Chapter 219 Overbearing Zhao Fang !

“Zhao Fang can’t!”

Nan Gongling complexion big change, anxious to stop. Latest fastest update

Nangong Wuji is yelling, “Ling’er, what are you doing? Remember your identity!”

Nan Gongling body is a stiff, standing in the same place, face shows painful struggle.

“Ling’er, don’t worry, I will be fine.”

Zhao Fang looks at Nan Gongling, the heart is warm, said with a light smile.


His gaze fell on Nangong Wuji’s body, and his plain eyes made Nangong Wuji have a heartbeat acceleration, and Crisis felt.

Nangong Wuji suddenly frowned and looked at Zhao Fang deeply.

Zhao Fang reveals the strength of Strength, especially with the snow falling Prince.

Although there are some tricks, it is undeniable that Zhao Fang Strength is also very strong.

If the difference between the two strengths is not big, even if Zhao Fang is no matter how good it is, it is impossible to do this one step.

It is precisely this kind of understanding.

In the heart of Nangong Wuji, a trace of panic was generated.

Zhao Fang’s growth is too fast and too fast.

When they have not reacted, they will be far away.

If you don’t kill it at the moment, until he grows up, the name of the first Clan of Raging Flames Country will probably fall on Zhao Clan’s head.

Nangong Wuji cannot tolerate this happening.

And out of the envy of Zhao Fang, when Zhao Fang confronted Li Yuanyi, he did not mediate from it.


Even the surface skill is not willing to do it, for that, I hope that Li Yuanyi can kill Zhao Fang.

“Hey, Li Yuanyi senior is 3-Star Martial Emperor, you can shoot this brat at random. As long as this brat is dead, Zhao Clan is a loose sand, how can I swallow the Nangong Clan, when it is, Three There are only two of the Great Clans, and it is also when the Nangong Family dominates Raging Flames Country!”

Nangong Wuji in the eyes, flashing one kind of ray of light.

Zhao Fang’s gaze did not stop at Nangong Wuji and he moved to Li Yuanyi.

“brat, are you ready?” Li Yuan asked faintly.

“Please senior enlighten me!” Zhao Fang slightly hands clasped together politely.

“it is good!”

Li Yuanyi shouted.

Tough barely fell, Zhao Fang eyes condensed, Li Yuanyi’s silhouette, but has long since disappeared in place.

He heart trembled, just want to take action.

There is a strong and vigorous force to hit the face, this strength is as heavy as the mountains, overbearing, but at the time of the attack, but smart as a snake, Zhao Fang all coping styles can not stop.

Just listening to the sound of ‘嘭’, Zhao Fang slammed his chest and spurted his blood, and the body flew out.

In an instant.

He has a feeling of guilty guilt, and his body is torn into a countless block.

Fully exiting a dozen feet, Zhao Fang is able to stop, just complexion, but extremely pale.

Zhao Fang touched the palm print of the chest, took a deep breath, muttered: “Worthy is 3-Star Martial Emperor, not only the speed is very fast, but the palm is also amazing!”

As everyone knows, Li Yuanyi is more shocked than Zhao Fang.

The strength of his hand, even the 1-Star Martial Emperor of the ordinary, can’t be eaten.

Zhao Fang trivial Wu Venerable Realm world, not only hard to resist, but also stand steadily, just this skill, it has been proved that it can be defeated by the snow, not accidental.

Zhao Fang If you know the idea of ​​Li Yuanyi, you must be lucky.

After merging the Tyrant of the Depths (Ba Xia) Bloodline, he not only gave him a defensive Armour.

It is the strength of his Fleshy Body, which is also hammered by the bloodline and becomes abnormally tyrannical.

If not.

Just the other hand, he is not dead, and he will be seriously injured at the moment.

“Patriarch, you are fine!”

Zhao Wanyue Third Elder two people, both complexion big change, one left and one right to support Zhao Fang, with anxious.

“Reassured, still can’t die!”

Zhao Fang waved his hand and looked at Li Yuanyi, fighting intent.

“On that palm, I just used 30% power. Are you sure you want to continue? Or, even if you die, you will save Clan?”

Li Yuanyi smiles at Zhao Fang.

“30% force!” Zhao Fang looked at him.

The light is 30% force is so terrifying, how to connect the back two palms?

But he did not step back.

Just indifferently said: “Come on!”

That being said.

At the time of the fight, Zhao Fang immediately activated the Level 1 Berserk, and with the power of 9-Star Martial Venerable, gathered a Defensive Barrier in front of him.

Coupled with the defense of Fleshy Body.

This two-pronged approach will inevitably offset most of the impact.

“Even so, you can’t stop my second palm!”

Li Yuanyi chuckled.

The speed of this second palm is much slower than the first palm.

Zhao Fang can see the trajectory of the operation with the naked eye.

But what shocked him was that he still could not resist.


Li Yuanyi’s palm, breaking the Defensive Barrier easily, was printed again on Zhao Fang’s chest.

Zhao Fang body was like a cannonball. He slammed back and slammed into the wall on the side of the large gate. He was placed in the inside and motionless, like a dead.

“Let’s live, just rely on his trivial wu Venerable Realm world, and dare to compete with Lee senior, really act recklessly.”

“Follow of the overnight one’s capabilities, this time knows that there are people outside, there are Heavens beyond the Heavens!”

“Unfortunately, he has no chance of reflection anymore!”

The sizzling sound of the tide, after Zhao Fang was hit into the wall by a palm, they came out.

The person who speaks.

Most of them are Raging Flames Country. Some of the princes are Noble. They are like this one. They are the ones who are arrogant and arrogant.

Just been wariness his Strength, dare not ridicule.

just now.

Seeing him ‘dead’, one by one can’t stand it anymore, sneer.

“To shut up!”

Zhao Wanyue complexion ice-cold, stunned those who spoke.

Those people were born Noble, but the cultivation base was not high. After Zhao Wanyue, the suddenly complexion was pale.

“Everyone just talks about nothing more, Zhao Elder is too overbearing!”

Nanlan Clan An 4-Star Martial Venerable Elder start to talk, seemingly random, but actually questioning Zhao Wanyue.


Still pushing Zhao Wanyue to the opposite side of everyone.

Such a sinister intention, have to say that this person is sinister.

Nangong Wuji smiled and sat down, but did not say a word, but he did not say a word, but he made the arrogance of those who “turned Zhao”.

For a moment, each Clan has started to talk to question Zhao Wanyue, and it has a tendency to regard it as a public enemy.


The Chu family, who has always been with Zhao Fang, has no one to start to talk.

Just a faint look at the development of the situation.

Chu Cang is often looking at Zhao Fang, brows slightly wrinkle set in the wall.

He always felt that Zhao Fang, a peerless black horse, should not die so simply.

Just as he turned again and looked at the wall, his eyes suddenly condensed.

Zhao Fang, who was originally embedded in the wall, was like a dead, and his fingers moved a little.

Followed by.

In the eyes of everyone, Zhao Fang slowly looked up, and the twilight coldly swept to the Nangong Family Patriarch. He said, “Overbearing? My Zhao Clan is so overbearing, how are you!”

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