation is invisible!

The powerful killing move of the Great God is completely taken down by the floating tower.


“God Lord?”

The gods are startled, turned to look at Zhao Fang, and the eyes reveal a touch of color. “Trivial God Lord, actually can activate the artifacts, some meaning!”


A trace of madness on the face of God, “With these, you can’t stop the god!”


Zhao Fang’s voice is indifferent, and the power of the tower of the Futuo Tower forms the ripples visible to the naked eye, and all the attacks of the gods will be suppressed!

Just like flowing water, it instantly turns into dry ice.

“This God does not believe that you trivial God can also suppress this God!”

The god of the gods is full of bloody glow. “Since you can’t kill you with one kind of power, then come together!”


The old Ancestor, who was stuck in his chest, suddenly screamed.

His with the body’s power of thunder, uncontrollably rushing toward the gods.

At the end.

Old Ancestor The whole person is completely integrated with Heavenly God. An unspeakable Berserk destruction aura emerges from the body of God.

“God Lord, you are dead!”

The gods are laughing.

“Inside heaven and earth!”

Zhao Fang is cold and cold, and looks very solel.

The god of the gods itself, extremely surprised, obviously does not reach the 9-Star Ancestral God level, but can suppress the evil dragons.

Now merged with Ray An Old Olds, its own Strength, instantly arrives at the 9-Star Ancestral God level.

Compared with the previous battle against evil dragons, it is even stronger than the number of times. It is the enemy of strongest that Zhao Fang has encountered since he debuted.

Even Zhao Fang, there is not much confidence, can kill the gods!

“Trivial inside heaven and earth, also want to be hard with this god? Give this big god!”

The gods are extremely contemptuous and disdainful.


His attack did not break Zhao Fang’s internal and earth, conversely was shaken by heaven and earth, and turned into an empty!

“Powerful the power of heaven and earth, isn’t this the internal and earth of the ordinary?”

The gods and earth in the look at Zhao Fang, who was amazed by the gods, exclaimed, “Heaven and earth in the royal product, also produced Primal Chaos Divine Strength?!”

“No wonder it can block this god!”

It’s like a big god.

But in my heart, it was a little shocked.

In the God Lord Realm world, there is heaven and earth in the royal family. In his memory, this kind of person is rare, but it is not.

Not enough to make him too surprised.

What really shocked him was Primal Chaos Divine Strength!

This is the power of Ancestral God Late Stage, also known as 9-Star Ancestral God Powerhouse.

Now, it appears in the heaven and earth of a God Lord Realm small fellow, how to not let it shock.

“Somewhat it seems, you seem to have more potential than the dragon scorpion Ah!”

Heavenly God looked at the prey look and stared at Zhao Fang.

“It doesn’t matter to you, you still care about yourself!”

Zhao Fang sounds dull.

“The great god admits that the heaven and earth plus Primal Chaos Divine Strength is indeed a threat to me, but it is only a threat nothing more. If you want to kill me, then practice for a million years!”

The gods are disdainful.

“I really want to practice for a million years, killing you not to trample a mole cricket and ants?” Zhao Fang laughed.

“Bastard, actually dare to despise this god, court death!”

Heavenly God is extremely angry, “then let you see and see, this great god’s ultimate killing move!”

“Thundering and killing the sky!”

Almost in the moment when the gods whispered.


The terrifying thunder fire, at the same time, blew the spit in the Divine Body.

Turn into one piece huge mouth.

Even inside the heaven and earth, in front of this big mouth, it is obviously insignificant.

Directly swallowed, then melted by endless thunder, disappearing!

The big mouth moved quickly and rushed toward Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang frowned.

Because even if he uses the floating tower, he is not sure, can block this killing move.

The power that the other party showed at the moment is beyond his control.

“If that’s the case, then let you see and see, this young master’s desperate killing move!”

Zhao Fang is cold and cold.

The sound is even colder: “Immortal Technique, Ice Age!”

When the big mouth was close to the floating tower, a lot of white mist holding the cold, spouted from Zhao Fang’s palm.

White mist swells and spreads all directions.

The area covered by the white mist is instantly frozen into icicles.

The evil dragon also got Zhao Fang’s voice in advance, dragging his body and hiding in Zhao Fang behind.

Kā kā kā ~ ~Void trembled, and then by Cebound.

When the thunder and the big mouth were covered by the chilly fog, the speed slowed down noticeably.

Just three breaths, they are frozen directly, and they can no longer move forward.

Also frozen, there are also gods!

Its body is shrouded in a hard and indestructible Ice Crystal, like a gorgeous sculpture.

“Icebound ?impossible ! The body of this great god, even if 9-Star Ancestral God uses the power of Ice Element, it can’t be Icebound, this brat is what’s going on?”

“Wait, Immortal Technique… is it…”

Heavenly God is frozen, but the mind can still work.

Split second, thoughts and turns, thought of many things.

“Immortal Technique, how could he Immortal Technique?”

The heart of the gods is shocked, these two words, in the universe, are almost Tabo-like existence.

Similarly, it is the countless Ancestral God Powerhouse, something that I dreamed of.

Even the top ten holy places are extremely eager for this.

It does not understand, trivial a god, how can it be Immortal Technique?


It also has no chance to understand.


Zhao Fang Void Hand A grip.

All the areas that were blocked by Icebound trembled violently.

Heavenly God can feel it, and Ice Crystal, who is blessing himself, is tearing his Fleshy Body with the power of one kind that it can’t resist.

Heavenly God can be sure.

If you tear it down like this, you will definitely finish it.

But he can think outside the mind, and nothing else can be done.


“This god is not willing!”

The gods in the sky are crazy, but they can’t display the power of a trace.

I can only see at the sights, Fleshy Body is shredded by those gorgeous Ice Crystal, turned into crystal ice particles, sprinkled the universe!

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