The second thousand and thirty-four chapters of the training maidservant heard these, Wei Wei complexion slightly eased some.

Nodded slightly, I was greeted with Zhao Fang.

“This Sir is here, as the head of Tongtian Xianmen, invited the Great Master to enter my fairy door, I hope the Great Master will not refuse.”

Zhao Fang officially invited Wei Wei.

Fifth Rank middle ranked.

Putting it on a hundred-collar collar is also a character. In this Tongtian Continent, it is the ceiling of the medicinal pharmacist. Such a talent, since it meets, naturally cannot be let go.

There is a relationship between Hong and Lao, Wei Wei did not refuse.

However, compared to joining Xianmen, he was more curious about how Zhao Fang would wake up. He repeatedly asked questions, and even Zhao Fang did not know what excuses to look for.

Hong Lao saw that Zhao Fang didn’t want to say that there was something to do, and he took Wei Wei directly away.

When Wei Great Master asked the bottom, Zhao Fang felt a lot easier.

Look around all around…

Bai Qing, the big boy, these new servants, and Ouyang Zi, Yu Qing, these ‘Xianmen old people’ are here.

However, he did not see Luo Yuan alone and was banned.

Upon inquiry, I learned that two people are leading Legion and conquering twelve states.

After learning that there were half of the land in the twelve states, and under the glory of Xianmen, Zhao Fang smiled with satisfaction.

Zhao Fang just woke up, and everyone didn’t dare to bother too much, and they all left.

In the end, only Bai Qing served.

“After all, the maidservant from Great Clan, I will be a disability body, not worthy of your service?”

Looking at Bai Qing, thinking of the strange maleservant in the past, Zhao Fang’s lips appeared a touch of coldness.

“Bai Qing does not dare! It is…”

Bai Qing still wants to explain, but Zhao Fang pulls his wrist, still on the bed, licking a few palms down, the white cheeks that are hitting straight are red and shivering.

Elder, who had not yet gone far, heard this slight movement, and they all looked a little, and immediately looked at each other and laughed.

“Young master spared the maidservant, the maidservant got it wrong!”

After being taught a lesson, Bai Qing no longer dared to find reasons and directly admit his mistakes.

Zhao Fang did not close his hand. It seemed to arouse some kind of violent desire in his heart. He played the white and delicate trepidation, and his body was red. In the end, he even brought out a crying and fainted.

Zhao Fang clear headed Come over, remembering the move just now, the brow wrinkled deeply.

“What happened to me this is? How did the heart become tyrannical?”

He found that after waking up, his temperament, there have been some changes, irritability, and easy to dry.

Slightly unsatisfactory, like grinding everything.

Very tyrannical!

“Is it wrong…”

Zhao Fang touched the left eye and changed his mind. “After this ash brought me the swallow natural talent, it also made my temperament become like this?”

Suddenly, Zhao Fang remembers the long and strange dream he had done before.

His complexion abruptly condenses.

“You finally found out?”

A familiar and dull voice came out of his chest.

Inside the robe, drill a big palm silhouette, which is the elf Kong Ling.

“What did you find?”

“The power of shackles is not a good thing. You get the ashes at the same time and pay a price.”

Zhao Fang is silent.

He understands this truth.

Just like some people who deal with the devil, after getting the powerful power that is not human, it is bound to pay the most expensive price.

Or Life, or soul!

And Zhao Fang, who got the ashes at the same time, was also tainted by cockroaches, became arrogant, irritable, and full of destruction and destruction.

“Is there a way to ease it?”

“Cultivate the sacred merits of peace and harmony, in order to neutralize. You don’t look at me, I have heard that there is such a sacred merit, but I have not practiced, maybe you need to go to Bailu, and look patiently.” ”

“Is there any other way?”

“For the time being, you can rely on yourself and suppress yourself with your own self.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang rolled the eyes, “I have no say.”

Paused, he found that the elf at the moment aura, seems to be much weaker than when he saw the last time, could not help but think that when the elf took him to the palace, he was stunned.

“How is your injury?”

“This is exactly what I want to tell you. The last time the injury was too heavy, this time I called you one month in a row, I am too mentally consuming and need to sleep for a period of time.”


“I know you can’t bear the Senior Sister, but this is no way. If you want me to wake up early, I will find the treasure that reshapes Fleshy Body for me. I am waiting for you, Little Junior!”

Leave this sentence, the elf figure fades, and finally, turned into a tattoo, tattooed in the front position of Zhao Fang.

“Rely, others have a dragon tiger on the front chest, and the most unfortunate beauty is also good. What kind of thing is this little Loli?”

Having said that, Zhao Fang tried to touch the pattern of the elf, and a stream of warmth emerged from his heart.

He naturally heard the voice of care in the elf’s words. Obviously he was seriously injured, but he did not go to rest. It was dragged for a month, waiting for himself to wake up, and still ‘awakening himself’ with spirit every day.


“I won’t let you rest for too long!”


Bai Qing slowly opened his eyes.

Eyelashes are shaking, thinking of the previous experience, the inner feelings of extraordinary shame, but not only why, with the body but a stream of heat, instinct to give birth to one kind, but also try again!

“What happened to me This is?”

Bai Qing was also shocked by his sudden thoughts and quickly converge.

“Woke up?”

The familiar and cold voice of Zhao Fang sounded in the ear.

Bai Qing did not dare to reload, endured the pain of the body, got up and squatted in front of Zhao Fang, “Master forgives!”

This time, she was beaten and changed her name directly to Master.

“Don’t think about my soul, if soul can’t return, no one will suppress you, you can do whatever you want…”

“Slave servant doesn’t dare!”

Bai Qing will cry.

“It is best not to dare, and then next time, directly off the light and hang up!”

Said, Zhao Fang mind subconscious flashed that picture, in the eyes actually appeared a touch of excitement.

Although it is bowing, Bai Qing is a Yuan Ying Powerhouse after all, and all of a sudden will notice the change of Zhao Fang’s eyes.

The inner smile is already preparing for dedication.

“You go out!”


Bai Qing looked up and looked stunned. Some doubted whether his ears were wrong.

Zhao Fang slowly closed his eyes.

Seeing, Bai Qing in the eyes flashed a surprise, quickly bowed his head, squatting, and stepped back.

“Don’t pack you up, you don’t know, who is the Master!”

Zhao Fang blinked and sneered.


Open the personal properties panel.

The mistake found that the cultivation base actually upgraded Level 1.

Revolving Core is two!

“When is Upgrade?” Zhao Fang himself could not remember.


He slammed his thighs. “I remembered, using the ashes swallow sneaky soul, I was smashed backlash, the moment of coma, the sneaky corpse, started a plunder, I don’t know what to plunder!”

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