Chapter 179 Level SS Task!

The body skyrocketed to fifteen feet.

Demon God man cultivation base, already powerful enough to incredible.

Its steps are fast-changing.

Between several breaths, it has already appeared over Raging Flames Country.

Zhao Fang struggled to catch up, but even his shadow, did not touch.

Zhao Fang A little clench one’s teeth and opened the System Shop.


Demon God man As soon as he appeared, everyone in the country, whether it was a pawn or a minister, was Sense.

after all.

Just a few countries around the destruction, they as a spectator, but see clearly.

So, they naturally understand the purpose of Demon God man!

For a moment, Raging Flames Country is in great panic and despair!

Demon God man screams and smiles, reaching out to the palm of your hand, when you want to move.

call out!

A mysterious flowing light suddenly appeared in the sky, as the stars crossed the sky, and in the blink of an eye, appeared in front of Demon God man, turned into a Three Legged Cauldron.

In the moment of seeing the Three Legged Cauldron, Demon God man’s bloodthirsty face, a slight flash of sorrow, and solemn!

This kind of sentiment never appeared before the killing of the four kingdoms.

Ding is bronze, except for carving some exotic patterns, the only bright spot is the Rune with a lot of glittering golden light.

When Rune flashes, it looks like a chain of chains, blocking the Raging Flames Country before.

That order chain contains the power of unpredictable, even the Demon God man, I feel terrified.

“Sin! Treasure!”

Demon God man’s first start to talk, a word, a sound like a thunder.

“I didn’t expect it, like this Rank barbarian lands, but there is still Ancient Immortal Treasure left behind. However, with a broken Immortal Treasure, I want Tu Sen to retreat, but it is taken for granted!”

Demon God Tu Sen has a cold smile on his lips. Under the big hand, the fist bursts out like a countless mountain.


The bronze three-legged tripod was shocked successively retreat, and on the occasion of the Rune rays of light flashing, it directly turned into a chain of order, wrapped around Demon God Tu Sen.

Only momentarily, Demon God Tu Sen was locked by the chain of gods.

Followed by.

Bronze three-legged emits strange awns, covered in Demon God Tu Sen.

Tu Sen silhouette instantly disappeared in place.

Then, there was a burst of pēng pēng in the three-legged tripod, just like Tu Sen was hitting the three-legged tripod.

Although did not let Tu Sen break free.

But with every impact from Tu Sen, the Rune golden light on the bronze triad will be a bit bleak.

After about a few minutes, the Rune golden light became more and more bleak, and the bronze small Cauldron kept vibrating, and there were signs of uncontrollable faintness.

Kā cā !

A crisp sound came from the small Cauldron. Latest fastest update

Small Cauldron’s tripod appears a trace of small cracks.

At the time of the crack, a Black Mist floated out of it.

Black Mist squirmed, quickly solidified, turned into Demon God Tu Sen, I saw his complexion is slightly pale, but in the eyes, it is full of excitement, “Immortal Treasure, but so!”

As his voice fell, the bronze tricycle showed a second crack.

Tu Sen smiles even more, single-handedly, only listening to the sound of snoring, the cracks of the bronze trigeminal, more!


Tu Sen didn’t do it, and the bronze Three Legged Cauldron was still shaking, as if it would break up at any time.

Tu Sen laughed in the sky, and the chain of shocked order began to collapse.

Seeing this scene, Raging Flames Country’s hopes of rising people, in a moment, turned into a deep despair!


It is at this time.

Demon God man behind Space A twist of peristalsis, a Dao Guang door appeared.

next moment.

A youngster with a slightly difficult situation, coming out of the twisted Light Gate.


Demon God man instantly looked at the suddenly appearing youngster, suddenly his eyes condensed, “junior is you!”

This suddenly appeared youngster, not someone else, it is Zhao Fang!

He knows that with his speed, he can’t catch up with Demon God man.

and so.

He spends 100,000 supreme coins and buys the random primary Teleportation Talisman.

The distance transmitted randomly is between one hundred miles and one hundred thousand miles.

As for the specific distance, it is random.

Perhaps it was the urgency of the Shang Fang to know Zhao Fang, he even sent it to Raging Flames Country.

“This Demon God has seen you. To be precise, if you are not, you Demon God wants to get out of trouble, I am afraid it is not so easy! Speaking of this, God De thank God you Ah!”

Zhao Fang complexion pale, facing a fierce big Demon God, that feeling, simply grievances do not want.

“Since it is a thank you, you don’t have to verbally.” Zhao Fang is under pressure with sole solemnly.

“Oh?” Tu Sen’s face showed a trace of interest, “What do you want?”

“Senior is leaving here!”

Tu Sen was slightly startled, looking at Zhao Fang, and looking at his behemed bronze Three Legged Cauldron, and the Raging Flames Country after Rune, suddenly grinning.

“Do you know what this Demon God hates most? Is that someone else bargaining with me? What are you, and dare to negotiate with me?”

When I was sneer, the richness of baleful qi made Zhao Fang fall into the ice and could not move.

I can only watch the eyes at, and Tu Sen licks his neck and lifts him up.

“Before, is the senior treating the benefactor like this?”


Tu Sen’s lips are a bit of sarcasm. “When you Demon, God is who? Need to give you such a mole cricket and ants?”

Zhao Fang eyes ice-cold, but in contact with Tu Sen’s gaze all the a sudden, it is a stiff.

In Tu Sen in the eyes, I can’t see the slightest warmth and humanity.

Yes, it’s just a bloody sea, just a slaughter!

For a moment, Zhao Fang’s in the eyes, a bloodthirsty scarlet.

“If you escape, this Demon God may spare you a life, but you are act recklessly, to talk to this Demon God, and if so, then become the blood of this Demon God!”

Tu Sen is cold with a sad smile, the palm of his hand is slightly hard, and it is necessary to pinch Zhao Fang.


Zhao Fang’s heart swayed and seemed to have a powerful force to break through.

All of a sudden.

Zhao Fang eyes clear and bright, but the complexion is slightly pale.

He was a little clench one’s teeth, giving him all the strength, using that mysterious power to kill the palm of Demon God man.

There was a glaring golden light to kill, with infinite edge, and nailed to the palm of Demon God man.

Pū chī !

A muffled sound came out, Demon God man pinched Zhao Fang’s palm, but there was a Black blood hole with a countless blood light rushing out and dissipating!

“What! God Slayer Spear ?!”

Demon God man was shocked, squatting back, looking at Zhao Fang’s gaze, with a trace unbelievable.

“You are just a trivial crawler, how can it be with God Slayer Spear ? how can it be !” Demon God man murmured, but the figure is a suddenly retreat.

Zhao Fang complexion is cold.

He didn’t think that God Slayer Spear, which had been working hard, could come in handy at a crucial moment.

Moreover, it is still an automatic guardian.

“damn, finally I feel that the 100 million supreme coins are not owed.” Zhao Fang secretly stunned, but on the face, it was quiet, coldly looking at Demon God Tu Sen.

Looking at the blood light from the blood hole of the palm, feeling the in the body’s power is constantly dissipating, Tu Sen’s face finally has a trace change, he coldly swept to Zhao Fang.

“I can release you and seal you!”

Zhao Fang Void Hand A catching, blurry God Slayer Spear phantom emerges.

See, Tu Sen gaze, Heart Thought flash, “this Demon god cultivation base is not full 1%, although not God Slayer Spear, but this gun is extremely strange, for my within the body strength extreme restraint, then That bronze Three Legged Cauldron is on the side, even if I kill this brat, it must be a terrible victory! This Demon God is not easy to accumulate the blood, how can it be wasted on this nameless pawn?”

But let’s let Zhao Fang go, and he is not willing!

At the time of thinking, Zhao Fang’s God Slayer Spear phantom swayed, bringing a burst of glare.

The bronze Three Legged Cauldron, also known as the Spiritual Wisdom, flew out and fell on the side of Zhao Fang, with the order of the chain of light re-emerging, just like Demon God Tu Sen.

See you here.

Tu Sen complexion greatly changed ,without the slightest hesitation , turned and fled, “brat , this Demon God will let you take a moment and wait for this Demon god cultivation base to recover, it is when you kill you!”

The voice fell.

Tu Sen explores, tears the Space, drills directly, waits until the Space Crack is closed, and Tu Sen’s aura disappears completely!


Zhao Fang is not sure.

He knows that with the murderousness of Demon God Tu Sen, it is easy to let Raging Flames Country.

But look at the front of the situation.

Tu Sen is indeed gone.

Leave here completely!

After confirming that Tu Sen left, Zhao Fang was relaxed and relaxed, sitting on the ground, complexion pale to the extreme.

Waving to wipe the sweat on his forehead, remembering the thrilling scene just now, he still has a lingering fear!

Just now, Zhao Fang was really afraid that Tu Sen wouldn’t agree, and he took action on him.

after all.

He can’t control God Slayer Spear right now, he is already desperately trying to display God Slayer Spear phantom.


Tu Sen was sealed by God Slayer Spear for 1000-year, which almost caused psychological shadows, which made him scared off by God Slayer Spear.

At that time, if you changed other treasures, it is estimated that the effect of God Slayer Spear could not be achieved.

“No, how can I forget you? Just thank you.”

Zhao Fang looks at the small Cauldron floating next to him, saying yes with a laugh.

If it wasn’t for the help of Ding Ding at that time, and relying on the trend of the corner, Zhao Fang wanted to scare off Demon God Tu Sen, fearing that he would have to pay more.

This bronze Three Legged Cauldron, extreme out of the ordinary.

Zhao Fang is above and feels a familiar flush.

That fluctuation, he only felt on God Slayer Spear.

It’s just that compared to God Slayer Spear, this trip’s Fluctuation is extremely weak.

Zhao Fang quickly lost a few appraisals.

All that is obtained is a hint of authentication failure.

Zhao Fang is not depressed, but rather excited.

“emits is similar to God Slayer Spear’s Fluctuation. The impact is much weaker than God Slayer Spear, but obviously this is not an ordinary small Cauldron.”

Thinking about it.

The Three Legged Cauldron is like a mission-like, internal Qi that converges, once again in the ordinary, flying somewhere toward Raging Flames Country.

Zhao Fang is very curious about this trip.

Nature will not let go of this opportunity to snoop.

Just about to keep up!


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, trigger Task : Resolving Past Tragedy .”

“Task Requirements: in one year, killed Demon God Tu Sen ‘Tu Sen ‘.”

“Task Level : ss.”

“Task Reward: A lot of Experience Value, a lot of treasure.”

“Task Tips: Strength at the time of Tu Sen’s prosperity, surpassed Martial God.”


Zhao Fang is silent.

He is currently receiving the only high-level Task.

It is the a-level Task that leads the Zhao family to return to the clan.

Just this Task, almost let Zhao Fang hate, Clan member almost completely destroyed.

It is conceivable that the level SS Task, how big is it is higher than the a level!

Hell is called nine deaths and one life!


From the performance of the Demon God Tu Sen, the terrifying of its cultivation base is hard to imagine.

At the time of his prosperity, Strength surpassed Martial God!

No one knows, his peak strength, how strong!

But no doubt.

Zhao Fang wants to kill him, he must be promoted to Martial God Realm in one year!

Even if Zhao Fang owns Divine Martial, it feels pressure.

But he did not refuse.

The birth of this giant devil was all due to him.

Tu Sen has a bloody kill of 100,000 miles, and his life is so charcoal. Such a big cause and effect, even if there is no System to release the Task, Zhao Fang does not intend to let him go.

“Tu Sen, this time, my strength is not good, let you escape. But after one year, you will die, I swear by Zhao Fang, after one year, I will take the first class and pay tribute to the countless dead soul!”

Zhao Fang stared at the Space where Tu Sen left, and the tone was powerful.

After calming down, Zhao Fang wanted to chase the Three Legged Cauldron, but he had already lost his trace, and could not help but smile.

As he prepares to step into Raging Flames Country.

Roaaar ~

Spirit beast screams one after another, and is constantly echoing between heaven and earth.

Zhao Fang startled.

When I saw the situation at hand, I was shocked.

I saw the Raging Flames Country, and the densely packed Spirit beast appeared like a locust, killing Raging Flames Country.

There is a picture of the Spirit beast siege.

“These Spirit beast?”

Zhao Fang’s eyes are slightly stunned and suddenly sounded.

The countless Spirit beast, which is closely approaching Raging Flames Country, is before, and Demon God Tu Sen Fearful Might, first Demon God Tu Sen one step escapes the Spirit beast of Mo Yun Mountain Range.


To the Spirit beast under Raging Flames Country, not all escaped from the Mo Yun Mountain Range Spirit beast.

Can only be counted as one fifth.

As for the other Spirit beast, it was killed when Demon God Tu Sen slaughtered several countries such as Ice and Snow Country.

Even if it is left, it is less than one fifth.

But this number is still extremely terrifying.

Looking around, the number of squirming worms is enough to make any Martial Artist trembling in fear.


Because of the departure of Demon God Tu Sen.

The Spirit beast, hidden in the mountains, rushed out and rushed toward Raging Flames Country.


Only here is the safest place.

“I’ll go, this beast tide, simply to destroy the country Ah!”

Zhao Fang vision flickered, the face of the excited rays of light flashed away.

Even though these Spirit beasts are a group of walking Experience Values.

But the number is much.

Also extremely dangerous existence.

at least.

With Zhao Fang’s current Strength, if surrounded by the Spirit beast group, there must be no death.

“Spirit beast group?”

Zhao Fang startled, suddenly remembered something, the corner of the mouth revealed a trace inexplicable smile.



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