“Azure Dragon, Black Tortoise, if you two people are willing to return, I can spare you a life, come to Japan, even if you reshape Fleshy Body, you can’t!”

Zhao Fang said.

“Zhao Fang, you are less useful, have the ability, come and kill us.” Azure Dragon disdain.

“act recklessly !”

Zhao Fang sighs, glaring.

After seeing the power of the four-phase fairy, Zhao Fang moved his mind and wanted to get this treasure.

But this treasure activate seems to be extremely troublesome and requires the Azure Dragon Black Tortoise bloodline property Powerhouse.

Therefore, he only started to talk to persuade two people.

Despite knowing the hope, he tried it once and was now rejected by the family. Zhao Fang was very angry.

“Do you really think that with this four-phase Divine Artifact, I can’t help you?”

“You are taking the action, you are taking action.” Azure Dragon mocked.

Zhao Fang does not say, directly prepared to use the immortal point to activate the ninth style of the sword.

Despite the use of the Ninth Rank Immortal Technique, it is very expensive, but now he can’t take care of it.


Just when he was ready to do it.

Suddenly the body was stiff, and then, in the incomprehensible eyes of Azure Dragon, Zhao Fang suddenly laughed.

“Also, to deal with the four-phase fairy, there is no need to move rough!”

When I heard Zhao Fang, Azure Dragon frowned.

When I was puzzled, I saw Zhao Fang taking out a mirror with both yin and yang.

The mirror vicissitudes of mystery seems to contain mysterious singular power, so that even in the moment of seeing the mirror, even Azure Dragon, can not help but jump.

“You, what are you taking?”

Cried Azure Dragon.

“Don’t you see it?” Zhao Fang stunned.

He intended to hit hard, knowing, the key moment, the mirror of the virtual yin and yang mirror suddenly passed, and told him that he had a way to surrender the four-phase fairy.

This is what happened in front of you.

“Give it to you!” Zhao Fang is too yin and yang.


Too virtual yin and yang mirror gushing out a trace rainbow light, condensed into a beautiful and alluring women, excited to look at the four-phase fairy.

That gaze makes Azure Dragon shudder.

Feeling that I am like a Viper stared at by an eagle, there is an instinct from the instincts.

“Black Tortoise , take action !”

Azure Dragon 嘶吼.

Although he is not clear about the means of mirroring, he believes in his own perception and must not let the mirror take the lead to take action. Otherwise, they will all be finished.


Azure Dragon didn’t know that at the moment when Jing Ling appeared, all his plans became a bubble!

In the face of emits with the horrible aura’s four-phase fairy, the mirrored face is more intensely excited. In the gaze of Azure Dragon, the mirror spirit sticks out like a jade-like palm, and the virtual button is four-phase fairy. .

This seems to Zhao Fang, just the reach of the ordinary.

He did not see that the palm of the mirror, at the moment of the outstretch, became a smooth mirror, shooting a path of strange rays of light, directly covering the four-phase fairy.


In the awkward eyes of Azure Dragon, the four-phase fairy ray of light was greatly reduced, eventually becoming the ordinary palm-sized ancient clock, held in her palm.

And Azure Dragon and Black Tortoise, desperately trying to activate the four-phase fairy, found that they seem to be imprisoned, no matter how hard they struggle, there is no use.

“Resolved.” The mirror turned and the expression of excitement turned to indifferent again.

“Is this solved?”

Zhao Fang is incredible.

That was even a headache for myself, and even had to use the strongest killing move of the four-phase fairy, which was suppressed by the mirror spirit.

Fuck, this is constant comparing oneself to others, and sure enough anger people to death…

“I need to take a good practice. When it is time, I will give it back to you. Don’t worry, the power of it will not be weaker than it is now!”

Leaving this sentence, Jing Ling once again broke into the yin and yang mirror.

“Is it strong or not? I am looking forward to it.” Zhao Fang grinned.


“Azure Dragon Sir and Black Tortoise Sir lost?”

悍 悍 悍 悍 Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power

Even the tiger cub is very surprised.

When the four-phase fairy appeared, even he couldn’t help but be shocked and gave birth to a trace.

But no one thought that the result was that the four-phase fairy had not been really taken, and it was suppressed.

He is ready to imagine the awkwardness of Azure Dragon Black Tortoise!

“Stabilize, don’t panic! We still have the old Azure Dragon Sir, as long as he…”

A public transporter, Powerhouse, wanted to stabilize the military, but his words, only half of it, were interrupted by a blood light falling from the sky.

The blood light turned into a silhouette of a difficult situation, and it was next to Zhao Fang, which was the white beginning of the decisive battle with the old Azure Dragon.

“It’s white! Old Azure Dragon Sir!”

The powerhouse is more and more uneasy, even the one who wants to stabilize the military powerhouse, and the complexion is white, staring at the sky, want to see the old Azure Dragon.

His eyes are coming out quickly, but there is no movement at all.

in contrast.

It’s not so bright, but it keeps the cold sound of extreme chill, like the cold wind from Siberia, blowing into the ears of people in the place.

“Please Lordship forgiveness, failing to kill the old Azure Dragon, let it be seriously injured and escape!”

It’s a white face.

“No problem, Yu Yu nothing more, I will annihilate sooner or later!” Zhao Fang did not care.

Say it.

The tension he showed in the heads-up, is still extremely surprised.

He knows that it is a war madman, known as a savage, and it seems that he is not his strength.

The old Azure Dragon is not only a seven-folder, but also a kind of Time Law. The overall strength is overwhelming the majority of Powerhouse.

But it is such a terrifying existence.

However, he was seriously injured by the whites at the same level.

This is enough to see that the white is fierce.

“Don’t dare to work Lordship, please also Lordry assured, someone must kill it!”

“Old Azure Dragon has been seriously injured and escaped?”

For Zhao Fang, perhaps the perfect ending, there is a trace regret.

But for Tiger Cub, it is a disaster!

After all, with the strength of the old Azure Dragon, if it is recovered, then the sneak attack car family, there is no who can compete with it.

In other words.

For Zhao Fang, this may be just a painless thing, but for the Tigers and other powerhouses, it is a major event about the survival of the community.

of course.

Since they have escaped, they are helpless.

Only the killing intent is poured on the lost powerhouse Powerhouse.

Except for a small number of Powerhouses who would rather die than die, most of the other Powerhouses have returned to Zhao Fang.

Then, Zhao Fang was branded with soul, and life and death were between him.

This is the end.

This hōng hōng fierce battle, which is enough to influence the whole cycle of the reincarnation, finally came to a close.

The car racers replaced the public transporters and re-emerged as the first Great Influences in the reincarnation.

But the tiger cub and those who participated in the battle Powerhouse know that the real winner of this war is not the car race, but Zhao Fang! This is the case, after the news of the genocide being annihilated, Myriad Worlds is terrifying!

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