The 175th chapter of the big explosion!


“congratulations host ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed ‘King level ‘boss’Zhao Yuanhao ‘,obtain 90000000 points Experience Value, 9000000True Force Value Points, 9000000Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“Congratulations host ‘Zhao Fang’ advanced, currently 9-Star Martial Ancestor.”

“congratulations host ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain Divine Skill ‘Myriad Beast Secret Art ‘.”

“congratulations host ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain ‘Hidden Breath Talisman ‘.”

“congratulations host ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain Special Item :Hua Xiong Summoning Card (cyan Ninth Rank ).”

“congratulations host ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain Mo Yun Mountain Range map Remnant Chapter.”


Zhao Fang of the original complexion gloomy, after hearing the system’s consecutive constant notification sound, the gloomy’s expression finally got a trace of happiness.

In particular, after seeing the properties of the spoils of war, the eyes of laughter quickly became a line.

Skills: Myriad Beast Secret Art

Grade : Divine Grade

Introducing 1: Myriad Beast Secret Art is divided into three levels: Hundred Beast Secret Art, Thousand Beast Secret Art, and Myriad Beast Secret Art.

Introducing 2: The Spirit beast that makes up Myriad Beast Secret Art requires a minimum of Tier-5. The higher the Spirit beast level, the stronger the performance will be.

Introducing 3: Myriad Beasts goes out and kills Martial God Powerhouse.

The introduction was very simple, but the information revealed made Zhao Fang extremely shocked.

“Myriad Beast Secret Art is divided into two ways. The ordinary way is to kill with Battle Array, killing opponents in all aspects, and letting opponents stop unstoppable; in extreme ways, overdip Spirit beast blood essence, produce powerful Spirit beast phantom, let ordinary Tier-5 Spirit beast, the super-power of Tier-7 and even Tier-8!”

“Fuck, this Myriad Beast Secret Art simply don’t want to, ha ha, i your father like it!” Zhao Fang expression excited.

He is the Beast Master himself, and he will be able to control Myriad Beasts in the future.

It’s really the day.

This whole Raging Flames Country, or the world, who can still compete with it?

Thinking of this, Zhao Fang couldn’t help but hēi hēi laughed.

Compared to Myriad Beast Secret Art, the other three items are slightly inferior.

Hidden Breath Talisman, like its name, can hide aura.

Can stop Martial Saint lower than anyone’s investigation.

As long as the cultivation base does not exceed Martial Saint, Zhao Fang’s aura can’t be found at all.

Although the effect is good, but for Zhao Fang, it can only be regarded as a tasteless.

As for the Hua Xiong Summoning Card.

Special Item :Summoning Card

Seal character: Hua Xiong (9-Star Martial Emperor )

Introducing 1: At the end of the Han Dynasty, the Xiliang Taishou Dong Zhuo, the fourth fierce general under the Xiliang Legion, there is the courage of Wanfu.

Introducing 2: This card can be summoned by Hua Xiong, which is absolutely loyal to the host and valid for one hour.

“Fuck, Fuck! Isn’t this damn an ​​enhanced version of Pan Feng? Just Pan Feng is 6-Star Martial Venerable peak, Hua Xiong is 9-Star Martial Emperor !damn, This is a big hit!”

Zhao Fang’s eyes are shining and excited.

9-Star Martial Emperor !

Raging Flames Country, 9-Star Martial Emperor, which is extremely difficult to find in 9-Star Martial Venerable, is the other domain of the Earth Domain Overlord Level!

Even at Heavenly River School, 9-Star Martial Emperor is also a Sect Old Ancestor ranked character.

“With it, even if the Sect Master of Heavenly River School finds your father, i your father is not afraid of him!”

Zhao Fang in the eyes rays of light flashing, the appearance of this blue character card, for him who just hated Heavenly River School, it was like a timely rain!

“Hey? This is a map of the Yun Yun Range Range Area? It’s a pity, it’s just a mess!”

Zhao Fang has been to the Mo Yun Mountain Range Interior Area after all, just look at the area where the map is located.

“Zhao Yuanhao said that if it is true, my cheap old man should have been in the Mo Yun Mountain Range Interior Area. Just, I don’t know how to survive with his body at the time. Is there still alive?”

Zhao Fang’s eyes are fretting and his mind is complicated.

Zhao Zhan is the father of his body after all. After learning about his news, Zhao Fang has to explore the Mo Yun Mountain Range anyway.

However, it was for the sake of his own wish, but also for Zhao Zhengfeng’s wish.

“Want to go to the Mo Yun Mountain Range Interior Area, if there is no map, with my Strength, I am going to court death.”

Zhao Yunhao’s Mo Yun Mountain Range Interior Area map, only one-third of the Interior Area.

Only three maps are combined into one piece complete map, and the rate of survival of Zhao Fang into it will increase by a few points.

“I remember that the Pill Treasure Pavilion seems to have one piece of pieces. This is easy to get, the key is another.”

Zhao Fang narrowed his eyes and constantly calculated.

I did not notice it.

As Pan Feng took the first step of Zhao Yuanhao, the whole field was completely quiet.


Both are dumbstruck, eye reveals shocking colors, looks at this scene.

I haven’t spoken for a long time.

“Just killed!”

Imperial Palace abyss, faintly sighs a complex and difficult b.

Inside the Pill Treasure Pavilion.

Elder Shun in a gray robe, quietly looking at this scene, in the eyes hidden flash.

Chu family Old Ancestor gloomy is on the face.

For a long while, call a clansman and announce the suspension of the purchase of Zhao Fang.

Among the Royal Capital.

However, when Strength reaches the 5-Star Martial Venerable level, at the moment of Zhao Yuanhao’s death, there is a kind of fuzzy Sense.

Each person’s expression is complicated, and some people have flickered, which is faintly greedy.

“Can actually summon Martial Venerable Powerhouse, this little fellow is who?”

“Does his true identity be the pride of a certain 8th Rank Influence?”


There is only this guess.

To explain the pass, Zhao Fang’s metamorphosis of Alchemist natural talent, and evildoer’s Martial Dao talent.

“Even if it is the core talent of a certain 8th Rank Influence training, it should not be swept in front of us. It is too much to put our Raging Flames Country Three Great Influences in the eyes. hēi hēi, so I don’t know the convergence of the fellow, It’s very early to die!”

“I really want to take his storage ring and see what, there is still treasure!”

Some Old Ancestor level characters from Hidden World.

After perceiving the change on Zhao Clan Clan Gathering, they were all blinking, and the heart was filled with inexplicable greed.



Far from Raging Flames Country thousands of miles away, Mo Yun Mountain Range Interior Area.

In a barren valley filled with Black’s dead aura.

Black Mist covers the entire valley.

Even if Zhao Fang is here, it is estimated that it is not recognized. This place is the place where God Slayer Spear became a mountain.

Black Mist is all over, look carefully, and you can see the existence of the slender human blood vessels in the Black Mist.


Compared to human blood vessels, the Black pipe is a few times larger.

Black Mist creeps, nearby rock and stone, Spirit beast, etc., vitality are captured.

Through the Black pipeline, the source is constantly transported to the underground abyss of the valley.

At the thousand zhang below the valley.

There is a huge hanging cage, the cage is intertwined with some kind of mysterious Rune, and the circumference number is hundred zhang (333m).

The countless Rune chain is interlaced in the center of the cage, tied with a red-haired man.

Man is tall and not like ordinary people.

The scarlet bloody hair buried her face and could not see his appearance.

Only through the crack of the hair flash, spy on the pair of cold eyes that are not human.


In the countless Rune that flashed overhead, there was a Rune bursting.

The locked man slowly raised his head, his bone eyes were scarlet like blood, and the body had an extremely dangerous flush.

He slowly looked at the top of his head, and the laughter of bloodthirsty bloody and cruel was heard in his mouth: “This Demon Jun Sen is finally coming out!”

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