Chapter 180—The Shoucheng


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain Time Limit Task : Kill Spirit beast.”

“Task Requirements: Killed Spirit beast as much as possible.”

“Task timeliness: seven days.”

“Task Reward : to kill a hundred Spirit beast, reward a Yellow Grade Spirit Artifact or treasure;

To kill a thousand heads of beast, reward three pieces of Earth Grade Spirit Artifact or treasure;

To kill 10,000 heads of Spirit beast, reward seven pieces of Heaven Grade Spirit Artifact or treasure;

To kill 30,000 heads of Spirit beast, reward Divine Artifact ‘Divine Slaying Chariot ‘one. ”


“Thirty thousand Spirit beast…hēi hēi, this Task I like!” Zhao Fang grinned.

Zhao Fang was not in a hurry to leave, but waited for a moment in the same place, only to see a general, when he stepped on the horse, his corner of the mouth revealed a trace of smile.

This General is Pan Feng.

Primary Random Teleportation Talisman can only transmit one person. Zhao Fang lets Pan Feng go on his own, and he is rushing.

This made this scene.

When Pan Feng approached, Zhao Fang greeted him and took him to the nearby city.

Four Sides City, the city is the Raging Flames Country.

After discovering the Spirit beast, the size of the city, in addition to the battle, there is no other choice.

They also know.

In the other streets of Raging Flames Country, the same scene is also staged.

Help is useless!

Still have to rely on yourself!

For this realization, they fought bloody with Spirit beast until Death!

It also kills a lot of Spirit beast.

There are too many Spirit beasts.

Simply is the source constant.

The original impassioned battle of defending the city, which evolved to the end, turned into a tragic and extremely exhausting war of attrition.

With the demise of the masters of the city one after another, the desperation of the people in the eyes, the more obvious.

“There is a red-haired giant devil, followed by a Spirit beast, a city, and Heaven. Are you going to destroy my Four Sides City, leaving no vitality?”

The countless people roared in the sky, and at the moment when life and death were decided, not everyone would choose to go to death.

call out!

at this time.

A long rainbow breaks through the sky and appears above Four Sides City with the attention of the mourners of Four Sides City.

The rays of light dissipated, revealing two figures.

An ordinaryster of the ordinary.

And a man with armor, baleful qi, and a strong body.

Martial Venerable ? !

The only Martial Venerable Powerhouse in the Four Sides City is the Si Fang City Lord.

At the moment of seeing the robe man, the eyes suddenly lit up.

He found that with his own 3-Star Martial Venerable cultivation base, he could not see the other’s Strength.

I was a little shocked in my heart.

But more, it is a surprise.

He was alone, resisting the impact of most of the Spirit beast.

This moment has been riddled with scars.

Look at the person who appeared, no doubt seeing the straw.

“Fellow Daoist, please save me Four Sides City!”

Si Fang City Lord eagerly shouted.

The armored robot man didn’t pay any attention to him, just looking at the ordinary youngster next to him.

I saw the youngster corner of the mouth revealing an extremely happy smile, nod, “Get started!”

The armored robert man is moving.

The pedaling of the battle horse, the hand dances a mountain axe, rushed to the Spirit beast gathering place outside the city, without saying anything, the axe will be cut.

Axe Light flashes.

Bring a path of thorny blood light.


A burst of notification sound, constantly sounded at Zhao Fang mind.

Zhao Fang closed his eyes and enjoyed it for a moment, with a smile on his face.

“With 6-Star Martial Venerable, this kills speed, simply is not as fast. If you go on like this, I will be able to reach Martial Venerable level in an hour!”

Zhao Fang showed a smile on his face.

The words fall.

He glanced at Pan Feng and plunged in the opposite position.

“Looking at this opportunity, I have to enrich some of my Spirit beast Legion!”

While speaking.

Zhao Fang waved his hand.

About twenty flowing lights, flying out of their storage ring.

Rays of light Condensation, transformation becomes a different type of Spirit beast.

These Spirit beast varieties are miscellaneous, not to mention only more than twenty heads, but there are more than ten species.

But no exceptions.

They are all Tier-4 Spirit beast.

This is the original Spirit beast that Zhao Fang conquered at Mo Yun Mountain Range.

There were nearly a hundred heads, and when I was avoiding Martial Venerable Mo Liu, I only had time to recover them.

“Go, Pikachu!”

Zhao Fang with a big hand, the more than 20 Spirit beast, turned into more than 20 rainbow light, and went to different directions.

Then, they were strangled with the siege Spirit beast.

These Grades of Spiritary Beast are generally not high.

Most are Tier-3 Tier-4.

Tier-5 is rare.

Tier-6 has only two ends.

One of them, in the center, commanded the beast to attack the city.

On the other hand, he took the lead and was with Si Fang City Lord killing.

If it weren’t for this beast that had just broken through Tier-6 level, Si Fang City Lord couldn’t stop it.

Even so.

He is also riddled with scars.

The Four Sides City is retreating, and it will not be long before it will be washed by the Spirit beast.

Zhao Fang’s Tier-4 Spirit beast.

Most are Tier-4 Late Stage, which is equivalent to human 7-Star to 9-Star Martial King’s Realm.

For most Spirit beasts, it’s very easy.

For a moment, the pronunciation sound of dīng dīng, keeps on the Zhao Fang mind.

After releasing more than twenty Spirit beasts, Zhao Fang was not idle.

Instead, look at other Tier-4 or Tier-5 Spirit beast.

In the eyes flashing excited rays of light.

“I your father’s Beast Taming Technique, you can still reach the Yellow Grade level. You can use the Spirit beast here to help me embark on the Yellow Grade!”

The monster of the Universe Level Beast Taming Technique, which is close to Great Accomplishment, is undoubtedly terrifying.

The success rate is almost 70 percent.

This is not.

In just a few moments, Zhao Fang’s Spirit beast Legion added five or six Tier-4 Spirit beasts.

These Spirit beasts have just been tamed, and Zhao Fang will drop them into Battlefield.

With the addition of Zhao Fang.

The Four Sides City Battlefield, which was originally the decline of the situation, although the situation did not reverse.

But compared to just now, it is several times better.

Stand on the Si Gate City Lord upstairs in the city gate.

Look at Zhao Fang, eye reveals complex colors.

With his eyesight, how can’t I see that the frontality of the Four Sides City is the youngster.

“Who is this youngster? It’s a Beast Master and a Martial Venerable ranked servant?”

At the time of speculation, Si Fang City Lord became more curious about Zhao Fang’s identity.

It was at the time of his Divided Spirit.

The main attack of Tier-6 Spirit beast, the main attack and kill, so that the originally defeated Si Fang City Lord, directly coughed up blood.

The main attack of the Tier-6 Tiger-shaped Spirit beast, roar towards the sky, issued a path of extremely powerful, and contains a certain command of howling.

As soon as the sound came out, the Spirit beasts who had been fighting each other flocked.

“Pan Feng, kill it!”

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle, shouting at the tiger-shaped Spirit beast.

Pan Feng said nothing, turned the horse’s head, opened the mountain axe to take a piece of film, and killed the tiger-shaped Spirit beast.

When Spirit beast reaches Tier-6, it will produce a certain amount of wisdom.

The tiger-shaped Spirit beast saw Pan Feng killing. There was no fearful thought in the tiger’s eyes. Instead, Tiger’s Roar continued to burst into the hair, and did not retreat and rushed.

“court death!”

Pan Feng grin hideously.

With its wrists shaking, Axe Light is faster.

Like a ray of light, across the sky, between the blink of an eye, it appears on the top of the tiger-shaped Spirit beast.

Sharpness’s axe, with the momentum of crushing the mountains and rivers, slammed into the head of the tiger-shaped Spirit beast.

The tiger-shaped Spirit beast was shocked and the danger was staggered.

But the left front leg was drawn by Axe Light and collapsed directly!

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