Four phases of the dead.

The public transporters collected the Powerhouse corpse Refining, which belongs to the most elite and powerful force of the public transport.

Don’t look at the four-phase church dead, only 4,000 people, but spent the tens of thousands of years of accumulation and background of the public.

At the time of the car family peak, I also had a similar Influence.

With the chariots and rivers, the hegemony was taken away. This kind of influence was also suppressed by the public and the number of people was once reduced.

Now, there are just over a thousand people.

The conquest of the public transport family, the tiger cub brought out nine hundred, almost fell out of the nest, but was ambushed by the public insults, more than half of the death and injury.

Even if there are no deaths and injuries, they will not have the slightest chance of winning the four-phase church.

Therefore, as soon as the four-phase church sergeant appeared, the killing god Aura spread throughout the audience, and the car waiting for the family and others knew that they were finished!

“Zhao Young master, you quickly go!”

The car is waiting for the mouth.

The four-phase church murderer is outside, and Zhao Fang can control the ink ribbon even if he is alone. After all, he is alone.

“Go? Nobody wants to go!”

Azure Dragon sneer, a master of control, killing and killing the feeling between me.

Zhao Fang looks at the far north, seeing abyss passing a trace smile, indifferently said: “Do you think that you have a slain?”


Everyone is puzzled.

Azure Dragon is even more ridiculous. “Listen to your tone, you also have a slain? Pull it out and show it to the department!”

Zhao Fang has a negative hand and stands in the ink belt above, looking at the north with both eyes.

Others are also surprised to see.

Many cars waiting for clansman are more looking forward to it.

Maybe in the powerhouse in the eyes, he can’t have a slain, but in the heart of the powerhouse Powerhouse, Zhao Fang can even refine the mysterious existence of the Clan Protecting genius. It is not difficult to understand. .

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

Everything is as usual, there is no special fuctuation, and no special people appear.

The expectation on the face of the Chehaus Powerhouse was eventually replaced by stunned.

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment!

“ha ha Ha ~”

Azure Dragon laughed and his face was full of disdain and banter.

Looking at Zhao Fang’s gaze, it is like watching a clown.

Zhao Fang stunned, the corner of the mouth actually escaped light smile.


Zhao Fang’s look makes Azure Dragon faintly disturbed.


The northern sky is shaking, countless smoke and dust, mixed with amazing killing aura.

at first.

This aura, only Zhao Fang can feel it.

But as it approached, Strength’s powerful Azure Dragon Black Tortoise, and Tiger and others, were aware of it and couldn’t help but look up.

“Boundless… sentient beings… kill!”

The dusty sky is in the north, and there is a murderous sound coming from far away.

The initial is still very vague and seems to be far away.

But the next moment.

The sound is like a thunder, and it sounds in everyone’s ears.

“Three thousand white robe go to the world!”

“Infinite troubles vows to cut!”

“The boundless people will vow to kill!”

Killing intent 滔滔, rushing.

The shocking Azure Dragon immediately changed color.

Even the four-phase church sergeant who has been trained for many years by the public, it is not necessarily able to break out this rank terrifying murderous aura.

This is like the difference between an assassin and a warrior.


Void trembles, the footsteps of the squatting, like a drum, both step on the Void, and step on the heart of the two-way Powerhouse.

A group of armored swords, cold-looking irons, lined up and ran.

There are not many people in the company.

Only three thousand.

But it is divided into ten squares.

The center of the square is a mobile station.

Shuaitai above, a young General with a white armor standing on his side, stood next to him with a black squat with a three heads, six arms and a bloody and mad silhouette.

On both sides of the handsome stage, there are two Generals with different feet.

The temperament is cold, killing and violent!

“Zhao Young master, This is your men?”

I know, her words just said, but the tiger cub is discolored, and quickly replied: “Shut up.”

Said, quite solemn’s eye-catching sword General, and the big beggar beside him, seems to recognize the origin of the big skull pattern, very wariness.

Azure Dragon in the eyes also flashes wariness, cold said with a laugh: “The car is waiting for you to be a person with a head and face in the reincarnation, even the Asura king of Asura is not recognized.”

“What! Asura, Asura?”

The words came out and the whole audience shook.

Asura world, that is the world in the top ten World, which is best at conquering battles. On the whole Strength, it is only inferior to Martial World. It is not the same as the top ten reincarnation!

Especially the title of Asura’s Away Powerhouse, it is cruel combative, the battle rank rank respect!

Dare to say that this Rank Powerhouse is under Zhao Fang, and it is humiliating the other side. If it angers them, it will be difficult to prevent the reincarnation.

When I think of it, the car is waiting for the turbidity of the nest.


On the left side of the Sword General, a General riding a tiger-shaped beast, with a big hand.

The order is forbidden.

The slowly marching sergeant, brushed in place, as if it were a remote control doll, was pressed the pause button.

In this scene, the powerhouses in the reincarnation are frightened.

Not mentioning the combat power, this military discipline alone is not what they can compare!

“What about my white robe?”

General riding a tiger-shaped beast, the twilight icy sweeping car waiting indifferently said.


The simple word spit out, but brings out a terrifying baleful qi.

that moment.

The powerhouse in the reincarnation suddenly realized that it was no longer the three thousand priests standing in front of them, but the Asura that countless climbed out of Hell.

Countless people have cold back and heart retreat.

Azure Dragon is smiling.

For the car, the hatred of the Asura Powerhouse is a good thing for him.

“However, this alone is not enough!”

Azure Dragon corner of the mouth Sneer, one step forward, rushing to the handsome sword on the handsome stage, an arched hand, extremely politely said: “myself reincarnation Azure Dragon, dare to ask General name!”

The general manager of the sword is unreasonable, his eyes are searching in the crowd, and he seems to be looking for who.

“Public Translator? A Tool Refiner Clan nothing more.”

Riding a tiger-shaped beast General disdained said.


Many public transporters, Powerhouse, feel as if they are being humiliated, and they are glaring at the general of the tiger-shaped beast.


Riding the tiger-shaped beast General, sneer sneer, and there is an amazing aura.

“Achieve four!”

Azure Dragon eyes shrinks.

It’s just a partiality, that is, overcoming the public, Kuiabove Powerhouse, isn’t the Lord… Asura King?

When I think of it, the trace that was originally raised in his heart is not full, and he is allowed to suppress it immediately.

Quickly said: “General is not angry, I have been with the Asura King ‘颉’, have had a weapon, are friends in your Asura world!”

Wen Yan.

The car and other people complexion suddenly became difficult to look at.

The Che Hoss offended the Asura Powerhouse, but the public transporters clung to the other side. It seems that the end of the road to the poor, the seemingly complete hope!

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