Chapter 228—Blackmail

Wen Yan.

Old Ancestor’s eyes are unusually cold, and a killing intent is like a solid, locked Zhao Fang: “kill you, Pill Medicine is Old Man!”

Zhao Fang didn’t have the slightest fear, and suddenly said with a laugh: “You are stupid, this antidote, do you think this Patriarch will carry it with you?”

Nangong Old Ancestor looks at the gaze and looks at Zhao Fang, coldly said:

“Hand over Pill Medicine, Old Man will leave you alive!”

Zhao Fang grinned and laughed very much, Idiot, very heartless.

“Are you old-fashioned, haven’t figured out the status quo yet? Do you really think that with your trivial Quasi-Emperor, you can kill me?”

While speaking.

Zhao Fang directly activates Level 1 Berserk.

Imposing manner arrogant, directly reach 9-Star Martial Venerable Realm.

“What? 9-Star Martial Venerable!”

Nangong Old Ancestor was eclipsed and looked at Zhao Fang incredulously. “You took Li Yuanyi senior three palms, how can it be unscathed?”

He is unable to believe.

Originally in its in the eyes, like the execence of mole cricket and ants, at this moment almost shoulder to shoulder with himself.

“Say you stupid, you are insulting the word ‘stupid’, you damn have no brain at all, i your father grand Alchemist Master, back to the Pill Treasure Pavilion, take out one hundred and eighty healing Dan, not a piece of cake. ”

In fact.

Li Yuanyi’s three palms, in addition to the front two palms to Zhao Fang must hurt.

The third palm, Li Yuanyi’s most powerful one, did not cause much harm to Zhao Fang.

Most of the attacks were absorbed by Baxia Armour, and not really many of them were on the Zhao Fang body.

Zhao Fang didn’t want to reveal this.

The aggressiveness of Nangong Yumo made him extremely unhappy and gave birth to killing intent.


Nangong Yumo in the eyes The cold light flashes, True Force wants to do it, but he hesitates when he takes action.

Chu Cang squatted and saw this scene, cold sweat instantly wet the back.

The heart of Zhao Fang is really extreme daring, even Nangong Yumo this Rank Powerhouse have to drink, the end is no wariness.

What surprised them even more.

The smashed Nangong Yumo, who was not furious, set the signs of Assassin, only coldly at at Zhao Fang, and the killing intent of the body, so that Chu Cang 皓and others burst into horror.

“brat, Old Man gives you another chance to hand over the antidote and let you go!”

Nangong Yumo stared at Zhao Fang, gloomy said.

“If you have the ability, you can take action! Peak Martial Venerable ranked battle, although the destruction can’t be Raging Flames Country, but you want the destruction of the palace, you should still be able to do it!”

“court death!”

Nangong Yumo in the eyes cold light flashed, the big hand suddenly came out, turned into a True Force Giant Palm, and grabbed Zhao Fang.


Zhao Fang coldly snorted, without saying anything, the ten-pulse sword wave hit, Sword Qi whistling, and touched the face of the Giant Palm.

Pū chī ! Pū chī ——

Sword Qi passed by, and in an instant, the giant Palm, which is extremely powerful, was screened.

In the end, it was annihilated by Sword Qi!

Nangong Yumo saw it, complexion was slightly shocked, and the heart was filled with waves.

Just the palm of the hand, it is not that he is casual, but really wants to kill Zhao Fang on the spot.

It can be said that it is full of strength.

But what he didn’t think was that the move was so easily cracked by Zhao Fang.

“What swordsmanship is there, there is such a fierce offensive, it is difficult, is the Heaven Rank in the legendary?”

With the limited vision of Nangong Yumo, I dare not think about it. Zhao Fang uses Divine Skill.

Among the Earth Grade gems are among the extremely poor Desolate Domain.

Heaven Grade is already the most martial arts of Peak, and it is all that can be met.

As for the higher existence Divine Skill, it is not the single hundred years, the Desolate Domain people have almost forgotten it, how can you think that Zhao Fang’s sword skills will be the kind of Divine Skill ?

Nangong Yumo looked at Zhao Fang deeply, and in the eyes no longer despised, but completely placed Zhao Fang in the same position above.

Zhao Fang’s sword pointed out that he was greatly touched and recognized Zhao Fang Strength.

“How exactly do you want to call back Devouring Blood Ant before you are willing to hand over the antidote?” Nangong Yumo was a little slower, still fierce, but without the previous aggressiveness.

“Call, apologize!”

Listening to this statement, Nangong Yumo seems to be poked to pain, suddenly blows his beard and shouted: “impossible!”

“Then you wait for Devouring Blood Ant to destroy the palace!”

Zhao Fang said faintly.

Said, he is ready to leave with Zhao Wanyue two people.


Nangong Yumo has a low voice, “I agree to apologize!”

“Old Ancestor !”

Nangong Wuji quickly stepped forward.

“Don’t say more, I am ready to decide!”

Said, Nangong Wuji took out a storage ring and handed it to Zhao Fang. “My palace Treasure-House was looted, and the royal family couldn’t get more gifts. That’s all!”

Zhao Fang took over, fine Divine Strength swept away, expressionless, but the heart was quite shocked.

“Fuck, the royal family Treasure-House has been looted by i your father, and this old goods can still come up with so many treasures?”

Zhao Fang Silenced, lips smashed, and a flowing light was shot inside the Clear-Breeze Ring.

One-size surpass ordinary Devouring Blood Ant countless times, the head-sized Metal Devouring Blood Ant, with a lazy face open.

“Devouring Blood Ant King !”

Nangong Yumo sinks in his heart. This Devouring Blood Ant King is just Tier-6 Initial Stage, but it gives him a feeling of danger.

He stared at Devouring Blood Ant King, in the eyes full of vigilance.

Devouring Blood Ant King glanced at Nangong Yumo with a sharp whistle in his mouth.

As soon as the whistling sound came out, the originally messy King City was quiet.

This strange silence, which lasted for a dozen seconds, was broken by a burst of buzzing scalp.

Countless Devouring Blood Ant, coming from all sides of King City, quickly converges towards the location of Devouring Blood Ant King.

Where the Devouring Blood Ant passed, there was an amazing storm of blood, and the prosperity of the flavor was much higher than before.

“It seems that they are all eating a pause! This time, you should be able to stop a period of time!”

Zhao Fang blinks slightly.

Since taking over the Devouring Blood Ant group, Devouring Blood Ant’s bloodless temperament has made him very annoyed.

Once the beast drinks blood, it becomes extremely violent.

Zhao Fang, who has little control over Devouring Blood Ant King, doesn’t want to release them.

If non-Nangong Yumo is forced to search, it is estimated that Zhao Fang will not choose to release them.

Even so.

Zhao Fang did not dare to let Devouring Blood Ant King leave.

He knows that he has weak control over it. Once it swallows a lot of blood, the connection with the little one that he or she has established will be turned into a bubble and disappears.

Under the command of Devouring Blood Ant King, the large group of ants, in an orderly manner, entered Zhao Fang’s Clear-Breeze Ring.

See you.

Nangong Yumo and the people on the scene were a big sigh of relief.

Feeling the panic around the palace, Nangong Yumo expressionless looked at Zhao Fang. “Now, you can hand over Pill Medicine.”

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