The second thousand and sixty-six chapters of the riots!

“Get out of this mountain forest, the front is the scope of the riots.”

After a long walk in the mountain of the murderer, Zhao Fang spent two days on the edge of the murderer’s mountain range, and Huan Niang pointed to the hills not far away.

“Next, be careful and be careful, be cautious and cautious.”

Hua Er Niang looked serious and seriously looked at Zhao Fang.

“What’s going on?” Zhao Fang knows a lot about the riots. After hearing this, he only feels confused.

“In the land of riots, there is a group of abnormal tyrannical existences, this group of existential bodies are strange, or beasts or people, Strong extreme tyrannical, there is no shortage of some of the infant stage in the Late stage of the existence.”

“They are active in the riots all the year round. It is like the Guardian of this land. Any human who wants to invade the riots will be killed by them after they are discovered!”

“Normally, even if the murderers of the murderous mountains gather together, they dare not easily smash the riots.”

“The existence of the land of riots seems to be guarding the peerless tomb, never going out.”

“The murderers of the mountains, the Guardians of the riots, are called rioters.”

Hua Er Niang explained.

“There is still this Rank secret.”

Zhao Fang eye reveals bright glow.

“With our current strength, we can easily cope with the Initial Stage of Yuan Ying. Even if it is the Middle Stage of Yuan Ying, it can also be used for one or two. Only the Yuan Stage of Yuan Ying is a must!”

“So, I don’t like the little man who is cruel, but I also hope that he can walk with us, with his Strength, as long as we don’t provoke some Powerhouses in the riots, we can definitely walk in the riots! ”

Hua Erniang’s departure from Li Yuanba has been cherished.

“Reassured, he will come out to help us at a critical moment.”

Zhao Fang indifferently said.

Wen Yan, Hua Erniang thought of the scene in which Li Yuanba’s surprise appeared on the same day. He looked deeply at Zhao Fang and thought about it.

In the land of riots, the aura of Beringer, Berserk, is out of the Outer World and cannot be the aura of the Cultivator. Once it is swallowed, the aur of Berserk will destroy the foundation of a Cultivator.

Lightly meridians are damaged, cultivation base is exhausted!

Responsible for death!

It is also because the aura of this place is too violent to gain the reputation of the riot land.

Although there are few human Cultivators nearby, there are a lot of cloud beasts.

Cloud beasts that can survive in this environment are far from comparable to Outer World.

Zhao Fang Hua Erniang Bai Zhuang and his entourage, when they stepped into the riots less than ten miles, they encountered a thousand centipede.

That centipede is just the fourth grade Late Stage cloud beast, but the aura anomaly Berserk tyrannical, Fleshy Body defense is amazing, the overall power, not even inferior to the big boy scout left these fake baby existence.

Even Zhao Fang, only by using some of the ultimate means, can kill it.


Thousands of centipede were torn apart, and Zhao Fang got its bloodline, which evolved Myriad Beasts.

Go all the way.

When I met the cloudless countless, most of them were fourth grade, and they all looked like the fourth grade Middle Stage Late Stage. As for the cloud beast of the fourth grade Initial Stage, it is rare.

Half a day.

The white zombie slaughter is not counted, the white hair is dyed into blood by the blood, and these blood are not white, and they are all splashed by his killed cloud beast.

“Myriad Beasts has more than a hundred heads in the fourth grade cloud, which can evolve into a big move that threatens the fake infant presence.”

Zhao Fang is very happy. I feel that the land of riots is a blessed land. After half a day, there is this Rank.

“If you can expand the number of cloud beasts in Myriad Beasts to a thousand or even 10,000, then when he is Yuan Ying Initial Stage or Yuan Ying Late Stage, do not accept it and do it directly!”

Myriad Beasts has a great relationship with the quality and quantity of the cloud beast.

The more the number, the stronger the might will be.

of course.

If Zhao Fang can ‘create’ the Fifth Rank cloud beast, don’t worry too much, just twenty or thirty heads, it is enough to laugh at the Yuan Stage.

“Two mothers, you said that there are a lot of Fifth Rank cloud beasts here, how come all the way, one did not encounter?”

Zhao Fang is not satisfied.

Hua Erniang turned over the White Eye, which turned the lives of all beings, and she was speechless.

When others break into the riots, they are all careful and cautious, lest they be stared at by the cloud beast. Only Zhao Fang is a different kind, and the level of the cloud beast that is suspected is too weak.


In the distance, there is a roaring sound that wears a golden cracked stone. The Vibration is thousands of miles deep and penetrates into the ears. It makes people hōng hōng, like to explode.

Flower Eriang charming face slightly changed.

Extreme solemn looked in front of the eyes, when I was looking back, I looked at Zhao Fang with a strange look, and my expression was full of sorrow. “You are really a crow mouth, you are talking, and there is a Fifth Rank cloud beast in front.”


Zhao Fang is not afraid of anti-happiness.

Hua Erniang shook her head helplessly, thinking that Zhao Fang was not saved.

That is the Fifth Rank cloud beast, even if you are not sure how to deal with it, Zhao Fang where is the confidence? Still so excited!

Despite her unwillingness in her heart, she couldn’t have passed Zhao Fang after all, be careful and follow the snoring.

The other cloud beasts in the forest also noticed that the Fifth Rank cloud beast was sinister and fled early, so that they went all the way, and almost did not touch other cloud beasts.

After a while.

Two people A white cat is on a cliff.

At the other end of the cliff, it is connected to another mountain range.

At the front end of this mountain range, there is a great war of human beings.

The beast is a high hundred zhang (333m), with red hair like a fire, a mighty out of the ordinary flame lion.

Its opponent is a group of aura fierce, the cultivation base is in the Human of Revolving Core Late Stage.

“It’s the Fifth Rank cloud beast.”

Hua Erniang looked at the huge cloud beast and saw its origins at a glance.

When she looked at the group again, she looked amazed and shocked.

“how can it be?”

“How is he still alive?”

Flower Erniang is unbelievable.

Zhao Fang looked at him. The first thing I saw was that the four 50 were similar to the cruel aura, but the Strength was obviously several times stronger than him.

“This should be the Great Ominous in the forefront of the list of murderers?”

Zhao Fang blinked and continued to look. After the murderers, there were still a few people standing.

Among them, the most eye-catching is the three people.

Beautiful young girl, white fat man, and thin scholar.

Zhao Fang didn’t look at the former two people and fell directly on the thin scholar.

Scholars are very inconspicuous, especially when compared to two other people.

Zhao Fang still locked him at a glance!

Not because he is handsome, nor is he wearing a piece of weak face, but his calm and indifferent look, exactly the same as Li Yuanba’s previous killing.

Under the calm and gentle appearance of the scholar, there is an extremely violent aura hidden.

Where is he standing, like a hungry wolf in human skin, full of dangerous aura.

This aura is stronger than any other Great Ominous.

All these are telling Zhao Fang, the identity of the other party!

“Bullying, you really didn’t die!” Zhao Fang grinned.

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