Seeing the appearance of the powerhouse’s Powerhouse, Azure Dragon is proud of it.

I want to say something more, and I am in love with this group of Asura Powerhouses.

I don’t know, General, who is riding a tiger-shaped beast, said: “Asura King’s 颉”? Oh, it is him, he is ready to be ruined by my patriarch. However, his family’s weapon is not bad.”


When I heard the previous sentence, Azure Dragon was extremely shocked.

Asura King ‘颉’.

Even in the Asura world of Powerhouse, is the excess of the Overlord Level, how can it be swallowed up?

However, after hearing the words, his shock turned into a faint surprise.

“General overpraised, Clan is happy to provide weapons for General, and even Sir behind you.”

Azure Dragon climbed up the fence.

He and Asura King ‘颉’ are just business contacts, not familiar with them, and naturally will not be sad for his destruction.

The riding tiger-shaped beast General is about to start to talk, and the general sword of the sword is standing up, and the face is cold and cool, with a trace excited and joy.

General riding the tiger-shaped beast, he quickly bowed his head and stood sideways. The other three Generals on both sides of the handsome platform also bowed.

Suddenly on the field was filled with a chilling and boring flavor.

Azure Dragon thought that the general sword is interested in the cooperation between the public and the inhabitants. The heart is overjoyed, and the surface is as usual: “myself public Azure Dragon, don’t know how Sir is called?”


A plain voice sounded.

What surprised Azure Dragon was that this voice was not what General Sword said, and the sound source was him.

Azure Dragon turned back and immediately saw Zhao Fang talking. It was not grin hideously: “act recklessly, dare to yell in front of Cruel’s Asura Powerhouse. How do you die?”

The car was turbid and the scales were pale.

She hasn’t recovered from the fear of the previous ‘surprise’ Asura Powerhouse. Seeing that Zhao Fang is getting into trouble, the sadness at the same time, he has a trace of concern.

More cars waiting for clansman, it is a desperate look, completely confessed.

After the car waiting for Zhao Fang to stir up again, the Asura Powerhouse is bound to not like the car, if it is a business partner with the public transport, maybe it will jointly attack the car.

that moment.

Almost everyone thinks that Zhao Fang is finished.

One剑General one step stepped out of the handsome stage, figure suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Fang, a face of excitement and excited.

“Is the Asura Powerhouse so perverted? Killing personal nothing more, is it necessary to be so excited and excited?”

Azure Dragon frowned, and the faint feeling was not quite right.

He couldn’t help but look at the past, but he saw a picture that made him stunned and unforgettable.

“The end will be white, the escort will come late, please Lordship to sin!”

拄剑General One knee kneel down, the voice is low.


Three thousand white robe army, all kneeled down on one knee.

Uniform and uniform!


The public powerhouse Powerhouse eyes must be smashed out, a damn expression.

The reaction of the car family is not so good, and it is equally shocking.

As for Azure Dragon, in the white kneel down, I only feel that my mind is hōng hōng, and there seems to be infinite thunder and lightning, and the whole person is stupid on the spot.

Black Tortoise is also a thrilling dumbstruck, forget to go to the budget.

Time seems to be still.

The scene is quiet terrifying.

“hehe, white, I am waiting for you for a long time!”

Zhao Fang went forward one step, raised the whiteness of the half-hearted, smile sincerely.

He does not make a false statement.

Since the day when summon came out, he has always wanted to meet the people in this legendary.

The world is white, and the world that appears in white is too far away from his World.

The two sides are not allowed to see.

But because of the relationship between summon and summon, they can all feel the general orientation of each other.

Just now.

When Zhao Fang stood in the ink belt above, he perceives the white aura, which is immediately close, and then tells Azure Dragon the phrase ‘You think, you have a dead man’.

“White shy.”

I want to worship again.

Zhao Fang took him.

Turning around and laughing at Azure Dragon, “Azure Dragon, you seem to be surprised? Do you think that I just talked about it?”


The white light was cold and the sharp light fell on Azure Dragon, making him uncomfortable.

I barely squeezed a smile: “Myself has an eye can’t recognize Mount Tai, and please ask the Young master!”

Although it is unacceptable until now, Zhao Fang is the master of this group of Asura Powerhouses, but the wood has become a boat, he can only bow.

After all, this group of white robe troops is not as good as it is.

“This time, I am offended by the Young Master. I am willing to take the treasure to make up for the loss of the Young Master. If the Young Master is not satisfied, I personally can let the Young Master handle it at will. However, today’s battle is my loss and the car. Waiting for the internal battle, I also hope that Young master will not intervene!”

Azure Dragon pressed the heart of the complex emotions, directed at Zhao Fang hands clasped together politely.


Zhao Fang Since he is backed by the mountains, he is not something he can get.

Suddenly, Zhao Fang is not involved with the car waiting people. He is self-satisfied, and after the apology, the other party will not help the car waiting for the family.

Losing Zhao Fang’s car waiting for the family, that is the shackles of the shackles, as long as the public transporters will destruction, and then swallow its industry.

Two Great Influences are integrated into one!

At that time, as the first Super Influence public transporter in the reincarnation, it is not difficult to resist a King Asura.

“Zhao Young master…”

The Powerhouse expression of the car family has changed dramatically.

Today, Zhao Fang is their last straw.

“hehe ……”

Zhao Fang laughed.

But soon, the voice turned cold. “Azure Dragon, are you so fooled with father? If you apologize, if father is useful, father will also repair the fart!”

“Your Excellency don’t deceive too much, and my public is not a good idea!”

Azure Dragon complexion is ugly.

The four-phase church sorcerer has gathered at his side. If these people are not, he has no confidence to resist Zhao Fang.

“Offended Lordship, die!”

Expressive expression, speech concise, full of chilling meaning.

“Kill, kill, kill!”

The white robe army raised their weapons in their hands and killed intent.

礴 礴 killing intent like the sea, like forming an Asura field, shrouded the audience!

“I don’t know how to be good, my public losers are not soft persimmons that anyone can pinch. If you want to fight, I will accompany them. Four-phase Tangshi, kill me!”

Azure Dragon is also a decisive generation, and seeing that it is not good enough, simply fight.

“I don’t believe it. I am a cultivation base regardless of the number of people in the four-phase church. They are far beyond the white robe army and will not be able to take you!”

Azure Dragon sneers.

“Meng Li!”

White eyes indifferent, looking at the General riding the tiger-shaped beast.

“Subordinate is in.” Meng Li was in the body.

“But them out, kill them!” White is not only the four-phase church, but also the public powerhouse Powerhouse.

“arrogant!” The powerhouse’s Powerhouse trembled.

Meng Li did not seem to see it and was killed.


Command three thousand white robe troops to fight in units of squares!

There is no preview. Almost for a moment, the two people who were the best at killing on the field finally collided.

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