The 226th chapter is a search for body


In the distance, there is an extremely tyrannical floctuation, wrapped in a rainbow awn, coming from far and near.

In the field of Hong Mang, the rays of light dissipated, revealing the silhouette of a black and thin old man.

Old man gloomy face, all emits with extreme anger, and dangerous aura.

As soon as the first appeared, the cold electricity double eyes glanced at the audience.

“Old Ancestor !”

Seeing someone comes, Nangong Wuji is on the way.

Someone comes not someone else.

It is the Old Ancestor of Nangong Clan!

Nangong Yumo !

Nangong Old Ancestor lightly snorted, ignored Nangong Wuji, looked to Zhao Fang of the doorway, combined with Nangong Wuji before to reveal his own information, his eyes slightly, he already guessed the identity of Zhao Fang.

“You are Zhao Clan’s new Patriarch?

Nangong Old Ancestor has a low voice.

“junior Zhao Fang, who is the new Patriarch of Zhao Clan, I have seen Nangong senior!”

Zhao Fang hands clasped together politely , nod salute.

Chu Cang 皓and others Hearing the movement, he also came to the front of the temple.

After seeing Nangong Yumo, who was angry and rushing to the crown, they were all shocked. They naturally knew Nanlan Clan, the Old Ancestor, and quickly became a salute.

Nangong Old Ancestor swept his three people and ignored it.

Instead, he turned his attention to Zhao Fang. The more he looked, the more he was shocked!

As the saying goes, the ear is seen as a virtual eye.

Nangong Wuji said that Zhao Fang is excellent and how amazing it is. He believes that Nangong Wuji has an exaggerated suspicion and does not care. Latest fastest update

But after really seeing Zhao Fang, he was sure.

Nangong Wuji does not exaggerate Zhao Fang, Zhao Fang is indeed very good, among the entire Raging Flames Country, I am afraid no one can look back!

“Zhao Clan’s long line of color is in a hurry. Do you think that my Nangong Clan is not well received?”

Nangong Old Ancestor asked plainly.

Zhao Fang is still expressionless, but her heart is sneer, Treasure-House is lost, this old man is still pretending to be like this.

Zhao Wanyue looked at Zhao Fang and went to Nangong Yumo to give a deep ritual. He whispered: “Go back to Nangong senior, my home Patriarch before and Snow Territory Empire Lee senior are in the palm of your hand, suffering from heavy injury. At this moment, you have to return to the clan to heal, not Nangong Clan is not entertaining.”

Nangong Yumo took a deep look at Zhao Fang and said: “The Treasure-House of my Nangong Clan has just been looted!”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Fang suddenly smiled: “Senior what? Do you think that I look like this, and Time finds the palace of the palace where I don’t know where I am hiding, and in the lookout of many Powerhouses in Nangong Clan, or , take these treasures away under the eyelids of senior?”

“although, I also want to have this ability. But I have to say, senior you are really lifting me!”

Nangong Yumo complexion remains unchanged, still staring at Zhao Fang.

Although Zhao Fang was seriously injured and was in the Main Hall, it did not meet the time of committing crimes, and there was no Strength.

But I don’t know why.

Nangong Old Ancestor always felt that the robbery of the palace palace had an inseparable relationship with Zhao Fang.

“Yes and no, let Old Man search for a search.”

Nangong Yumo said coldly.

This statement, not only Zhao Fang, is the complexion of Chu Cang 皓three people, it is also somewhat difficult to look.

Searching, this is a kind of humiliation for the average person.

Not to mention Martial Artist.


Storage ring is a private item, inside, or more, there are some secrets that you don’t want outsiders to see. If you are searched, are these secrets not immediately made public?

“Senior, I am waiting for three people, from the beginning to the end, have been in the Main Hall, never left, and Impossible related to the royal palace Treasure-House robbery!”

“Even if I wait to leave, with the strength of our three people, I am afraid that even the Nangong family will not be able to beat it, let alone take away those treasures under your eyes?”

“Yeah senior, please also check it out!”

Chu Cang 皓three people called Qu.

Old Ancestor has a cold gaze, sweeping through three people, and the anger that has been accumulated has erupted in an instant. “I don’t want to be searched, I can leave an arm, Old Man will believe you!”

Three people suddenly misfiring.

Broken arm, that is a great trauma for Martial Artist.

The overall strength will also drop a lot.

If the battle is unfortunate, it will be considered if you have lost your arms. Let them swear by themselves to prove innocence. This is purely nonsense!

“Treasure-House After being ransacked, Old Man searched for any suspicious people nearby at the for a moment, but there was no clue. But it was also Martial Venerable Powerhouse that could steal things under the eyes of Old Man. ”

Said, his cold and faint gaze, looking at Chu Cang 皓three people, but focused on Zhao Fang.

“Zhao Clan junior, what do you think?”

“Senior has a decision in mind, why bother with junior?”

Zhao Fang indifferently said.

Nangong old Ancestral God feeling startled, once again looking at Zhao Fang, his face showed a cold smile, “still you are interested!”

“hehe, senior misunderstood, what do you think is your business, even if you think that I am a seriously injured person, it is possible to rob the palace Treasure-House, I will not argue anything. But I never said, let you search!”

This statement, Nangong Old Ancestor cold thin smile,ududly a touch of gloomy, the richness of his face can not be opened.

“Even if you are a senior, you can’t just rely on your own suspicion, you can conclude that we are suspected, even searched for us. And, no one knows, the treasure in the Treasure-House of the palace, whether it is lost, or you Nangong senior Is it difficult to meet these juniors with us?”

Zhao Fang’s words, let Chu Cang 皓 three people vision flickered.

Unconsciously, the three people stood in Zhao Fang behind, and they looked forward and forth with him.

“Zhao Fang, you are so jealous that they are against Old Man, don’t let Old Man search, it’s hard, is there a ghost in your heart?”

Nangong Old Ancestor looked at Zhao Fang coldly.

Zhao Fang expressionless, just coldly smiled. “Whoever has a ghost in his heart, who knows it.”

“impudent !”

Nangong Wuji complexion is heavy.

If he is not self-satisfied, he will take his own insults. At this moment, he is afraid that he will take action on Zhao Fang!

“What? This Patriarch has no right to speak? Is this the hospitality of your Nangong Clan?”

Zhao Fang sneered.

Nangong Wuji will have to say it again, but he was scorned by Nangong Old Ancestor, and he quickly retired.

Old Ancestor looks at Zhao Fang. Four people, indifferently said: “No matter how you refute, or resist, you can’t change the mind of Old Man.”

“This Patriarch advises Nangong senior, it is best not to search, so as not to cause trouble to Nangong Clan!”

When I heard Zhao Fang’s words, Nangong Old Ancestor looked at the eyes, extremely angry. “Is it a big disaster? Just rely on you? Old Man is going to have a look, this is a big disaster, in the end, how big is it!”

As he said, he grabbed a big hand and rushed True Force into a Giant Palm and grabbed Zhao Fang.


True Force swept through the footprints on the Zhao Fang storage ring, and Divine Strength penetrated into it.

But just myself for a moment.

Nangong Old Ancestor complexion big change !

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