“Mystery silver jellyfish, with it, I am close to the footsteps of Wude Jindan, and one step closer.”

Thinking of harvesting in the stop-go shop, Zhao Fang’s lips showed a trace of smile, but did not notice, the store two and the strange look of some people sitting in the corner of the living room of the restaurant.

Boarding the building.

Came to the room.

I am about to enter the room card to enter.

Zhao Fang’s brow suddenly wrinkled.

The nose smelled a strange flavor.

In the Peacock Mausoleum, when the second level was promoted to the ranks, the reward of the power of the gods made him all over the world.

Immortal Force is more sophisticated.

Speed, strength, and defense are all doubled to Upgrade.

Even eyesight, hearing, and even smelling produce an amazing change.

Although can’t compare with some cloud beasts that eat by smell, they are almost the same.

“Aura with a stranger.”

Zhao Fang’s heart glimpsed, and the banned fairy cube was quietly held in the palm of his hand.


The room card rays of light flashed, the closed door, automatically activated.


When the dim light spreads out of the room, all the a sudden, there is a smudge of the knife light, with one kind of amazing speed, directly to Zhao Fang.

That knife, crisp and neat, is fast enough to kill most of the Yuan Ying Cultivator.

“Get it!”

At the moment the knife light struck, Zhao Fang clearly saw the one piece face that appeared in the dark corner of the room.

One piece is strange, but the face of a man with grin hideously meaning!


The fairy banned and intertwined, forming a golden hand, holding the knife directly, and then, under the surprised eyes of the man, violently grasped, but the sound of the slamming sound, the blade with the knife light, collapsed Off.


That is the man who is grin hideously, his expression is stagnation, his eyes are rolling, and he is shocked and unbelievable.

銆€銆€鈥渄amn it 锛屾刽浠€涔堟刽锛屽揩take action 锛佲€

This is, that man behind, came an indifferent and violent voice, and then, it was a knife and the power was not weak.

Jin Can hand mastered into a fist, slammed it, and punched a knife in the knife.


The long blade that came from the second handle did not accidentally follow the footsteps of the front a blade, and the blade edge collapsed and turned into nothingness.

“damned, is this fellow really a Revolving Core?”

銆€銆€鏆存埦man cursed 锛屽嵈鏄笉鎱屼笉蹇欙纴鍙栧嚭涓ゅ紶Red 浠欑銆

The immortality is filled with amazingfluctuation, and it is two Fine Ranks.


Zhao Fang’s eyes are very cold, and the singer bans the knife.


The chain of the banned might, but even the baby has to have a headache in the Middle Stage, even if it is not fully open, it is not the ordinary Yuan Ying can block.

A knife goes down.

Hiding in the doorway sneak attack two people, directly blocked by the waist into two segments, the blood light splattered, two black light clips with amazing momentum, they want to rush out of the door to escape.

“Since it is here, why bother to go?”

The chain of fairy bans shrouded two black lights and trapped them inside.

When everything subsided, two spurting corpses were heavily squatted on the ground, and there was no aura. Even Yuan Ying was trapped by the chain ban.

Zhao Fang blinked at the other rooms in the same building. He was keenly aware that there were a few hidden eyes just now, and he was prying into his own battle. He sneered and looked at the rooms in a deep look. His eyes were violent.

Carrying the two Yuan Ying who were trapped by the immortal, they entered the door directly.

After it disappeared, several doors opened, and seven or eight divine light in the door were restrained, aura’s majestic man.

I looked at each other and saw the strangeness and shock on the other’s face.

“Xian Ban!”

“That brat is actually a banned sergeant. I can use the Revolving Core cultivation base to kill two Yuan Ying. He has a great ban on great treasure!”

“This matter will be passed back to Clan! Be fast!”


In the room.

Zhao Fang swept the eye, complexion immediately gloomy down, white is really not.

In the moment when the two people sneak attack him, he guessed the result.

If Bai Qing is there, there will be such a result.

“Let’s say, where was Bai Qing taken by you, who are you?”

He did not think that Bai Qing would rebel himself.

After losing Chen Sheng’s big backing, Bai Qing was in the hands of Bai Lu, and she was helpless. Even her former old family, Chen family, was ordering her.

She can save her, protect her well, and even compete with the Chen family, only Zhao Fang.

If she betrayed Zhao Fang, it is equivalent to digging her own grave. Bai Qing is not a fool, and will not do such stupid things.


When he left, Bai Qing was still at the critical stage of the breakthrough Yuan Ying Jiuzhong, and could not leave at all. In the room now, there were several aura residues in the air.

Although Time already dilutes those auras, it can still be perceived by Zhao Fang. One of them is very strong, and it is not weaker than Gong Ying.

When all kinds of information are combined, it is not difficult to imagine the picture at the time.

“Don’t dream, we won’t say it!”

Two yuan infants, a middle-aged man, staring at Zhao Fang, snarled: “I advise you, or obediently let us, otherwise, you don’t even know how to die!”


His words just finished, complex Fang indifferent Zhao Fang, directly activate the power of the ban, killing its Yuan Ying.

From the beginning to the end, his face did not show the slight killing intent.

But the calmer he is, the more tererifying he feels.

The only remaining Yuan Ying Cultivator was completely shaken by this scene, complexion whitish, Yuan Ying tremor.

In particular, he found that when Zhao Fang looked at himself with a gaze, he became more nervous and upset.

“Say, still die?”

Zhao Fang asked indifferently.

“I said, I said, don’t kill me!”

In the face of life and death, hard air is unable to save itself.

After the death of the partner, the Cultivator witnessed the faint youngster in front of her, and she already had a deep fear, and she dared to speak hard.

“Chen family ?”

The results are somewhat unexpected by Zhao Fang.

銆€銆€琚潃浠栫殑锛屼笖鎺犺蛋锏芥竻镄勶纴涓嶆槸涓庝粬链鍏堢粨镐ㄧ殑鍖楀鍏堢粨镐ㄧ殑鍖楀北Clan 锛屼篃涓嶆槸鏂拌繎缁粐镄刉 ei Family 锛岃€屾槸Chen family 锛

Chen Sheng’s Clan!

“How does the Chen family know that Bai Qing is here?”

“Yes, it is Beishan Rui. He sent someone to tell us about the patriarch. The patriarch sent a baby to Powerhouse to take the action himself. I wanted to take you down together. I can patriarch and I can’t wait to ask Chen Sheng Young Master. The Powerhouse will leave with Bai Qing, leaving us alone to ambush you and then bring you back to the Chen family…”

“Beishan Rui!”

For this name, Zhao Fang is no stranger.

This person is the solider of the younger generation of the Beishan family. He is one of the Bailu Qijun. Beishan clear and bright also raised this person’s name and threatened himself. Zhao Fang didn’t care much at the time.

“I always thought that Clan of Beishan would do it myself. I didn’t expect that this Beishan Rui was not only forbearing, but also so sinister. I didn’t do it myself. I just moved my mouth and someone came to clean me up.”

Zhao Fang laughed.

The sense of danger that Viper stared at made him very uncomfortable. His eyes were cold and ice-cold was extreme. “Chen family, Beishan, you… very good!”

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