The twenty-first chapter of the unparalleled tyrant!

“Li Yuanyi’s fame martial skill, topple the mountains and overturn the seas Palm?”

I have been cold-eyed at the two people’s snowfall. I heard that Li Yuanyi used this trick in the third move. After a moment of squatting, a brutal smile appeared on his face. Latest fastest update

“Topple the mountains and overturn the seas Palm is really just a palm, but the change of contain is endless. This palm is more than the usual palm, but also the endless offensive. The same rank, people do not dare to take it easy!”

Said, Xue looked at Zhao Fang, like watching a dead person, “brat, you are dead this time! Unfortunately, it is not in the hands of this Prince! It is really cheap!”

When Li Yuanyi was in the palm of his hand, he did not stop at all, and with the terrifying oppression, he rolled toward Zhao Fang.

“Ten Veins Divine Sword !”

Zhao Fang expression is indifferent, but there is no intention.

He also felt that the terrifying power of the contained in the palm, pushed the strength to the limit, the ten-finger sword light throughput, turned into a shocking long rainbow, to the Giant Palm.


The dull bang suddenly exploded in the Main Hall.

Countless tearing Sword Qi, mixed with a dense offensive, like a turbulent flow, screaming in the Main Hall.

Some of the bad luck’s fellow, hit by this turbulent flow, almost no accident, died on the spot!

After all, it is the aftermath of 9-Star Martial Venerable and 3-Star Martial Emperor.

The terrifying of the might, even the Nangong Wuji this Rank Martial Venerable Powerhouse, should also be retired.

The shocking sword light and the Optimus Giant Palm keep on fighting.


Qingtian Giant Palm is even better. After shattering all the attacked sword waves, suddenly press Zhao Fang.

That scene, like the God Giant Palm that Sky descended, is to seal the Demon on the ground.

Zhao Fang was hit by this palm in an instant.

To be precise, this palm is not played on Zhao Fang, but on Armure above in azure-green.

A sigh of ‘嘭’ came out, and Zhao Fang quickly fell back.

In the sound of pēng pēng’s explosion, the six Main Hall giant pillars were broken successively, and the impact was only slightly stopped.

Kā cā !

A crisp sound came out.

It was a crack on the azure-green Armour on his chest.

The crack is like a snake.

However, Zhao Fang did not cough up blood, nor did he suffer serious injuries and immediately died.

Just head down and gasping.

“Worthy is 3-Star Martial Emperor! If you don’t blend Tyrant of the Depths (Ba Xia) Bloodline, if you don’t have Baxia Armour, I will die!”

Zhao Fang wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, trying to calm himself down, but the pēng pēng from the heart rushed, but told him that the scene was just how dangerous and terrifying.

Simply is dancing with Shinigami!

“What! How is he still alive! This can be it be!”

Seeing that Zhao Fang was not dead, the first incredible one was not Li Yuanyi, but the snow.

He is unable to believe, a fellow in the Venerable Realm world, and the 3-Star Martial Emperor’s Full strength strike can still stand.

“No! He’ll be fine, it’s all about Armour on his body! What exactly is Armour! It’s such a might, even the attack of Martial Emperor can’t be broken!”

The snow fell more and more shocked.

Even when looking at the azure-green Armour in front of Zhao Fang, in the eyes is full of greed.

“If I can get this one, even in front of those Imperial Brothers, there must be a place! This damned soil buns, Luck is too damn, life-saving means are endless, this is purely a mobile Hidden Treasure House, Where did he come from so much treasure!”

The snow fell a little envious, and even started envy Zhao Fang!

Li Yuanyi stood in the same place and did not speak. He only looked at Zhao Fang deeply. Finally, he said plainly: “Since the leader of the Old Third is taken over, this Elder is also keeping his promise, not to investigate you for injuring the snow. Things.”

“What? 19th Elder, how can it like this! Can’t just end Ah!”

The snow fell.

His hatred of Zhao Fang can be described as the water of the five lakes and the sea, can not be described, and how can it be easily let go of Zhao Fang.

Li Yuan was silent, grabbed the snow, and said nothing, he left.

No one noticed that Li Yuanyi was hiding in the palm of his sleeve, and he could not help but tremble.

Into the Main Hall, Li Yuanyi turned around and looked at Zhao Fang in the Main Hall, muttering to himself: “This fellow, what a freak, the ten Sword Qi is terrifying, let I was caught off guard and I was slightly hurt!”

Li Yuanyi stretched out the palm of his hand hidden in his sleeve, but he saw it, with several extremely deep sword marks.

If Li Yuanyi is suppressed by a powerful cultivation base, he is afraid that this moment, his arm has long been strangled by the fierce Sword Qi!

“19th Elder, are you hurt? What’s going on? Is that caused by that brat?”

Snow fell to see this scene,ududly wide eyes.


The Main Hall is extremely quiet.

Everyone is stunned by looks at Zhao Fang, eye reveals incredible rays of light.

It is Nangong Wuji, also in silence, and expression is quite complicated.

No one dares to speak.

They are still immersed in the imposing manner of the sword-handed confrontation, which is hard to forget!


Zhao Fang slowly stood up and frowned.

He found.

The crack that appears on the azure-green Armour cannot be restored to its original shape no matter how he fixes it.


Li Yuanyi’s first hand caused an unrecoverable injury to Baxia Armour.

“Fuck, no. This is not to say that if you take several more attacks, will this Baxia Armour be scrapped? If so, the power of the tyrant Divine Beast’s bloodline is also too damn!”

Zhao Fang rolled the eyes, but I think of one thing, “tyrant Divine Beast’s bloodline Divine Ability, there are three stages, I am just out of the Tier-1 segment Initial Stage. That is, now Armour is not Complete Armour. Just don’t know, after all the Armour has been agglomerated, can this crack be repaired?”

“Forget it, this thing, think about it later.”

Zhao Fang didn’t understand, he stopped thinking about it, dispersed Baxia Armour and slowly raised his head.

At this moment, Nan Gongling and Zhao Wanyue two people came to Zhao Fang and checked it carefully. It was confirmed that Zhao Fang was only dislocated and broken, and there was no serious internal injury.

“I told you earlier, don’t worry, my Zhao Fang, from Water Ceremony City all the way to Royal Capital, are safe and sound, and can you be beaten here?”

Zhao Fang said to the two women.

“You are doing a good job!”

Nan Gongling rolled the eyes, said with a chuckle.

“What awesome, you describe it too casually! I am obviously wise Divine Martial, master lonely.”

Zhao Fang said with an extreme narcissistic, intoxicating look.

“I am relieved to see you still have a bad mood.” Nan Gongling smiled softly.

“Okay, no kidding, I have something to do.”

Said, Zhao Fang’s cold eyes, sweeping to everyone on the field.

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