The twenty-eighth chapter three strokes!

“What? This is not dead!”

Everyone is jaw-dropping.

It’s not a curse, Zhao Fang, but a scene in front of you, it’s incredible.

They think that if the broken ice blade is not directed to Zhao Fang, but to the people.

I am afraid.

No one at the scene can survive.

“This fellow!”

The snow fell on his face and his face was awkward.

Before he got on the knife, he saw an extremely shocking picture.


Everyone on the field is dumbstruck, eye reveals incredible color.

“Crushed ice sword, sword net, turned slowly!”


The broken ice sword net that shrouded Zhao Fang was originally in a state of being stationary.

At the moment, it is like a Tai Chi ring, slowly turning from east to west.

As the speed of the rotation gets faster and faster, the sky whip after the broken ice sword net is exposed to the crowd.

“He, he used these whip shadows to block the broken ice sword net and use the whip to dance these broken ice sword nets?”

This action is easier said than done.

But if you want to do it, it is difficult.

Without the surpass of the snow, Strength, wanting to control his broken ice sword net, is simply an impossible thing.

“Zhao Fang, what do you want to do?”

Suddenly, someone was curious to ask.

Li Yuanyi stared at the slowly turning chopped ice sword net. The sudden gaze screamed at the snow, “Thirteenth Imperial Prince, fast retreat !”

Without Li Yuan’s reminder, Snow fell and felt a dangerous feeling coming.

In particular, that comes from the instigation in the heart.

Therefore, he with the slightest hesitation retreat, away from the area where the broken ice sword net is located.


There was a cold sound in the broken ice sword net, and the slowly turning broken ice sword, like a dislocated wild horse, stabbed toward the snow at a speed several times before the surpass.

Pū chī !

The snow fall speed is not slow, but compared with these broken ice swords that are coming like lightning, I don’t know how slow it is.

Just in the blink of an eye.

Tens of thousands of broken ice swords were nailed to the snow.

He is a whole person, like a hedgehog.

Blood, from its with the body, dyed the pure white broken ice sword into blood.

But he did not die immediately.

At the crucial moment, the snow used the power of the bloodline to incorporate half of the broken ice sword into the body.

If not.

Even if he owns the Martial Emperor cultivation base, it must be seriously injured at the moment!

“You, you dare to hurt me!”

The snow fell in the eyes, sparkling with a deep horror.

“The killer, the person will kill!”

Zhao Fang said indifferently, looking at his tone of voice, I really want to get rid of it.


Snow fall expression 狰狞, step one step before, the expression instantly becomes extremely painful. Latest fastest update

“Thirteenth Imperial Prince !”

Li Yuan can’t sit still at the moment.

He thought it.

With Snowfall, it should be easy to solve Zhao Fang.

But the result.

It was the snow that was raging by Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang, who only had 5-Star Martial Venerable cultivation base, was not injured, and even in the whole battle, he was not at a disadvantage.

Li Yuan flipped his hand and took out an emits potent Pill Medicine to let the snow fall.

After taking Pill Medicine, the weak imposing manner gradually stopped and there were signs of recovery.

In this regard.

Zhao Fang didn’t care.

Because, Li Yuanyi gave the snow drop, is a Profound Rank High Grade healing Dan.

It is also common sense to have such a miraculous effect.

“junior, no more than more, you are too poisonous to start!”

Li Yuanyi looked at Zhao Fang and said coldly.

“Senior sees it all in my eyes. I really think it’s my poison?”

Zhao Fang asked.

Li Yuanyi frowned.

“If myself only has 5-Star Martial Venerable cultivation base today, I am afraid that it is now a corpse. Is this a discussion in the senior mouth?” Zhao Fang eye reveals sarcasm.

“In any case, you are too ruthless, Snow Territory Empire, and you will not allow outsiders to make Imperial Clan younger generation.”

Li Yuanyi stared at Zhao Fang, said solemnly.

“Give me, kill him!”

After taking Pill Medicine, Xue Xiao’s life came back, but when he thought of being defeated by Zhao Fang, he felt uncomfortable, hoarse and full of killing intent.

Li Yuanyi expressionless, just slowly stood up.

An extremely powerful Emperor Prestige has spread from it.

“3-Star Martial Emperor !”

Zhao Fang eyes condensed, deep at at Li Yuanyi.

This Li Yuanyi’s imposing manner is much stronger than the old man on the hunchback.

“It’s a bit of a eye! If you hurt Thirteenth Imperial Prince, this Elder, you can’t introduce you to the Snow Territory Academy, but now, it’s a pity!” Li Yuanyi said with emotion.

“Snow Territory Academy !”

Nangong Wuji was shocked and looked at Li Yuan with a look of envy.

Zhao Fang hasn’t heard of this Academy, but it can make Nangong Wuji, the city’s extremely deep Old Man, show such an enviable expression, and the Snow Territory Academy is certainly not simple.

“I am just self-defense. If senior wants to be bullying, myself has nothing to say. However, he will swear to resist!”

Zhao Fang stared at Li Yuanyi, his eyes were extremely firm and not shaken.

If he fights with the opponent, he has no chance of winning.

After all, the other party is a Martial Emperor level Powerhouse.


There are also some cards on his body. I really want to use it. Killed this person.


That thing can only be used once, and it would be a pity if it was wasted on Li Yuanyi.

“hehe, there is courage!”

Li Yuan smiled.

“However, like this inferior radical approach, for me, it is not useful. Of course, I am not willing to do this, but I will not do it, but you will want to kill Thirteenth Imperial Prince. And almost killing, trapped me injustice, but this account is a count.”

Li Yuan chuckled, his face did not show any anger and killing intent, and people could not see what he was thinking.

Zhao Fang is silent.

On the other hand, Nan Gongling went to Nangong Wuji and asked him to come forward to persuade a few words. Nangong Wuji looked at the camera but did not start to talk.

Upon seeing it, Nan Gongling showed an expression of extreme disappointment.

“How do you want to count?” asked Zhao Fang expressionless.

“It’s very simple!” Li Yuan smiled, and the smile was still so gentle, not a bit sharp. “If you can pick me up, don’t die, this will be written off!”


As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was moving.

“Fuck, with the gap between Zhao Fang and Lee senior, don’t say damn three palms, it is a palm that can’t support it.”

“That’s the super existence of 3-Star Martial Emperor!”

“Yeah, even if Zhao Fang is Quasi-Emperor, it can’t support three palms. Not to mention he is just 5-Star Martial Venerable!”

Everyone shook their heads and felt that Zhao Fang would die.

When the snow fell to hear this, the corner of the mouth was also a sneer of a touch of pleasure.

“This, I really want to have no right to refuse!”

“If you don’t want Snow Territory Empire because it involves your Clan, it’s best to take the Elder condition.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang Silence.

The eyes on the field are all on him.

Silence for a moment.

Zhao Fang looked up and said coldly: “I accept!”

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