The second one hundred and sixty-six chapters of the flower Sword just returned to Clan.

Hundreds of flowers received a message.

After reading, her charming face changed, and smiled bitterly: “Chen family, Beishan Rui, you are really reckless, and you have provoked this river to Raptors!”

What happened in the ascending building, not only she knew, but also in the extreme Time, passed to the eyes of the other seven high-level officials.

For a moment.

Many people are waiting for it, revealing the color of interest, and want to see what happens next.

Some people disagree.

“A Revolving Core is also trying to compete with one of our Bailu and Eight families? It’s really an overnight one’s capabilities !”

“Don’t say it’s any family, even if you just send a Yuan Ying, you can kill him!”

When the Chen family sent two Yuan Ying eight-fold Powerhouse ambush Zhao Fang, and finally, but no news of going out of the building, the sound of these people’s banter suddenly weakened a lot.

However, some people still think that in front of Clan’s behemoth, Zhao Fang’s personal force is too small to turn any waves.

In this regard.

Zhao Fang did not argue, and once again boarded the Bai Family.

A small flower, under the pavilion.

“I know everything, if there is anything I need to help, you say.”

Hundreds of flowers show the position and unconditionally support Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang ordered nod, just starting to talk.

Flower Sword Aunt entered the small building and walked to the pavilion under two people.

Then, quietly standing at a distance of ten feet outside the pavilion, a pair of faithful maidservant looks like.

Hundreds of flowers killed a little frown, she did not know where, the Flower Sword aunt appeared here, will be directed by his own mother, came to monitor himself.

Zhao Fang clearly saw that when the flower Sword aunt looked at himself, the flashing banter seemed to be mocking himself.

In fact.

Flower Sword Auntie Zhao Fang, indeed, there is no Favorability. After listening to his maidservant being taken away by the Chen family, he rushed to the Bai Family. He thought that Zhao Fang was a hundred Hua Family, asking for help. Evaluation of him.

One person is better than one!

The heart is sneer and disdain.

It was the mood change of the all of a sudden that was captured by Zhao Fang.

“I said that one person is better than a family. After the accident, I still have to come to my Baihua people for advice. I thought that there is still powerful power behind this brat. Now it seems that it is just like this!”

Flower Sword Aunt expressionless, sneer inside.

“Flower Sword Aunt, what is your mother’s order?”

Baihua killed Zhao Fang, seeing his expression as usual drinking tea, had to look at Flower Sword first, explore the tone.

銆€銆€鈥淢istress 璁:lave servant 鍓嶆潵锛岀殑纭槸 chain変竴鍙ヨ瘽锛岃slave servant 宁》粰Eldest Young Lady 銆傗€

Flower Sword Aunt looked up and didn’t look at Zhao Fang, calmly said: “The world is sinister, and the sinister villain is mostly a big loyal and good face. Young Lady has little experience, and it will inevitably look away and let Flower Sword go to check.”

銆€銆€褰揊lower Sword 涓€鍓疢istress 娲 ご锛屾妸杩欑旸璇濊鍑哄悗锛岄偅 ご锛屾妸杩欑旸璇濊鍑哄悗锛岄偅 ′ ′ 瓙镄勮 瓙镄勮 钄戜笌缇炶 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃篃镞犳硶缁存寔骞抽銆

He put down the teacup and stood up.

“Zhao Young master!”

Hundreds of flowers kill complexion nervous, at the same time Some hate Flower Sword, speak too sinful, and, regardless of her meaning of this Eldest Young Lady, is humiliating Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang waved his hand.

Turn around and look at Flower Sword.

“Secret villain?”

“Dazhong Dashan?”

“You are talking about me?”

Zhao Fang laughed, but there was no smile on his face, and the eyes were full of cold and cold.

銆€銆€锏锏竻琚幊锛屼粬铡熸湰蹇冩儏灏卞緢涓嶅ソ锛屾潵锏綡 ua Family 锛屼篃骞堕潪鏄疐lower Sword 鎯宠薄涓偅鑸纴鏉ュ悜锏綡ua Family 姹傛彺銆

Flower Sword Today’s tone and attitude, the reason is despising.

銆€銆銆浣嗕篃璇浣嗕篃璇槑锛屼粬镄勫嚭鐜槑锛屼粬镄勫嚭鐜纴骞笉璁ㄧ栌Hua Family 闾d簺骞曞悗鎺屾潈簺骞曞悗鎺屾潈


銆€銆€灏灏畻鏉浜咶浜咶lower Sword 锛岄櫎浜呜浠栫殑enemy 涓纴鍐嶅鍑轰竴涓︻栌Hua Family 澶栵纴涓庝粬镞犱换浣旷泭澶勩€

Even, it will let the hundred flowers that have been helping themselves kill.

銆 銆 銆 鈥 粓绌 粓绌 锏綡 锏綡 锏綡 锏綡 锏綡 锏綡 锏綡 锏綡 锏綡 锏綡 锏綡 锏綡 锏綡 锏綡 锏綡

Zhao Fang thought of Mithril jellyfish.

“Don’t dare.”

Flow€銆€Flower Sword 濮戝indifferently said 銆

I can’t say it on my mouth, but on the face that is indifferent and proud, there is a little bit that doesn’t dare.

It is said that the mouth is straightforward.

Zhao Fang is too lazy to pursue, calmly said: “Hundreds of flowers killed maidservant two days later, I will inform you, Mithril jellyfish, you made a ghost.”

Waiting for Flower Sword’s aunt to answer, Zhao Fang deceived himself, “Wei Wei and others will come to snatch the Mithril jellyfish, but also you do it from it?”

Flower Sword looks indifferent.

The killing of flowers is a charming face.

These things are indeed inseparable from the aunt of Flower Sword. She intended to return to Clan and dispose of it slowly. I did not expect that when I came back, I received the news that Bai Qing was detained.

Then, Zhao Fang went back to the door and let her not even have a Time to deal with the matter.

“What about it?”

Flow€銆€Flower Sword 濮戝indifferently said 锛气€ threshold rudder button 姣嶆槸鎴戠栌Hua Family great treasure 锛屽矀鑳戒瀹滀綘杩欎瀹滀綘杩欎瀹滀綘杩欎瀹滀綘杩欎澶栦锛熲

銆 銆 銆 鈥沧棦鐒 鈥沧棦鐒 綘鎻愬埌浜嗗畠锛岄偅灏 綘鎻愬埌浜嗗畠锛岄偅灏 渚 渚 渚 渚 渚 渚 渚 渚 渚 渚笂鎴戜 锏綡 锏綡 Family 镄凾reasure 锛佲€

“Flower Sword !”

锏綡€銆€锏綡ua Family charming face ice-cold 锛宑oldly 鐩潃濂癸纴鈥滀綘缁欐垜闂槾锛佲€

Flower Sword has some wrong expressions. Obviously, she didn’t expect that the reaction of Baihua was so big, but she was just wrong more. She didn’t care about the killing of Baihua.

銆€銆€鈥渊oung Lady 锛屾垜涔熸槸涓轰锏綡 锏綡 Family Family 濂

This is a bit heavy.

Hundreds of flowers killing the face, the chill is deeper, and the Flower Sword aunt is not only guilty of defying her order, it is already despising her authority.

No matter how powerful the Flower Sword aunt cultivation base is, how to look at yourself, the slave servant is the slave servant, the fact that this is impossible to change, want to ride on the head of the master, and the fate of the master, that is even more Impossible.

“Is it right?”

Zhao Fang sneered, stepping forward and heading straight to Flower Sword.

“Zhao Young master.”

Hundreds of flowers kill complexion big change.


Flower Sword Aunt sneer, for Zhao Fang, not at all.

“You trivial, what is the qualification, dare to blame the Master?”

Zhao Fang suddenly looked up and banned the power of the immortal in the fairy tales. It broke out instantly, and the power of a surpass Yuan Ying was wrapped around his palm.


Flower Sword Aunt’s complexion slightly changed, felt the dangerous aura, wants to retreat, but she just had this thought, she felt a palm-like palm, firmly grasped her neck and lifted her up.

“is her!”

Under the pain of suffocation, Flower Sword aunt saw clearly, and the person who was holding his throat was Zhao Fang.

She was shocked, thinking that emits baby changed to Powerhouse aura, to kill Zhao Fang, but suddenly found that the Immortal Force with the body, seems to be suppressed by a powerful force, can not be used.

“how can it like like this?”

Flower Sword Aunt was shocked, and for the first time on his face, there was a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, the Revolving Core Junior, which was despised by himself, had such terrifying strength.

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