“Ling Sky Sword Sect, you are so courageous, I dare to impudent in my Heavenly Gate, so that I don’t have to leave this time, let’s leave it!”

The sound of cold and chilling, on the occasion of the resounding over the Tiantian Xianmen, everyone outside Xianmen looked up and looked at the two silhouettes that were getting closer and closer. Updates are fast and no ads.

For the two people who suddenly smashed, most people said they were strange and looked strange.

Only Han Peng, and even some of the Tongtian Xianmen veterans, when they saw the man talking, were complexion excited, and some people, with tears in their eyes, stumbled, and easily called: “I wait, pays respect to palm door!”

Its sound is terrifying.

The sound also contains a lot of grievances.

It’s like a child being bullied outside, seeing his own Sir.

Two silhouettes came over the gates of Xianmen, and the two silhouettes of a man and a woman appeared in front of everyone.

These two people, not others, are just from the Pest Control Alliance, rushing to Zhao Fang Wu Aoyue two people.

“Hey, it’s really you, you are finally back!”

Han Peng is excited, like looking at his loved ones at Zhao Fang.


“That brat is the head of the heavenly gate?”

“It seems like some familiar Ah! ”

“Ah~ I remembered, this fellow is not the ban that was held in the day, outside the Xianxian House, the brat that stood up against us?”

“It’s him?”

“It’s not rumored, is this child already dead in Xianxian? Is it alive? How can it be?”

“And, you found that there is no, this child is now the cultivation base, the existing is into the base of the two, when entering the Xianfu, he is only a training period…”

“damn it, this fellow must be a camera across Great Destiny in Xianfu, and it can smoothly enter the foundation, and in such a short Time, it will be built to double.”

Among the five Great Influences, some people, who had seen Zhao Fang outside Zhu Xianfu, recalled at this moment.

However, the focus of most people is how Zhao Fang escaped from the Immortality, and in the Xianfu, the camera across the Great Destiny, so that the cultivation base has such an amazing breakthrough.

“You are the head of Tongtian Xianmen, Chu Feng?”

In a whispered discussion, Ling Fei’s eyes flashed and he stared at Zhao Fang. His eyes were not good. “I am you, killing my younger brother Ling Feiyu in Xianfu?”

“I heard that you died in Xianxian, I am still sorry, in this life, can not kill you, revenge for Fei Yu, I did not expect that you are alive, dare to appear in front of me, ha ha, really bestowed by heaven opportunity, Today, I am going to marry you and take revenge for Fei Yu!”

Ling Fei 轲 in the eyes flashed very ruthless and a trace greedy.

He vaguely learned from Sect Elder Generation that Zhao Fang was in Great Xiantian and got a lot of Great Destiny.

Five Great Influences combined pressure, just want to know the whereabouts of Zhao Fang from Tongtian Xianmen.

Although they claimed that Zhao Fang died in Zhu Xian, but in fact, this is just the means they do not want to have other Influence and they divide Zhao Fang’s ‘Dang Yu meat’.

“Flying brother, you just now teach the Lei Xiu, a lot of Strength, and then let us give us the Tyrant blade.”

“hehe, killing chicken with a knife, trivial foundation period, my golden carving house will be cleaned up.”

“No, leave us a quicksand!”

Ling Sky Sword Sect, Tyrant Blade Club, Golden Eagle House, the leader of quicksand, have started to talk bluntly, want to kill Zhao Fang.

Only three league leaders, gaze shimmers, hesitated, and finally did not start to talk.

Zhao Fang fell into the Main Hall and glanced at Han Peng’s injury. He also saw other serious injuries of the Tongtian Xianmen. His eyes were cold and his voice was cold: “Who did it?”

“Hey, we… cough… I’m fine!”

Han Peng knows that Zhao Fang is highly sophisticated, but five Great Influences are prepared, really want to kill, Zhao Fang is difficult to win, and even be shackled by Five Great Influences. After hesitating, Han Peng wants to temporarily suppress the hatred in his heart. When I just exported, I couldn’t help but squirt two blood.

“it’s me!”

Behind came an unusually arrogant and mad voice.

Zhao Fang turned and saw the person who spoke, it was Ling Fei.

“From the beginning to the end, only I take action.”

Ling Fei held his sword and stood up, his nostrils facing the sky, his expression was extremely proud.

“Is it?” Zhao Fang murmured.

“If that’s the case, then go to hell!”

In the eyes of Ling Fei, Zhao Fang took out the Tongtian sword and smashed his face.

“Jianlian Qingtian!”

This sword is a fourth grade Immortal Technique that he got from Li Qinglian, Jianlian Qingtian!

Zhao Fang’s mastery of this technique is just getting started, and there is still a distance from small accomplishment.

But he still showed it out, only for killing Ling Fei.

Because Ling Feijun committed his Taboo, even if he put everything together, Zhao Fang would also marry him!

“damned, is the fourth grade Immortal Technique?”

“You can’t be a fourth building, Cultivator, how can it be activate fourth grade Immortal Technique?”

The disdain on Ling Fei’s face, as the sword lotus blooms, the ultimate cold Sword Intent shrouds from behind, and it becomes difficult to look at the moment.

The other four Cultivators were also amazed.

The building of the Cultivator wants to perform the fourth grade Immortal Technique, which in the history of cultivation, does not exist at all.

In simple terms, the foundation Cultivator is too weak, the fourth grade Immortal Technique is too strong, and the strong existing controls the limits that the foundation Cultivator can handle.

Like a child, I want to raise a hundred pounds of sword and fight with others.

This is basically something that is impossible.

Zhao Fang’s take action, but broke the tradition and subverted their three views.

“The sky is forbidden!”

At the crucial time, Ling Fei screamed and gave a killing move.

Lingtian Sword Secret Art has three styles.

Swords and sorrows, the sky is forbidden, and a sword Ling Tian!

These three styles.

In the Revolving Core Initial Stage, in the Revolving Core Middle Stage, a sword is strong enough to dominate the Revolving Core Late Stage.


Ling Fei’s study of the first two styles is not so profound, only the swordsmanship is barely strong enough to achieve small accomplishment, and the ban on the sky is only the first superficial knowledge.


With the fourth grade Immortal Technique’s might, you can definitely kill Han Peng in an instant, and there will be opportunities for him to struggle.


Even superficial knowledge is a threat to many of the False Core ** Powerhouses.

Pēng pēng pēng !

The blooming lotus flower suddenly broke away from the lotus flower body and turned into a path of amazing Sword Qi, killing Ling Fei.

Lingfei 相 is blocked by Sword Array. After all the lotus flower Sword Qi, the Sword Array and the last lotus flower Sword Qi collapse together!

No matter what!

Four Cultivators were shocked. I never imagined that Zhao Fang’s fourth grade Immortal Technique was able to compete with Ling Sky Sword Sects for the Immortal Technique.

“bastard, what other means do you have?”

Lingfei 轲complexion gloomy, for the Zhao Fang trivial foundation, can display the fourth grade Immortal Technique, his wariness is extremely incomparable, the heart decided, today, anyway, this potential enemy must be removed!

“If there isn’t, let me…”

When the words were not finished, they were interrupted by the chilly voice of Zhao Fang: “The grass is all soldiers!”

The vegetation of Main Hall is instantly extended and expanded into a path of grass and sword. In Ling Fei’s gaze, he instantly penetrates Lingfei’s body and cuts him into a sieve.

Jianlian Qingtian, Zhao Fang only mastered superficial knowledge, might general.

He is a soldier, but he has reached the Great Accomplishment, and he has killed some False Cores, no exception.

Moreover, Ling Feijun continued to perform several times of the fourth grade Immortal Technique, Immortal Force consumed too much, weak incomparable, after seeing the grass and trees, the heart of the Vibration, even the chance of reaction did not, it was directly killed on the spot!

“Who else!”

After killing Ling Fei, Zhao Fang stunned his eyes and swept through the other Three Sects leaders who had been rushing to take action.

Three people have a glimpse of their heads, and they bow their heads, and there are still shocks and fears in the eyes.

The scene is dead forever!

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