“Zhao Fang, we admit that you are strong, but then how, you didn’t instantly kill all the Powerhouse’s Strengths of our public.”

Azure Dragon yelled in the lineup, “As long as Old Ancestor is so white, you are in front of us, but you are going to slaughter the lamb.”


Zhao Fang Lips out a trace smile.

“cultivation base, open!”

Then, in the Azure Dragon Black Tortoise dumbstruck, Zhao Fang within the body aura is like an Angry Dragon, instantly Berserk.

The cultivation base is the breakthrough of the four-way boundary, moving toward a higher level.


“congratulations Player level up , cultivation base promotes five ways.”


“congratulations Player level up , cultivation base is promoted to six.”


Hōng hōng ~

When the aura of the six-way is spread out from Zhao Fang within the body, the eyes of Azure Dragon Black Tortoise almost come out.

Combat breakdown?

That’s it, some very terrifying Supreme Talent can do it too.

The key is that Zhao Fang’s eyes are broken and he breaks two levels.

Even two levels, in the rich experience of Azure Dragon Black Tortoise, have not been seen, but never seen anyone, dare to play in the battle.

“How is this brat so evildoer?”

Azure Dragon Black Tortoise looked at it with a sigh of relief. At this moment, I realized that the public loser had offended an existence!

“Zhao Young master breakthrough? It really is Peerless Genius, Defying the Heavens evildoer, ha ha…”

The tiger cub is excited and shouts.

The car waiting for clansman is even more shocking and can’t say it.

The car waited for the body to hide the Berserk aura, like the youngster of the singer, and couldn’t help but see the idiot, the heart was very excited, and even a private location was faintly wet.

“I am a six-way team, when I am going to destroy the public!”

Zhao Fang opened his eyes and there was no joy or sadness in his voice. When he said it, the complexion of Azure Dragon Black Tortoise was very ugly.

What did they just want to say…


Zhao Fang Strength Full of open, a day of aura, like a fierce Demonic beast, spread in all directions.

With the ranked Cultivator, even if it is a combination of nine heavy, by this aura volume, it was also shocked to fly back on the spot, even the backhand power is not!

“His Strength, at least four times higher than the combined four-way upgrade!”

Azure Dragon is stunned, and complexion is ugly.

Zhao Fang, who is the same as the four-way, countless Powerhouse, who is holding the sword, bows his head. Now he is promoted to the six-way, and Strength has soared ten times. Wouldn’t it be possible to kill the public?

“Fast, fast moving with four-phase fairy!”

Azure Dragon growls, he really feels the threat, the big threat between life and death.

“Four phases do not gather, how to use the four-phase fairy.” Black Tortoise smiled.

Although White Tiger was not there at the beginning, there was a public defeat, and he could barely activate the four-phase fairy.

I know.

After losing the Vanguard Vanguard, it will never go back.

Even Vermilion Bird was trapped in the Belt World.

Now four phases go to the second, only Azure Dragon and Black Tortoise, unless two people don’t want to kill, killing maybe, maybe a little more!

“It’s time for us to be desperate!” Azure Dragon expression solemn.

Black Tortoise smiles, but no longer speaks.

All of a sudden.

The two people raised a solemn meaning.

Along with their fingers, a terrifying aura rises from the two people.


The two people seem to be cursed, the body begins to burst, the flesh and blood of the burst, and the Void that melts in front of them.


Zhao Fang felt the threat, “Can’t let them continue.”

He swayed his sword, but he was blocked by a large number of public powerhouses.

“act recklessly !”

Zhao Fang’s eyes are cold, the swords are all in all directions, and they are unrelenting. They will be blocked in front of Powerhouse, killing them one by one, and then sending them into reincarnation.

This is so.

His figure is also slowed down.

Zhao Fang frowned and couldn’t help but glance at the tiger.

The tiger screamed and screamed, and gathered the remaining car waiting for clansman, whistling, and confronting the public powerhouse Powerhouse.

With the addition of the Cheji people, Zhao Fang is much easier. Every time the sword is falling, it can sweep the enemy of a large area. The speed is much faster than before.

A moment’s skill, I came to Azure Dragon Black Tortoise.

With the body sacrifice, only the Azure Dragon in the head, the poisonous look at Zhao Fang, the haze said with a laugh: “Zhao Fang, come and bury us!”

Zhao Fang ignored him.

Look out at the Void in front of Azure Dragon Black Tortoise.

There, there is a quaint atmospheric clock floating in it.

It has a pattern of countless mountains and rivers and beasts, which are suppressed by a strongest Immortal Beast.

The front of his eyes is the True Dragon Immortal Beast, which has been flying for nine days and Divine Might.

True Dragon suppresses billions of cloud beasts, and is the supreme of the beast.

At this moment, the flying True Dragon, shining and lifelike, is like living.

When Zhao Fang looked at it, a strange feeling rushed into Zhao Fang’s heart, as if the True Dragon, which was supposed to be a pattern, was watching him.

“It’s so weird.”

Zhao Fang has a heart.

On the side of the True Dragon pattern is a fierce and unrestrained White Tiger.

White Tiger is proud of the mountain forest, called the dominant, imposing manner is not weak True Dragon.

What makes Zhao Fang breathe is that the White Tiger although looks imposing manner, but it is obviously not activated, and the rays of light are bleak.


Azure Dragon Black Tortoise’s head blew open.

The soul of the two people, also turned into a flow light, into the ancient clock.


All of a sudden.

Azure Dragon on the ancient clock, moved a bit.

Originally facing Zhao Fang, it turned to look at Zhao Fang, the indifferent eye, and the hatred and killing intent that are hard to eradicate.

“Zhao Fang, forcing us to use the four-phase fairy, you are enough to be proud of yourself!”

Azure Dragon spits words.


Zhao Fang raises his hand and pulls out the seventh style of the sword.

After the cultivation base breakthrough to the six-way, the last three styles of the swordsmanship, he basically has mastered.

But the last three styles are the killing move that can be used to show the fourths, and even the eighth type.

The ninth is too mysterious, and his own Immortal Force can’t support it.


Sword Qi is turned into a beam sword light, which is turned into a dozen-length, to the four-phase fairy.


Beam Sword Qi is not yet close, Azure Dragon slams into a bell, and the four-phase fairy trembles, making a clock wave that is not loud.


This is the clock wave, but it annihilates the edge of the Seventh-style sword of the Heavenly Sword!


Even Zhao Fang, who saw this scene, was secretly surprised.

The seventh style of the Scorpio Sword is one of the three styles of the Supreme Heavenly Strongest. Even if White Tiger is here, it can be killed by a sword.

Anyone with Azure Dragon and Black Tortoise will want to be smashed into pieces by themselves.

But this is a sword of sharpness terrifying, but it was offset by the clock wave.

“Zhao Fang, I know that my family’s four-phase fairy is amazing!” Azure Dragon smirked. Zhao Fang nodded, “This treasure, fated with me!”

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