Ling Fei.

False Core Seven-sword sword repair.

Practice the fourth grade Immortal Technique – Ling Tian Sword Secret Art.

Strength is strong, even if the same as the False Core seven-way Tyrant blade will lead the team Wei, the Golden Eagle team leader Jin Shengtian, is not sure to win.


This Rank is strong and existence, but it is a foundation jiuor that they can’t look at their eyes.

This almost subversive scene brought astounding shock and horror to everyone in the field.

So far, they still haven’t returned to the taste.

Until Zhao Fang was cold and inquired, everyone was reluctant to converge, but when they saw Zhao Fang’s pair of ice-cold eyes, they all looked down and didn’t dare to look.

The disciples of Tongtian Xianmen also had a shock and their breathing became heavy.

Some of them have not seen Zhao Fang, just listened to the same side, and they have great interest and curiosity about the head of this dragon.

When Zhao Fang appeared, the foundation of the cultivation base spread, and indeed many disciples who had great expectations for him were somewhat disappointed.

But when Zhao Fang was strong and killed, this expectation turned into a deep shock, and eventually all became revere and excitement.

That is their head!

Can kill the False Core Seven Powerhouse in the base period, and bring the relying door to Tongtian Xianmen. How are they not proud or excited?


Zhao Fang with one hand and one finger, his eyes fell on the Tyrant blade to lead the team.

In the latter’s white complexion, it is cold: “Just you seem to be very embarrassed?”

“Ye, Your Excellency must have been mistaken. I have never been to to talk since I came to the present.”

Zi Wei quickly argued.

There is a glimpse of Ling Fei’s previous car, he is basically curious, Zhao Fang whether he really has the secret of Competition False Core peak, but he does not dare to take his own bet.

“Isn’t the Tyrant blade a one-of-a-kind? Isn’t it overbearing overbearing? Isn’t anyone blocking the front, do you have to wipe it off?”

“Now, I am provoking you. You shouldn’t yell at me for your own Blade Dao?”

Zhao Fang’s words made Ziwei depressed and wanted to cry.

He wants to kill Zhao Fang, strengthen his own Blade Dao, can know that he is not, but also to fight, it is not brave, it is court death!

“Your Excellency don’t go to far !”

Wei Wei calmed his face with baleful qi. “You alone cannot compete with our five Great Influences.”

While speaking.

Zi Wei looked to the side of the Golden Eagle House, quicksand, the leader of the Three Leagues Influence.

The Golden Eagles leader gaze shimmers, the footsteps slightly crossed a little, the leader of the quicksand, but expressionless, no response.

As for the three alliances, they are standing still and not moving.

“Listing, do you want to tolerate a foundation foundation, and pissing on our heads, insulting us five Great Influences?”

“He just killed Ling Fei, it is entirely tricky, as long as we join hands, killed him.”

“Don’t forget, the treasures in Xianfu are all obtained by this fellow. He can kill False Core with the foundation of cultivation foundation. There is Secret Art. This means that he is equipped with a foundation. of?”

Zi Wei complexion gloomy, swept away Jin Shengtian, quicksand leader, three leaders.

In the Heavenly Eye of Jinsheng, the bright glow broke out. The leader of the quicksand was also somewhat moved. He crossed one step forward. As for the leader of the three leagues, he still did not move.

Zi Wei was dissatisfied and looked at the three leaders, and also knew that it was not time to care about each other.

Look at Jin Shengtian and the leader of the quicksand, and Wei Weidudly smiled.

Like looking for confidence at once, coldly staring at Zhao Fang, “Hey, Chu Feng, give you a chance, confess to Ling Sky Sword Sects Fellow Daoist, and hand over the proceeds of Xianfu, otherwise…”

When Zi Wei said, he only felt a flower in front of him, and Zhao Fang silhouette disappeared.

His heart was so shocked that he just had to look up and look for Zhao Fang silhouette, and a cold voice came from his ear. “What else?”

Zi Wei eyes instantly zoom in.

Looked fiercely.

Didn’t see the face that made him frightened, but heard the sound of all around, and Jin Shengtian, the horrified expression of the quicksand leader.

“what’s going on?”

Zi Weimin took out this idea.

Suddenly, Zi Wei felt that there was some damp heat at the neck, and subconscious touched the past.

“Tacky… there is still some warmth…”

When the gaze saw the red blood on the finger, Zi Wei’s eyes squinted, and he seemed to wake up suddenly, and the pain in the neck hit, blood violently spurt.

“Do not!”

Zi Wei looked stunned and his face was full of fear.

His unwillingness could not stop his fate.

Dizziness hit the heart, Zi Weiqiang made his own consciousness clear and bright, but could not do it. The body fell, slammed on the ground, blood smashed, and Wei Wei tried to squint at the pair of eyes that gradually closed and saw the station. In front of him, holding a short knife in his hand, the indifferent Zhao Fang.

that moment.

Zi Wei is filled with regret and resentment.

He regretted why he provoked Zhao Fang.

Resent Zhao Fang Why dare to kill yourself!

After the interest rate, Zi Weiqiang’sconsciousness, like a flood, his aura gradually dissipated and eventually disappeared completely!

The second False Core Seven Powerhouse, Zi Wei, died!

this moment.

Five Great Influences When everyone looked at Zhao Fang, the expression was replaced by a deep fear.

Even Jin Shengtian, the leader of the quicksand, is no exception.

Zhao Fang kills Ling Fei, can be explained as Ling Fei’s underestimation, plus Zhao Fang Strength secret, sneak attack succeeded.

Can this be?

Zi Wei was still killed in the confrontation, in the state of battle.

And still instant kill!

The impact of this kind of picture, let them in front of Zhao Fang, there is a kind of mole cricket and ants overlooking the vast land, can not give birth to a sense of resistance.

On the other hand, there is a burst of cheers and cheers on the side of Tongtian Xianmen.

Zhao Fang’s successive take action is like a path of cardiotonic, so that they are uneasy, in the doomsday storm, found a safe haven.

“Good speed, at least Great Accomplishment!”

The quicksand leader was shocked, and a look of wariness stared at Zhao Fang, complexion ugly.

“Now it’s your turn!”

Zhao Fang shocked his arm and waved the blood left on the short knife. He looked indifferently to Jin Shengtian and the quicksand leader.

The two people looked at each other and felt the killing intent of the Berserk from Zhao Fang, the complexion madness, the figure suddenly retreat, and the Main Hall shouted: “Old Ancestor!”

“Today, no one can save you!”

Zhao Fang complexion is cold.

As the insect disasters come, Dongzhou is about to be subverted, and hundreds of millions of people are hanging over the fire.

As the Dongzhou Five Great 1st rate Influence, this critical juncture, do not think about suppressing the Zerg, to give peace to the East, but to force the same way, for their own private, kill each other.

This way, let alone can’t compare with the Loose Cultivator in the countless spontaneous competition, even some 2nd rate Influence of the league, they must burst them.

“Dongzhou doesn’t need people like you. Today, no one can save you!”

“The grass is all soldiers!”

Zhao Fang has a heart, countless grass and vines entwined, bound the quicksand leader, Jin Shengtian, and other five Cultivators who want to escape.

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