After the blood washed more than twenty 1st rate Influence, the turmoil completely subsided.

It took only three days for the white to suppress the rebellion in the reincarnation, and took the opportunity to scrape a lot of treasure and Tool Refiner materials.

“Next, the Cheji people sent people to take over these shops and influences, know what to do!”

Zhao Fang summoned the tiger cub, indifferently said.

Tiger cub in ones heart trembled.

Do not know why.

After two months of disappearance, he found that Zhao Fang was more and more deep and unmeasurable, even if it was just a gaze, he was given a sense of fear.

“Since today, the car waiting people are willing to take the Young master horse head!”

Tiger cub said solemnly.

“Well, let’s go! After doing this, there is a major event that you need to do.”

After the tiger cub left, Zhao Fang’s brow gradually wrinkled.

“According to Time, red child, they should come. Why haven鈥檛 there been news for so long? Is it a problem?”

“No, ah, with Red Child’s Strength, except for Black Turtle, such as the Great Influences of Immortal, who can keep them in mind?”

In the top ten World rankings, the Black Turtle Incheritance is the oldest and the background is the deepest.

Although on the surface, the Sect Master cultivation base is only worthy of seven.

But everyone knows.

This is just the tip of the iceberg where Xianzong floats on the water.

As for its real background, it is estimated that few people understand it, but if you want to come, you should also have a big powerhouse oversee!

“I have sent back the news. If I am fast, I should be able to receive a reply in these two days.”

When I thought about it, the door opened, and a white dress, like Shengshi Xuelian, the car waiting for the iceberg beauty feeling came in.

“You came!”

Zhao Fang got up and a smile appeared on his face.

“The car is ready, just wait for you to order.” Che Hou 宀?thin smile.

“Let’s go.”

He strode out, and the car was next to him, holding his arm and the bird.

The two people sat in a steel Behemoth-like Battleship in the eyes of other car-powered Powerhouse revere.

Battleship crossed the air and left the car.

In the corner of the Mansion, some of the servants dressed up, looking at the departing Battleship, shot the light.

“This time, the place we went to is Tianbing City.”

On Battleship, Che Houyi explained to Zhao Fang.

Tianbing City is the largest weapon trading market in the reincarnation world.

Once the public transporters, the Che Hoss, have their own shops in Tianbing City, and there are many.

Tianbing City not only sells weapons, but also other cultivation resources.

It is one of the most prosperous places in the reincarnation world.

After flying for half a day, Zhao Fang, standing on the Battleship deck, saw the huge long blade lying in the Void in the distance.

The giant knife is like a rectangular Continent, and there are countless buildings on it. At first glance, it is very surprising.

“That is the Tianbing City, rumors, the body of the Tianbing City, but also a masterpiece of the world, but its origin, but no one knows.”

“Since it is a weapon, is there no one thinking about taking it away or refining?” Zhao Fang was curious.

“Of course, even, even my family has moved this idea. However, this thing is extremely secretive, but anyone who wants to refining this blade is crushed by the power of this blade contain! Fleshy Body! Even if it is a seven-folder, it will die. One more!”

鈥淪o great!鈥?Zhao Fang was even more surprised.

It is a big powerhouse that suppresses the family of Destiny.

But also buried this blade, it can be seen out of the ordinary.

Close to Tianbing City, Zhao Fang found that Tianbing City is really big enough to match the mountains and seas.

After the Battleship stopped at the parking lot, Zhao Fang and the bus waiting to walk in the streets of Tianbing City.

There are a lot of street shops, but there are obviously some depressions.

“If there is no white suppression from Sir, Tianbing City is afraid that it will still be in the blood.”

The car is sighing.

The two people wandered around in Tianbing City for a long time and eventually came to an industry of the Cheji people.

“Please ask both of them in Sir.”

The fat shopkeeper will bring two people into the store.

In the shop room, Zhao Fang stood in front of the window, through the a trace corner of the window, and saw a few streets not far from the shop, many people looked at themselves.

Among them, many people are cold-eyed.

“hehe, it seems that I came out this time, it is really right.” Zhao Fang sneered.

The reason why he came to Tianbing City was that he was curious and the second was killing!

A nameless pawn, born out of the world, a take action will destroy the public transport, get the public transport industry…

Not who, can accept this version.

More people, still want to kill this lucky Yun’er, good fish in troubled waters.

Those who spy on themselves in the corner of the street are proof!

“Is the people in the store quietly evacuated?”

Zhao Fang asked without looking back.

“Evacuation. Young master thinks they want to do it?” The car is puzzled. “Sir is attacking with the general trend. It has already laid the ground. Who dares to take action on you at this festival, isn’t it afraid to be angry?”

鈥渉ehe ……鈥?Zhao Fang smiles inexplicable.

The car is waiting to frown.

Time is flying fast.


Moonlight is like water.

In the quiet room, only Zhao Fang and the car waiting for this pair of lonely women.

A subtle atmosphere pervades between two people.

The car waited and bowed his head, not knowing what to think.

Waiting until the middle of the night, when the outside is still quiet, just listen to the car whispered: “Young master, they may be stunned by the power of Sir, do not dare to do it. It is too late, it is better to rest early!”


Zhao Fang startled.

When I saw the charming face of the car waiting for a blush, he couldn’t help but give birth to a trace.

Beauty is like wine.

The wine is not drunk and everyone is drunk.

What’s more, it is this kind of night that is most suitable for the birth of desire.

“This is what you mean, or what does it mean?” Zhao Fang is very clear headed.

This time, the car waiting for him is very submissive to him, even if it is a waiting for the car, but also less of the cold arrogance of the past, facing him, very gentle relatives, like a lover.

The car is a stiff, silent.

Zhao Fang shook his head: “You don’t have to. So we are friends!”

“Just a friend?” The car waiting for him suddenly looked up, and the charming face poured out a sigh of sadness.

Zhao Fang sighed.

Just want to start to talk.



The hoarse and shrill laughter sounded outside the store.

Void suddenly condensed out a dozen silhouettes, making a harsh laugh, the man in front of the short, sharp-nosed monkey.

Next to him, stood a gentle and youthful.

Looking towards the store, she said:

“A good pair of mad men and women. Little younger sister, since this brat does not understand the style, you will follow the elder brother, the elder brother guarantees that you will never let you eat a little bit.”

“Red wants Young master, this little girl still let me.” Another lame middle-aged.

“Dead cripple, your legs are stunned, and you think about the girl?” cripple shouted at the blind.

“damn it, father is just a leg, and it is not broken, why can’t you think.” Cripple. Zhao Fang got up, pushed open the window, looked at the few people standing outside the window, and looked cold: “You are finally here!”

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