Although I have seen the enthusiasm of the Treasure in the ‘Tiger World’, I saw the first sight of the Treasure-House.

Zhao Fang was still shocked.

The eye-filled treasure, even the treasury of the treasures, is an extremely rare and large defensive fairy.

Plus the layers of the organization, the settings are clever, there is no correct Technique, want to break open, will only damage the treasure inside.

But these, under the Zhao Fang System scan, there is a way to crack, he told the tiger how to tell.

In the end, the Tigers and the United States had a dozen powers to win the Powerhouse, and they tried their best to show the most mysterious places of the public.

Treasure is tempting.

Many of the cars waiting for Powerhouse’s eyes are straight.

But no one dares to go in.

Three thousand white robe soldiers are guarding outside.

In the face of this terrifying Legion that annihilates the four-phase church squad, its own damage is very small, the Chehaus Powerhouse has always been respectful.

“Young master, with these treasures, you can create a great influence in the short time!”

After entering Treasure-House, the tiger cub finally understood why the gap between the car and the public is so great.

Zhao Fang thin smile, after the car waiting for a few treasures, the remaining treasure, together with Treasure-House itself, are included in the System package.

The tiger cub is not unexpected, and the expression is calm.

However, there are some car-powered Powerhouses with anger. If they are not shocked by the white, they are afraid to ask Zhao Fang.

After Zhao Fang left.

The powerhouses of the car races shouted:

“What’s the stuff. It’s too crazy!”

“There is half the credit of the family in the public and the family. He can enjoy the Treasure-House.”

“Tiger Elder, why didn’t you just talk.”

The group of Powerhouses said that the spears were turning to the tiger.

The tiger is cold and cold, sweeping through the crowd, shouted: “Shut up, a bunch of idiots!”

The tiger’s death is still there, not to mention the tiger’s death has not died, with his suppression of the car’s many years of dignity, this drink, shocked the powerhouse quickly banned, eyes looked at him.

“You are a group of Idiots who are stunned by the treasure.”

The anger of the tiger cub seemed to be picked up and pointed to everyone.

After a few words, he suddenly silenced and sighed: “This time the two families are fighting, the danger is beyond my expectations. If there is a Zhao Fang Young master, my family has long been banned by the public, how can it still Is it standing here?”

“It’s a great gift to save your life, and you want to have a treasure? I ask you, did you kill Vermilion Bird, kill Black Tortoise, or kill other public losers to win 3-Layer Powerhouse?”

Powerhouse absolute silence.

“Without credit, I still want to divide the treasure, you don’t want to face, Old Man still wants it.”

“And, really, Zhao Fang is a good person? If you just started to talk to someone, now it is a dead body!”

The tiger hates iron and does not become steel.

In fact, this is not to mention the powerhouse Powerhouse, they have been crushed and exploited by the public transporters, and now it is hard to destroy the public transporters, turn over the serfs to sing, and you can get the treacherous of the public.

I never thought, but I was told that there is a master, they can only do the look at.

This boring, who can not stand it!

“Don’t the Powerhouses that my family died this time die?”

The car is not willingly.

Although he survived the death of the two races, he broke his arm and suffered a foundation. It is hard to have any big upgrade in this life. It is the time of full stagnation.

“Oh, you are stupid and don’t believe it. A group of fools who only look at the immediate interests!”

The tiger cub sneered: “The public defeat has been extinguished, it is the time when my family rose, and the real wealth, Zhao Fang Young master did not take it away.”

After all, the powerhouse Powerhouse is not a stupid person. After such a reminder, I suddenly realized that “Elder is talking about the shops of the public transport family?”

“Yes, compared to the shops in Myriad Worlds, there are many treasures in Treasure-House, but they are temporary. As long as we merge the shops, the car racers will completely rise in the Myriad Worlds!”

Other Powerhouses are also said to be heart-warming.

“But, with so many shops, my family is now in recession. Even if you want to take over, how can you shock other wolves?”

The transformation of the public, representing the reincarnation of a single era, became the past.

Those who have been suppressed by the public transporters for countless years, such as the Chechens, will take the opportunity to rise up and divide the public.

The tiger cub does not say anything, just looking at the place where Zhao Fang left.

“Young master, are you going to conquer the car?”

Zhao Fang, who has taken away many of the treasures of the public, has walked away from the white, and he was puzzled.

“After all, it was the first Tool Refiner Great Clan of Myriad Worlds, and it was a good thing to be accepted as a sire!”

Zhao Fang said with a laugh.

He did think so.

Especially after the emergence of white, this idea is getting stronger and stronger!

“The worms of the hundred feet die without being stiff, and the car waiting for the family is also reluctant to have the qualification of the service.” White nod.

“White, what do you think of this blade?” Zhao Fang took the reincarnation knife.

“The knife of reincarnation?” White eyes shined, “Is this the Clan Protecting fairy that the car waiting for the fame, reincarnation?”

Zhao Fang nodded.

“I heard about the fighting prowess in the Asura world. It is rumored that the former Asura king of strongest, the Legion, with the weapon, is the knife of this day, has swept the Myriad Worlds, and even forced Myriad Worlds first. Super Influence Black Turtle, I have to close the mountain 1000-year!”

“It’s a pity that with the fall of the strongest king, his knives, Legion, are also annihilated in history.”

White began to sigh.

“Is there still such a thing?” Zhao Fang raised his eyebrows.

He only knows that the reincarnation is a Supreme Treasure, and has never heard of it. It is a mass production of the reincarnation and even supplies it to the Asura world.

“It is said that this blade Great Ominous, for the immortal, did not lead to the disaster, killing the king of strongest.”

White up the road.

Zhao Fang blinked and shook his head: “That’s more than a rumor! I want to mass-produce this blade and supply it to you.” I don’t know, do you have this timid acceptance?”

White without the slightest hesitation: “May be the life of Lordship!”

“it is good!”

Zhao Fang smiled and smiled.


It is already a month since Zhao Fang stepped out of the public.

However, in this one month, the reincarnation is still in turmoil.

There are too many public transport industries.

Every day, there are countless people who are struggling to fight for the industry.


The tiger cub started to talk several times and asked Zhao Fang to send a white support bus to suppress the four directions thieves, so that the car waiting for the family to annex the public transport industry, were rejected by Zhao Fang.

The car waiting for clansman is very dissatisfied.

This is the case, the car’s annexation speed and annexation range is still the most one of all Clan Influence.

Another month passed. Seeing the resurgence of the industry in the reincarnation industry, Zhao Fang finally spoke, and Baiqi brought up three thousand white robe troops to dispatch and personally suppress all the influences.

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