The true identity of the second thousand and thirty-five chapters of Duobao!

“I remember that when I plundered, it seemed to consume 5,000 cents.”

Zhao Fang recalled, some screaming.

If you plunder one person, you need five thousand fairy points. Ghost is definitely the first person!

“When you want to plunder the Clone, you get the ’82 years of bad wine’ that can resolve soul, and the six-meter Immortal Technique ‘able to move unhindered.” I really want to know, this Venerable will have what kind of Treasure !”

First of all, the fairy point, and on the basis of the original, it has increased by 5,000, reaching 30,000 degrees, no more and no less.

In the System package, in addition to the original treasure, there are five or six new treats.

Among them, there are only four pieces worthy of attention by Zhao Fang.

伥 诛 诛 heart.

Qi Sha sword book.

Hua Ying Dan.

Fairy: Falling thunder.

“The sneaky heart, can turn the Cultivator, which has just died, into its own ghost, for my use? I’ll go! So hanging?”

“Unfortunately, the use of the ghosts is only once! And the maximum enslavement limit is no more than two Great Realm holders.”

Function, somewhat similar to Myriad Beasts.

The only difference is that a slave to Myriad Beasts, a slave to the Cultivator.

In the great decision battle, the sneaky scorpion did not use this technique. It is estimated that it was because of the place where there was no body for him to transform into a scorpion.

“Qi Sha sword book? Sword art?”

Zhao Fang looked at it carefully and was disappointed. The Qi Sha sword book is not a sword book, just a book volume with the name of the densely packed.

“The roster of the Qi Sha Temple member?”

Zhao Fang is wrong, “Where is the Qi Sha Temple?”

What he now knows is the Eight Great Clans, and then up, the Temple of Destruction, and the Super Great Influences where King Yang is.

For World other than Tongtian Continent, I really don’t know much about it.

“It’s actually something like a head and a token. Could it be that the ghost is the master of this Qi Sha temple?”

Zhao Fang decided to have time to find Baiqing to find out.

Followed by Hua Ying Dan, this does not need to repeat, there is a fatal temptation to Revolving Core Late Stage Powerhouse.

Zhao Fang counted down and had more than 30 tablets.

Putting in Continent is definitely a huge fortune.

If you can convert into Yuan Ying Cultivator, the background of Tongtian Xianmen, no one can shake!

“There is no even a baby to change Dan, so it is also a boss of infants and children.”

Zhao Fang is still somewhat dissatisfied, but at the thought of it, the sneaky scorpion has been sealed for so long. In order to get rid of the difficulties, it is estimated that the treasure can be used up, and it will be left to yourself.

“Looking at the Seven Charms?”

However, after reading the introduction carefully, Zhao Fang found that he thought more.

Falling Lei Xianfu, at this stage belongs to the six-character fairy.

Unlike the common fairy, this is not a finished product, but an incomplete product, and you can continue to upgrade by drawing Thunder.

However, if you want to upgrade one piece of six items to seven items, the Thunder you need is definitely not what Zhao Fang can do at the moment. When he thinks about it, he puts out the idea.

“In fact, the six-character fairy is enough.”

After the inspection, Zhao Fang has some intentions.

“I remember that before the coma, Duobaodao seemed to give Yuanba something.”

Thinking of this, Zhao Fang directly summon Li Yuanba.

Void split, Li Yuanba’s slim silhouette, stepping out from inside one step, and after seeing Zhao Fang, he immediately ran over.

“Big Brother, you finally woke up! Worried about me!”

Seeing Zhao Fang has nothing to do, Li Yuanba sighed with relief.

Zhao Fang smiled and sneaked a few words with Li Yuanba, and then asked about the coma after the day.

Zhao Fang was a bit complicated when he learned that Duobao had passed away.

“To Big Brother, This is the nose of the cow. It is the senior who asked me to hand it over to you.”

Li Yuanba has great resentment for Duobao. Zhangkou is a cow nose, but see Zhao Fang expression.

“Yin and Yang too mirror!”

Zhao Fang recognized the thing, and it was the yin and yang mirror that he brought out from the Xianxian House.

But when you bring it out, there are some differences.

“When it was brought out, the yin and yang mirrors were still broken, and even the spirits were not. Now, it seems to be restored to a finished fairy.”

Zhao Fang murmured.

Pointing on the yin and yang too virtual mirror introduction, the figure crashed.

“Yin and Yang are too virtual mirrors, Wang Pinxian.”

An all of a sudden, Zhao Fang mind seems to have a storm sweeping, leaving only these four words.

Wang Pinxian! !

He is no longer a little white in the world of Initial Entry, and he is already familiar with the Immortal World treasure classification.

First grade is the lowest and Ninth Rank is the highest.

Ninth Rank, for the surpassing reputation, it is an unexpected superiority.

The yin and yang are too virtual mirrors, but it is surpassed by Ninth Rank.

The value is high, incalculable!

It is like a poor brat who just walked out of the mountain village. Suddenly he got the supreme divine sword that everyone must get on the martial arts. This is his Luck, and it is his sorrow.

Once you are known, there will be a countless Powerhouse swarming, no matter what means he has, there will be no scum left!

Zhao Fang is in the heart.

Wan did not expect that the yin and yang too virtual mirror is actually this Rank peerless treasure.

Fortunately, he knows that he has this mirror, only Li Yuanba.

“Yuanba, I have this mirror, you must never mention it to anyone!”

Although it is important to know that Li Yuanba will not betray, he is still careful.

Li Yuanba seems to understand the point of nod.

After calming down, Zhao Fang thought of a problem.

The yin and yang too virtual mirror is the Wang Pinxian, and the multi-treasure person who gave him such a treasure is what kind of existence?


Suddenly, Zhao Fang raised an eyebrow.

He used the soul Sense yin and yang too, but soul was involved and entered another World.

It is a yin and yang only two Qi, even a very broken World, the wind and sand all over the sky, revealing the feeling of desolate and desolate.

“You came!”

Zhao Fang soul Just entered the mirror inside World, there was a familiar but strange voice coming.

Familiar with this voice, he has heard it many times, even with his voice, he can know his Master identity.

Unfamiliar, this voice is very cold, very inconsistent with the person in his memory.


Zhao Fang frowned.

The wind and sand roared and entangled to form a figure.

It was a woman wearing a yin and yang fish gown and standing upright.

“Ao Yue?”

The face of women, he is very familiar, and it is Wu Aoyue.

But the other side’s face is full of indifference that makes Zhao Fang feel strange, like a stranger.

“You have mistaken people. There is no Wu Aoyue here, only the spirit, the string moon.”

Women start to talk.

Zhao Fang startled, just want to start to talk.

The string month continues: “You are the one chosen by Duo Bao Xian Zun?”

Saying, looking at Zhao Fang from the gaze of the review, he finally shook his head, “weak!”

“It’s weak!”

Zhao Fang did not care about her evaluation. It was very sad for Wu Aoyue to become the present appearance. At the same time, she thought of her name for Duobao.


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