Chapter 217, Floating Snow Sword!

“Whipping the dog’s head!”

The long whip fell to the head of the snow.

The snow fell scared. “How can he have such a fast speed!”

He couldn’t imagine how Zhao Fang trivial ‘5-Star Martial Venerable ‘ could have a faster speed than him.

But he is ready to think.

The fierce wind has already slammed into his head.

He subconscious with a sword to stop.


Li Yuanyi, who was quietly drinking, saw this scene, slightly frowned.


The fierce wind did not fall on the snow, but directly took away the snow sword in his hand.

After losing the snow sword, the snow fell and reacted, coldly staring at Zhao Fang, with a killing intent in his tone: “How dare you play me?”

“In the battle, there are not so many Times to let you talk nonsense. Pay attention to the foot.”

Zhao Fang sneered and disappeared in place.

The snow fell on his eyes and he had a new understanding of Zhao Fang’s speed. He didn’t dare to take it out and took out a sword again.

The fluctuation of this sword is inferior to the snow sword, but for everyone, it is still a rare treasure.

“Prince Worthy is Snow Territory Empire’s Prince, Treasure is really Ah!”

Laughter, coming from all directions.

The snow fell quietly and stood still.

His tactical approach, in general, is no problem.

But he ignored a bit. Latest fastest update

Since the long sword was taken, his mindset has undergone subtle changes.

At this moment, he only wants to recapture the long sword and wash his shame.

Like this Rank’s urgent revenge mentality, it is impossible to calmly face the opponent.

Therefore, step into the trap set by the opponent.

“Pay attention to the foot.”

Zhao Fang’s prompt, passed again.

Snow falling subconscious.

At this moment, the fierce wind is the back of him.

The snow sneered, “a bad trick, I thought I could win me?”

He turned sharply and slammed into the behind, and he was already prepared.

“is it?”

Zhao Fang sneered, his voice revealing a few minutes, “believe oneself infallible’s fellow.”

The whip shadow is a pause, sweeping the tangential snow and falling legs.


The snow fell, and at this moment, he just turned and took out a sword, and could not counter the move.

With a bang, the snow fell directly.

The clothes on his legs burst, revealing the bright red armor at the roots of his thighs.

“Fuck, Great Influences is not the same, the equipment is armed to the teeth. Just, what do you mean by wearing a pair of red pants?”

Zhao Fang pointed at the bright red Armour, the ridiculous mockery.

Everyone else saw this scene, and they all twitched at the corner of the mouth. They wanted to laugh wildly, but when they came into contact with the gaze of the snow, they gave birth to this smile.

“There are some Treasures in the red pants. It’s a bit out of the expectations of this Patriarch.”

Zhao Fang glanced at the red pants and was a little surprised.

His whip’s might is enough to kill the ordinary Martial Venerable.

But falling on the snow, but only let him pay the price of some minor injuries.

The red pants are covered, but there are no scars.

The Defense Power of the red pants is evident!

“brat, you are completely irritating me! Don’t kill you, I don’t swear!”

He was snowed, grand Snow Territory Empire Thirteenth Imperial Prince, why was this insult, suddenly eyes red, eyes full of chilly killing intent.

“Thirteenth Imperial Prince !”

Li Yuanyi started to talk, he floated to the front of the snow, I did not know what was said in his ear, Thirteenth Imperial Prince gradually recovered calm, but the chill in the eyes, but did not recede, but more and more concentrated !

“This Old Man!”

Zhao Fang swept Li Yuan and was very dissatisfied.

I know, when he looked at Li Yuan, Li Yuanyi also looked over, eye reveals Warning color.

Zhao Fang startled.

Immediately sneer not cope.

Being bullied to the head, but also your father does not resist?

What kind of jokes to open fuck?

Even if you are 7th Rank Influence Snow Territory Empire Prince, provoke your father, still do it!

Zhao Fang is not arrogant in the bones, but after experiencing Demon God Tu Sen, there is more than one kind in his bones to kill me. I will swear by the sky, and I will swallow me, and I will be fearless.

In his conception, the gods are intrepid, those powerful Influence, and impossible let him bow.


He was in Defying the Heavens!

He followed, just the heart, Revere, only himself!


This time the snow fell awkwardly, and did not put anything wrong, but coldly observed Zhao Fang’s every move and quickly responded.

His cultivation base is higher than Zhao Fang, and under his guard, Zhao Fang wants to take him, it is not an easy task.

Especially in his hands, the ice sword, which is purely condensed by the bloodline power, makes Zhao Fang quite bored.

Ice sword extremely hard, hard to break, even if it is crushed, he can be condensed again.

A battle that should have been one-sided.

At the moment, it has fallen into a stalemate.


The audience at the scene, including Nangong Wuji, did not show an impatient expression.

Instead of relishing the look at.

after all.

Like this High Level Martial Venerable battle, the chances they can see are still too small.

“You are just that!”

See Zhao Fang for a long time, the snow is sneer.

“It’s been a long time, it’s over. Let me see, my Snow Territory Empire is the real sword!”

When the snow fell, the first ice sword appeared in the whole body, followed by the third, the fourth…

The ice sword continued to increase in constant, pointing to the ninth, and it was only able to stop.

However, the continuous condensation of Nine Ice Sword’s snow, but complexion pale, no blood.

It is clear.

The massive consumption of bloodline power on such a scale is also an extremely heavy load for him.

“Nine Ice Sword, what does he want to do?”

Everyone is very puzzled about this.

Only Li Yuanyi looked at the micro-condensation and thought of something, “Floating Snow Sword!”


The next move of the snow verified Li Yuanyi’s guess.

Nine Ice Sword converges on the side of the body, and in its swing, it surges to Zhao Fang.


The sound of coldly shouted sounds from the snow, and there are some distances from Zhao Fang to Nine Ice Sword.

Sound burst!

Every broken ice after the burst is like a sword, swarming toward Zhao Fang.

At that moment, these broken ice is like the snow falling from the nine days, full of pure white beauty.


Under this beauty, there is a cold killing intent!

In an instant.

On the field everyone complexion big change.

Even Nangong Wuji, in the eyes is a stunned expression.

He boasted that if the move was directed at himself, he would survive.

There are too many broken ice, and even if speed is fast, you can’t avoid it all.

In this way, in the exclamation of everyone, the sharp sword net composed of countless broken ice, gathered away toward Zhao Fang.

In an instant.

Zhao Fang is all caged in the net.

“Oh, this is offending Prince’s end!”

Snow falling ice-cold, cold said with a laugh.

“Then you know, offended i your father, what will happen?”

Indifferent sound, from the broken ice sword net.

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