
The Song Tu in front of the mountain seemed to be inspected and turned back.

The cliffs in the distance are full of desolate, empty and empty.

“what happened?”

Bai Qing asked freely.

“Nothing.” Song Tu regained his gaze, expression as usual.

Bai Qing looked at all around thoughtfully, and didn’t care too much.

Under the cofferdam of more than forty Revolving Core murderers, the red-haired lion who had a wound on the body, was defeated, imposing manner weak, and it was about to be killed!

But the more this is the point, the look of the murderers, the more solemn, there is no sense of lax.

Instead, it is more cautious than before.

They are free between life and death, and naturally understand the truth of corned beast still wanna fight, do not want to be destined for Death’s red mad lion to pull back.


The flaming lion’s body surface is flaming, more dazzling than before, and aura is more powerful.

Seeing this scene, the murderers have no fear, conversely revealing a trace easily.

Berserk is the means of the strong lion’s strongest and its ultimate means.

Being forced to use this method, on behalf of the red lion lion ready, the poor, as long as this wave of attacks, the red lion will die!


When the mad flaming lion smashed and killed the ** people, the body was like a sea, and the aura of cruel cruel suddenly became weak.

The Great Ominous, who has long been preparing for a number of Half-step Yuan Ying, where will have let go of this excellent fighter, join forces to kill, kill the red lions on the spot, cut the body into dozens, extremely bloody bloody And cruel !

Blood stained the red ground.

Also splashed on other murderers.

The living murderers looked at each other and looked at the expression of joy and emotion.

Joining hands to kill a Fifth Rank cloud beast is a very strange battle experience for the fierce players who are not good at collaborating.

“It’s still some use.”

Bai Qing nodded, gave some affirmation.

“Hurry up, move on!”

Song Tu expressionless.

Other murderers took advantage of Pill Medicine to adjust the rate, and the remaining murderers were the key parts of the red lion.

Such a Fifth Rank cloud beast, all of them are treasures, naturally can not be wasted.

Of course, it is not who, all take this Fifth Rank cloud beast, such as Bai Qing, in addition to the red lion lion death, I took a look, other Time, do not look.

In this mysterious women in the eyes, trivial Fifth Rank, the animal does not enter her eyes.

Quickly harvesting Battlefield, the group quickly left.

When the silhouette of Song Tu and others disappeared completely in the Cangwu Mountains, Zhao Fang Hua Erniang came out from the corner of the cliff.

They have been hiding here.

The actions of the murderers from beginning to end are all in the eye.

“The murderer is not dead.”

Hua Erniang complexion deep, seeing the murderer this Venerable, she did not know, she was cheated.

“This is not the point, the beautiful young girl and the fat man, is who?”

The team that thinks about just now seems to be respected by these two people. Even the Song Tu, who is incarnate and murderous, has more respect for them.

“It looks like it is not the people here.” Hua Erniang raised her eyebrows slightly.

Zhao Fang’s heart is moving, complexion is not very good-looking, “Do you mean that there is an inflation in the 100-land collar and will participate in the tomb competition?”

“I was in a very accidental situation, I learned the peerless tomb, and the source of the news was erased by me. According to the truth, there should be no second people to know.”

“Unless, there are other channels…”

The words of Hua Er Niang made the Zhao Fang complexion gradually gloomy.

He thought that to rob the peerless tomb, he only had to fight with the riots of the riots. He never thought that the murderous damned battalion was still alive and kicking, and he was also searching for the tomb.

Coupled with the mysterious Influence suspected of being from the Bailu collar, Zhao Fang’s tomb-seeking trip has added a great difficult.

“Otherwise, let’s give up!”

Hua Er Niang hesitated, start to talk.

Just entering the riots, there are three strong Great Influences in front of them.

The most elite and powerful murderer party headed by Song Tu, the king of the murderer.

Spread throughout the riots and is the most powerful riot of the influence of Strength Influence.

And the mysterious Influence that is suspected to come from the hundred-collar collar.

The three influences, any one, are stronger than the three-in-one combination of Zhao Fang Hua Er Niang Bai Zhuang. These three Great Influences are like a mountain in front of Zhao Fang Hua Erniang.

They want to be close to the peerless tombs and must cross these three mountains.

For today’s Hua Erniang, the difficulty is too big, in contrast, give up more reason.

Although she is not willingly, this is the safest choice.

“give up?”

Zhao Fang smiled and shook his head.

He is different from Hua Erniang.

Hua Erniang has no external pressure, she can give up.

But if you are different, if you can’t find the treasure that Duobao has found yourself, then the whole Tongtian Continent will be destroyed by ghosts. By then, the friends and relatives you know, including yourself, will also die under the sneaky.

In order to fight against the fate of the big hand, Zhao Fang must move forward, and he has no right to choose to retire.

“I will not give up.”

Leaving this sentence, Zhao Fang took a white stiff and rushed to the entrance to the mountains across the cliff.

Grabbing on the stump of the red lion, collected a group of fis-sized red lion bloodline.

Zhao Fang grinning, Myriad Beasts has no boundaries and adds a cloud beast, and is still a Fifth Rank beast.

At this time.

Hua Erniang also followed.

See Zhao Fang looking at himself, Hua Er Niang said: “I was the one who took the initiative to team up with you and rioted, you have not given up, I naturally live and death!”

Hua Er Niang is extremely beautiful, and this is even more ridiculous. Rao is Zhao Fang, and he can’t help but see Hua Er Niang.

The two people were in a stalemate, following the tragic sorrows of the cloud beasts, following the team of Song Tu and others, all the way.

On this road, the Song Tu team killed dozens of fourth grade Late Stage cloud beasts and six Fifth Rank beasts. Although the valuable parts of these cloud beasts were taken away by anatomy, Zhao Fang still searched many cloud beasts. Bloodline.

Myriad Beasts The number of cloud beasts in the borderless region is already approaching the 200 mark.

Although the number is not much, but the victory is outstanding!


In the forest, the murderers cooperated and once again killed a three-eyed scorpion.

The three-eyed scorpion has just been promoted to Fifth Rank, and Aura is still unstable, but it poses a great threat to the murderers.

The toxic mist that was sprayed out, the old poisonous death of several Great Ominous people in the Revolving Core Late Stage, made a dozen people very poisonous, 奄奄one breath, and they would not survive.

The atmosphere of the entire team has become very depressed.

Song Tu Shen Shen’s face, his look is not very good-looking, just now, those who were poisonous culprits were attacked by poison, and they are already dead.

After killing all the way, he lost the most, and nearly 200 people from the mountain of the murderer, now there are no more than one hundred.

On the other hand, Bai Qing and the fat man, because no action is taken, almost no one is hurt, let alone die!

This made the murderers feel unbalanced and accumulated a grievance.

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