The twenty-two chapter of Li Yuanyi’s dedication!

“What? The fellow is still not dead!”

“This is not dead, what is the monster Ah!”

The people were shocked and stunned at the same time, and they remembered that they had just ridiculed Zhao Fang and couldn’t help but drum.

They know that the Lord in front of you, the absolute swearing must report, you must compare!

Especially just now, Zhao Fang swept to their gaze, with the chill in the cold, which made everyone feel cold.

“So many people, involving many influences, he should not do it!”

They can only use this to comfort themselves.

Zhao Fang walked out of the wall and slowly walked two steps. The activity was due to the palm of the hand and some misplaced bones.

It’s like a firecracker’s sound, and it’s coming from Zhao Fang within the body.

The scene is quieter.

Everyone’s eyes are 怔怔looks at Zhao Fang.


Just as Zhao Fang took the third step slowly, his silhouette suddenly disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was the Nangong Family Patriarch.

Zhao Fang squeezed his neck and lifted him, said coldly: “When, I am Zhao Clan’s Elder, can you ask?”

“I, I, help…”

The old complex of the Nangong Family Patriarch rose red, and the breathing was a bit unsatisfactory. The eyes of the helper were turned to Nangong Wuji, who was sitting on the behind.


For the moment, Nangong Wuji impossible is indifferent.

after all.

4-Star Martial Venerable ranked Elder, for Nangong Clan, already belongs to Peak.

This kind of Powerhouse, losing one, is a big blow to Clan!

Zhao Fang coldly looks at Nangong Wuji.

But did not let the Naangong Family Patriarch old.

“Zhao Clan is long, have something to say, don’t be excited! This Patriarch, would like to apologize to Zhao Clan for the old inappropriate words of Patriarch, and please Zhao Clan long Sir, forgive him for this unintentional loss!”

Nangong Wuji is sincere.

“ha ha ……”

Zhao Fang laughed. “If this person is just humiliating me, this Patriarch can naturally look at the long part of the Nangong family and let him go. But he shouldn’t stop, insult me ​​Zhao Clan. I If you let him go easily, what kind of dignity does this Patriarch have in Patriarch? Who is the person who walks through Zhao Clan? Who else respects?”

Nangong Wuji brows slightly wrinkle ,looks at Zhao Fang ,said solemnly : “Zhao Clan is still looking forward to thinking, don’t be tempted!”

“Anyone who does something wrong will have to pay the price. This Patriarch does this for him, so that he will not be tempted in the future, and he will be blamed for himself!”

The voice fell.

Zhao Fang no longer cares about Nangong Wuji, and refers to the sword, waving his hand. Latest fastest update

The blood fluttered, accompanied by a fierce sorrow, a broken arm flew, and in the eyes of everyone’s fear, slammed on the ground.

The moment the broken arm fell.

Like a hit hammer, banging in the hearts of everyone, their complexion, instantly become pale!


Nangong Wuji pointed to Zhao Fang, eyes ice-cold.

Zhao Fang broke his arm in the face of his face, and this simply hit his face, or the kind of crackling.

“Nangong family may have to adjust to it. If there is such a situation next time, it is not just a simple break.”

When the words fell, Zhao Fang threw the Nangong Family Patriarch, who was struggling with a broken arm, in front of Nangong Wuji.

That gesture is like throwing a trash.

After doing this, Zhao Fang did not give up, cold eyes, swept to some people just exported, did not say anything, but its corner of the mouth, but it was a cold smile.

Seeing this scene, those people are scared and bowed, complexion is like a soil, they dare not go to see Zhao Fang.

“You actually have the strength to break your arm. It seems that I have just hit a 70% strength and I haven’t brought you much trauma…brat, you really surprised me Ah!”

Li Yuanyi looked at Zhao Fang, his in the eyes, and the horror, and the color of interest.

3-Star Martial Emperor 70% of the hit, it seems that there is no how big is it might.

But only those who feel personally know how terrifying this is.

It can be said like this.

Martial Emperor or lower Martial Artist, but when you have such a hand, there is absolutely no chance of survival.


Zhao Fang is not only alive, but also alive and kicking, how Li Yuan is shocked and curious.

Zhao Fang didn’t start to talk, his hands were awkward, and aura, like a resurrection of the wilderness, spread out from Zhao Fang within the body.

next moment.

Those aura condensed on the chest of Zhao Fang, slowly forming a layer of azure-green Armour, protecting his upper body.


In Zhao Fang behind, azure-green mist filled the room, there is a huge monster hidden in it, many people watching the eyelids jump, fearful!

“This, what is this thing!”

“This fellow, how many means are hidden in the end!”

Nangong Wuji is also a gaze. He found that Zhao Fang’s means at the moment was not used when he was dealing with black ink.

“én? bloodline power!”

Li Yuanyi looked at Zhao Fang behind phantom, and his eyes flashed a bright glow. “Although don’t know, this brat has the power of bloodline, but from the imposing manner of its emits, the strength of this bloodline is extraordinary. I really didn’t think that among the little Raging Flames Country, there is such a character!”

“This time, I won’t stand up and beat!”

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth, a sneer, fighting intent, staring at Li Yuanyi.

Li Yuanyi startedled, immediately said with a laugh: “Let this Elder look, do you have the qualification of the take action!”

The voice fell.

His silhouette, the humming sound disappeared in place.

Zhao Fang vision flickered, the lip angle is slightly raised, when the big hand is about to explore, the fine movement suddenly disappears!

“You can see your movements. Do you think that I will be attacked by you like first time?”

Zhao Fang cold said with a laugh.


Li Yuanyi smiled more and more. “However, in the face of absolute Strength, any tricks are useless! If you can take me to the topple the mountains and overturn the seas Palm, you will not give up this time!”

On the occasion, Li Yuanyi within the body True Force vibrates, robe has no wind and drums, a burst of crackling sound, from Li Yuanyi within the body.

This is not a simple bone blast.

With each syllable coming out, Li Yuanyi’s offensive is a strong one.

When the syllable disappears, the might might, like the God Giant Palm, hides the sky, no one can stop!

Everyone on the field was greatly changed by the complexion of this palm.

This is because Li Yuanyi will gather his hands and only show Zhao Fang’s sake. If it is directed at everyone, I am afraid that no one can stand on the field!

“This is the Full strength strike of the 3-Star Martial Emperor? ha ha, i your father like it! Let i your father see, how much difference I have with Martial Emperor!”

Zhao Fang sneered, not retreating, ten sword wave throughput, turned into a tearing sky, screaming at Giant Palm.

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