Chapter 227 gives a face to face

“What the hell is it?”

“Is it so ugly for the Old Ancestor complexion?”

Chu Cang 皓three people Seeing this scene, they are full of curiosity. Latest fastest update

They couldn’t help but look at Zhao Fang, there is no storage ring.

Buzz !

a trace A strange sound coming out of the storage ring.

The sound was not big at first, but later it was getting louder and louder.

Hearing the squeaky ‘buzz’ sound, everyone in the room didn’t know what happened, but they were complexion big change.

Because they felt a dangerousfluctuation in the Zhao Fang storage ring.


Almost the same as for a moment.

Nangong Old Ancestor, Nangong Wuji, Chu Cang 皓and others, have retired.

And take out the defensive treasure and keep it in front of you.

It is at this time.

A huge black shadow emerged from the Zhao Fang storage ring.

The shadows are condensed and eventually turned into a black cloud that obscures the sky.

“What it is?”

Qingyuan Valley Valley Lord Sir stares at the creeping shadow, in the eyes of the shocking color.


Chu Cang is somewhat uncertain.

“This, This is Devouring Blood Ant ?!”

Nangong Old Ancestor stunned looks at this scene, incredibly shouted.


“Can you suck human blood and spread the poisonous monster, Devouring Blood Ant?”

Chu Cang 皓three people Although he has not seen Devouring Blood Ant, he has also heard of its Supreme fierce name. Latest fastest update

However, I did not expect that, Zhao Fang, there is actually this Rank fierce.


The fierceness of this object, once released, everyone in the entire palace, afraid to suffer!

“Zhao Fang, take it back!”

Nangong Old Ancestor is anxious.

Royal Capital is the place where Nangong Clan lives. Inside, it is the clansman who lives in it. He can’t imagine how much disaster will be caused to the entire Royal Capital if it spreads within Royal Capital!

But he is still slow one step.

Like the black cloud-like Devouring Blood Ant, it appeared as if the prisoner of 1000-year was being held, suddenly seeing the sky and making an exclamation of excitement.

The sound is sharp and harsh.

What is even more divine is that after the sound is gathered in one place, it is introduced into the ear, and the with the body blood is inciting, and there are signs of burning.

Chu Cang 皓and others, after feeling this abnormality, complexion big change, quickly suppressed with True Force!

Simply, this sound wave comes quickly, and the area is fast, plus the suppression of True Force, which quickly calms down and makes the three people breathe a sigh of relief.

The three people took a sigh of relief at the same time, looking at Zhao Wanyue next to Zhao Fang and Third Elder.

These two people are among the scenes, the lowest in the cultivation base.

however. Latest fastest update

Even if just now the magic sounds into the ear, the two people have no response to how big is it.

Because, in front of them, standing Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang has solved most of the attacks for them, and it is simply insignificant.

This is also true.

Cultivation base The lowest two people, conversely more leisurely than others!

“No! Devouring Blood Ant has escaped!”

Nangong Wuji complexion is ugly.

Nangong Old Ancestor is a sly expression, his gloomy staring at Zhao Fang, in the eyes flashing cold light, “brat, are you sincerely wanting to harm my Nangong Clan?”

When I heard this, Zhao Fang suddenly was not happy.

“Senior is really funny. If I remember correctly, this Devouring Blood Ant seems to be released by senior, and, in the senior hands, I also specifically reminded, but the senior does not listen, do not want to go it alone, search Junior’s storage ring, this has caused the situation, but now it blames me? It’s so funny!”

“Do not talk nonsense, and quickly take these things back.”

Nangong Old Ancestor screamed in anger.

He has already heard that the screams come from all directions.

This is just a circumference number of kilometer, if it spreads to the entire Royal Capital, it is also an unbeatable blow to his Nangong Clan!

“I think, but this Devouring Blood Ant, junior is just obtained, not completely controlled, want to recover, afraid not not so simple!”

“Old Man No matter what method you use, if you are in the ten breaths, don’t take them back, Old Man can kill you now!”

Old Ancestor eyes reveals cold glow, cold killing intent, and instantly lock Zhao Fang.

The power of the Quasi-Emperor Powerhouse rushed out and let the people involved in the complexion big change.

“Nangong Yumo, you damn don’t give your face a shame. Everything is done by you, but now it threatens your father? Do you really think that your father is afraid of you? Before giving, it is respectful that you are Martial Dao senior. 3-Star Martial Emperor can’t make me afraid. Do you think that with your trivial Quasi-Emperor, I can shrink and fear?”

Zhao Fang eye reveals 哂然笑, Nangong Yumo This overbearing behavior, it really makes him very unhappy.

In particular, the order that followed him one after another made him almost angry.

“Of course, you can take action on me, but I can guarantee that the last person to die must be you!”

Zhao Fang’s words are screaming.

Chu Cang 皓and others are dumbfounded.

Zhao Fang roars Nangong Yumo, threatening Nangong Yumo, which in their view is something that has never been thought of.

What surprised them even more was the reaction of Nangong Yumo.

This Old Man’s forehead jumped up and had the urge to slap Zhao Fang.

But when I heard the buzzing sound of the ‘buzz’ and the dangerous aura of indistinct from Zhao Fang within the body emits, Nangong Yumo hesitated!


A fellow who can smash 3-Star Martial Emperor without a die must have its hidden means.

after all.

Even if he is Nangong Yumo, he is not sure, he can hold the 3-Star Martial Emperor.

So even if he is very angry, even if he wants to kill Zhao Fang.

But before I figured out the details of Zhao Fang, he would not easily do it.

Especially now!

“Zhao Clan is long, please read that everyone is Raging Flames Country local influence, save me Nanlan Clan once, Nangong Clan must swear to death.”

See Nangong Old Ancestor with a cold feeling, Nangong Wuji knows, wants him to apologize, simply impossible, so he said.

“Nangong family is long, can represent Nangong Clan?”

Zhao Fang gave him a look.

Nangong Wuji frowned, poor looking at at Fang Fang.

But after seeing Zhao Fang’s expression of a hob meat, he sighed in his heart and looked at Nangong Old Ancestor.

“brat, what the hell are you taking back these Devouring Blood Ant?”

Nangong Old Ancestor gloomy asked, coldly asked.


Zhao Fang’s answer is only two words.

But after hearing these two words, the expression of Nangong Old Ancestor is more gloomy, and the whole face can drop water.

“brat, you have to challenge my patience!” Nangong Old Ancestor sounds hoarse.

“You can try it and see if I die first, or your clansman will die first! Yes, there is one thing you may not remember. But anyone who has been bitten by Devouring Blood Ant, if not for half an hour, if not If you dissolve the drug, you will die!”

“Remember, it must be dead!”

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