Chapter 176, Zhao Clan’s Attitude

Zhao Yuanhao’s scene. Latest fastest update

For example, an indelible picture.

Deeply branded in the place where someone is mind.

Their expressions were sluggish, their mouths were wide, and their trembling eyes sparkled with horror.

“Zhao, Zhao Yuanhao, 5-Star Martial Venerable, dead?!”

Everyone is unable to believe this result.

Especially those patriarchs who are separated are even more stunned.

5-Star V Venerable Grade Don’t Powerhouse.

For them, it is an invincible existence that is like Heavenly God.


There is only one headless body left.

The shock and impact of the picture, which steadily ravaged their view of World and their outlook on life.


Most people are present.

It’s still the first time to see, Wu Venerable Grade, not Powerhouse, was killed by someone.

The unspeakable silence on the field, the dull atmosphere, is like a big mountain, and everyone who is pressing is a little breathless.

Zhao Clan Nine Great Elder.

The incredible at the same time, the body trembled, and the look was extremely ugly.

Zhao Yuanhao is the pride of Zhao Clan and their patron saint.

They are able to rely on the Raging Flames Country.

Although, Zhao Yuanhao is not happy.

But it is undeniable.

His existence has a great impact on the other great influences of Zhao Clan.

Great Elder can’t imagine.

When Zhao Clan loses Zhao Yuanhao, this Nantianyizhu, Zhao Clan will fall to what kind of end.

Self-destruction, or is it swallowed up by other influences?

Think of it here.

Calm and calm as he is, the body also has a slight tremor.

The unspeakable silence lasted for more than a minute.

The scene was so shocking and screaming.

Most of these sounds are through the tone of unable to believe.


They are hard to understand, high-ranking 5-Star Martial Venerable, how can it be, so easily killed?

After the shock.

What they talked about most was Pan Feng from Zhao Fang summon, and the huge Light Gate that began to become a little blurry in the air.

“What the hell is this’s going on?”

“The split brat, how can it be summon out of this powerful existence?”

“Don’t you have a secret that we don’t know about him?”

Some people who are agile, between the flickered, think of a lot of questions.

There are more people.

Looking at Zhao Fang.

To be precise, it is a storage ring that looks to its fingers.

They clearly remember.

Zhao Fang summon The card of 6-Star Martial Venerable is taken out from the storage ring.


In addition to this card, what is the treasure in the storage ring?

Thought of this, many people eye reveals the color of greed.

If it is not the shock of Zhao Yuanhao’s bloody body, it is estimated that there are many daring people who have already rushed forward to snatch it.

Zhao Fang noticed the strange eyes of everyone, raised her eyebrows slightly, then looked at her eyes and hung over her head, faintly beginning to blur the huge Light Gate.

“Pan Feng will disappear when Light Gate dissipates. If the huge Light Gate is destroyed, will Pan Feng stay here permanently or disappear directly?”

Zhao Fang eye reveals The color of indulging.

But then.

There was a sneer on his face.

“Want to do so much, even if you destroy Light Gate, you can completely leave Pan Feng. With my current Strength, let alone destroy Light Gate, it is estimated that even one corner cannot be destroyed!”

Split second.

Zhao Fang gives up on this idea that looks good but is extremely difficult to achieve.

His gaze looks at several directions from Royal Capital.

Pan Feng is his summon, and there is a layer of mysterious connection with him.

Through Pan Feng, Zhao Fang can feel it.

At the moment of Zhao Yuanhao’s death, there were several tyrannical fluids, and Sense came here.

“Imperial Clan, Chu family, Divine Artifact Pavilion, and Mo Clan hidden in the dark, and Slaughter Tavern.”

Zhao Fang’s lips are slightly picky, and the face is ruthless and cold.

If there is one of these influences, someone wants to deal with him.

He didn’t mind using Pan Feng, and he made a lot of noise in Royal Capital, giving these people a long memory.

But it is a pity.

As Time goes a little bit.

Whether it was Mo Clan with his grievances, or the Slaughter Tavern who always wanted to kill him, he never showed up.

“damn, summon has an 6-Star Martial Venerable and only kills Zhao Yuanhao. It really has a pity Ah!”

Zhao Fang said.

Both eyes are looking at Zhao Clan Nine Great Elder.

At the moment when Zhao Fang’s gaze was projected, Great Elder was covered with a feeling of being stared at by the beast.

He took a deep breath and looked at Zhao Fang deeply.

In the end, this feeling is not without aim.

In Zhao Fang within the body, it seems to contain a very powerful force fuctuation, which is not as weak as itself.

After seeing this scene, the Great Elder complexion is changing.

With Zhao Clan, the most Powerhouse Zhao Yuanhao.

Up and down Zhao Clan, no one can balance Zhao Fang.

Even if Zhao Clan has two remaining Venerables, it is just a fate.


Among Clan Gathering, life and death are uncertain.

Zhao Yuanzong died in the hands of Zhao Fang at Clan Gathering above.

Although Zhao Clan lost a super genius.

But strictly speaking, Zhao Fang did not make a mistake.

Conversely is Zhao Yuanhao who rushed out later. Regarding the Zhao family, he took the heart of one person and won the murder of them.

This move has already violated the fundamental interests of Zhao Clan.

If it is not Zhao Yuanhao’s status, it is far from what you can compare.

He has been severely punished in the family.

Zhao Fang killed him and made Zhao Clan break the pillar of the sky.

But Great Elder didn’t have much hatred for Zhao Fang.

On the contrary, he vaguely has some ecstasy.

In these years, the Great Elder Lineage was overwhelmed by the Zhao Yuanhao Lineage.

The bottom line is that Zhao Yuanhao Lineage has an 5-Star Martial Venerable.


Zhao Yuanhao is dead, but for him, it still does more harm than good.

after all.

In the same place, Zhao Clan, the big ship above, did not have a strong escort, and would be targeted by other big ships in the same trade, and eventually ended up with a ship crash.

Zhao Yuanhao is new, and Zhao Clan’s prestige must be worse than before.

If so, no one else fills the Zhao Yuanhao vacancy, and Zhao Clan is in danger.

Great Elder frowns, weigh the pros and cons.


He looked up and his eyes fell on Pan Feng, who was not far from the ordinary. In the eyes flashed a trace.

no doubt.

He hit the person who filled the Zhao Yuanhao vacancy and hit Pan Feng.

“Great Elder, I killed Zhao Yuanhao, wouldn’t it be wanted by you Zhao Clan?”

Zhao Fang expression A cool look at Great Elder.

Great Elder shook his head and his face showed a bitter bitterness.

He heard the dissatisfaction and unfamiliarity in Zhao Fang’s words.

Thinking of the scene just now, I really lost.

In contrast, he is conversely not as good as Third Elder.

“This is not something that Old Man can decide.”

It is true that Great Elder is among the best in Zhao Clan.

But in the face of this major event that can influence the fate of Zhao Clan, his right to speak has become negligible.

The true voice is still on the Martial Venerable Powerhouse, Patriarch and Hidden World Elder.

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