Chapter 178, giant devil Fearful Might!


In the abyss of the earth, there is a roar of shake heaven and Earth.

The entire mountain range is shaking, trembling, and then collapses, turning into a smashing powder!

Fearful Might is no match!

Zhao Fang was shocked and floated toward the sky.

Rooaaar ~

The buzz has come and gone, shocking tens of thousands of miles.

There is a countless Spirit beast, which is turned into a countless Blood Mist.

The souls are all silent.

Only the snoring that seems to never stop, still continues to growl.

Zhao Fang is not close.

Just stop at the Mo Yun Mountain Range and watch it from a distance.

This scene has been going on for a while.


The sound of ice breaks on the ground.

Crack can to move unhindered The staggered earth suddenly appears a very wide abyss.

The huge abyss, like a Python, spread from the Mo Yun Mountain Range abyss to the Outer Circle area.

See you.

Zhao Fang eyelid jumps.

Without saying anything, directly issued retreat the number of hundred zhang (333m).

Not far from the abyss, Zhao Fang saw a drop of Black blood swept across, thickened Black Mist, emits with extremely powerful baleful qi.


With Zhao Fang low roaring sound, Pan Feng did not say anything, grabbed Zhao Fang, horse breaking space, quickly flashed back, avoiding the path of Black blood flying.

At the time of doing this, the Pan Feng complexion has been very solemn.

The brow almost wrinkled into a ‘Chuan’ word, and when he looked at the Black blood, he showed a thick wariness!

Just two people are just a few miles away from the Mo Yun Mountain Range.

Behind, there was a huge roar, the sky was dull, and the sun and the moon were dull.

A mountain river is broken.

Then the stars burst.

Three annihilation.

The snoring terrifying, directly the Pan Feng shock, corn, corner of the mouth cough up blood.

As for Zhao Fang, which has a low cultivation base, conversely is not injured, but the complexion is very pale.

Look out.

This buzz is a great threat to the Martial Artist, which has a high cultivation base.

Pan Feng was shocked and looked at behind deeply, with Zhao Fang, galloping toward the distance.

The two people did not escape far, and they felt that Demon Qi, who seemed to sweep the heaven and earth, stuffed this piece of heaven and earth.

At that moment.

Two people mind at the same time flash a scene.

The palms, leg bones, torso, and skulls are all broken through the ground cage.


After Zhao Fang turned back to look at the all of a sudden of the abyss, he found a bloody palm, clinging to the edge of the abyss and rushing out of it.

The broken limbs, all of a sudden, sky clouds, even the sky is falling, to purify and destroy these existence!

boom! boom! boom!

Along with the bombardment of the thunder, the black Qi of those limbs was indeed purified by the thunder, and the imposing manner also looked a little wilting, a feeling of heavy injury.

But it has not been eliminated!

That Demon God’s head is even more angry with grief!


Rolling Black Mist, shrouded on his side, turned into a black sex fiend knife with a high thousand zhang, which shattered the palm of his hand, held the knife handle, and then slammed it out.

When the magic knife roars, with one kind of great destruction, great destruction, like a sharp arrow, the raw chisel is in the thundercloud layer that is brewing a stronger Tianlei.


A burst of shake Heaven and Earth, sounding heaven and earth!

The thunderclouds were pierced by the students, and the thunderclouds that were so close together collapsed directly. After a while, they were disintegrated by Demon Qi and dissipated!

Sky , once again restored clear and bright!

However, it has been replaced by the more powerful Black Mist. A destruction and terrifying feeling is produced in the hearts of all those who look up!

Roaaar ~~

Demon God’s head screamed like a mocking thundercloud.

As they roared, the broken limbs flew and landed in their original positions.


In the surviving Black Mist shrouded surge, Demon God man’s broken limbs began to stitch!

“Fuck! This is OK!”

Zhao Fang hiding in the far distance, seeing this scene, the eyes are coming out!

This Demon God man is full of magic, in order to breakthrough the seal, do not hesitate to disintegrate.

At the time of coming out, I was more remnant, and I was shocked by the thunder!

And now.

He also relies on his own strength to reorganize Fleshy Body!

“damn, who is this fellow?”

At this moment, Zhao Fang has a trace of remorse in his heart and regrets taking out the God Slayer Spear. If not, the terrifying fellow will not be released!

But now, regret is useless!

Black Mist is like a suture, shrouded with the body of Demon God man, letting its decomposed body return to one another!

When all the bodies are all homing all of a sudden.

Demon God man in the eyes Flashing a trace The long-lost excitement and bloodthirsty, he released his voice, its voice, like the sound of life, instantly take away the life of countless Spirit beast!

It is some of the closer average person, also affected by the snoring, Fleshy Body burst, turned into a group of Blood Mist, have come to Demon God man.

Demon God man One piece, after swallowing all of them, the naked upper body of the exposed body, there is a faint mysterious magic pattern, the magic pattern is extremely strange, just a glance, it makes people feel like a demon!

Demon God man made a manic grin hideously, and stepped out, the body turned into a group of Black Mist, and the eyes disappeared in place.

At the moment when it disappears.

Those Powerhouses who are hiding in the distance and watching this place are bizarre self-destructs.

The bloody Blood Mist is the move towards the Black Mist.

Several hundreds of miles away.

Zhao Fang difficult situation shows the silhouette, in the Demon God man complete the body reorganization of the all of a sudden, he smells a death of the aura, without the slightest hesitation, scorpion rushing!

As a result, nothing unexpected.

Under Demon God man, the circumference of the tens of thousands of creatures, all into the Blood Mist, was included in the body, nourish the heavy injury, the number of 1000-year Fleshy Body.

“ha ha , 3,000 years, this Demon God, almost forgot, what is the flavor of blood food. Today, this Demon God must swallow enough!”

Demon God man laughs, the soles of the feet slammed on the ground, the ground burst, and the hundred zhang (333m), its figure, like a cannonball, straight into the sky!

All the way above, where the Demon God man passed, they all brought the boundless slaughter.

Countless Spirit beast and human screams of death, turned into a group of Blood Mist, flocked to Demon God man.

With the constant ingestion, the demon body of Demon God man Black Mist shrouded gradually solidified, and its height, also in the upgrade of constant, from the initial height of the regular, gradually upgraded to the master!

And, still a constant upgrade.

“He followed the Mo Yun Mountain Range and entered the Ice and Snow Country North Territory!”

Demon God man imposing manner is unparalleled and unobtrusive, followed by Zhao Fang, and the way to him is naturally clear to Sense.

“What does he want to do with Ice and Snow Country?”

Zhao Fang is puzzled, but in my heart, there is a feeling of unknownness.


Ice and Snow Country up and down, whether it is Martial Artist or average person, are looking up.

Looking at the bloody figure that suddenly appeared above the Ice and Snow Country.

When I feel the bloody person, the long-lasting rich bloody aura, whether it is the average person or the Martial Artist, at that moment, the face is full of horror and terrifying!

There are quite a few children who are scared to cry on the spot.

Demon God man glanced at the crowd, pouring in the eyes of a thick bloodthirsty mans.

He screamed and laughed twice, with a big hand, and a path of Black Mist rushed out, like a net, spreading Ice and Snow Country all around.

Just a few in the blink of an eye, the big Ice and Snow Country was completely covered by Black Mist.

Ice and Snow Country All the men and women are unclear what happened, but instinct, but it feels a big fear!

They cried and rushed to the ground, and even many people turned to Demon God man kneel down and prayed for him to leave.

Demon God man is a coldly smile, palms pressed against Ice and Snow Country, and a mouthful of bloody words: “Refining!”


The Black Mist web shrinks instantly.

In an instant, the entire Ice and Snow Country disappeared into place, with only a group of rich and extreme blood cells hovering over Ice and Snow Country.

In that scene, Zhao Fang heart suddenly saw a contraction.

That Demon God man, just a Void Hand, the entire Ice and Snow Country, a big country with tens of millions of people, just like this, completely disappeared?

And after a few moments, Zhao Fang still has a dreamlike unreal feeling.

“This, what is the means used by this Demon God? This method is already out of the human category. Isn’t he doing the Immortal Technique!”

Zhao Fang takes a deep breath, under the pressure of the heart, and looking at the Demon God man, it is full of horror and fear!

He did not expect it.

This fellow, which was sealed by God Slayer Spear, is so terrifying!

Waving, you can obliterate a country!

This kind of means, even the rumored Martial God Powerhouse, can’t do it!

Demon God man When the big laugh, Void Hand grabbed it and grabbed the blood ball and stuffed it directly into the entrance.

Pēng pēng !

Demon God man within the body makes a dull blow.

His body, from Zhang Xu, instantly skyrocketed to three feet!

With the heightening of the body, the aura of Demon God man is also more terrifying!

He didn’t look at the Ice and Snow Country, which turned into ruins. In the eyes of the bloodthirsty cold light, the figure moved to the Gengjin country bordering Ice and Snow Country.

Just waiting for the Demon God man silhouette to disappear completely, Zhao Fang dared to approach.

When he saw the once beautiful and beautiful Ice and Snow Country, the dog did not stay and became a ruin, he was silent.

He first time doubts that he is doing this, the value is not worth it!



Demon God man is the same as the method of refining Geng Jinguo, Senmuguo, and Tuyan.

Once a great civilization, it was destroyed in the past, was refining, became the blood food of Demon God man, and turned into a part of his body.

Demon God man kills hundreds of thousands of miles, swallowed the population of Ice and Snow Gengjin, and his body soared to about fifteen feet.

Like a giant devil.

Crossing heaven and earth!

The body’s branded mysterious magic pattern, the more clear, emits out of the fierce and imposing imposing manner!

Even so.

Demon God man, still not satisfied.

His bloodthirsty cold eyes swept hundreds of thousands of miles into the circumference.

In the end, his eyes stayed in one place, and the mouth made a smirk, and the figure moved, and moved towards that position.

Zhao Fang, who has been hanging far from Demon God man behind, saw the direction of Demon God man, but it was a shock!

Because, this Demon God man is not going anywhere.

Instead, Raging Flames Country!

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