“Cloud long, this Pill Medicine you take, can help you grow your left arm.” Zhao Fang handed a dead back to Guan Yu.

After returning to life, even the Powerhouse, which suffered from heavy injury, can save lives and help the Cultivator to rejuvenate the limbs. It is a piece of cake!

Take less than a moment, he noticed that the broken arm was numb and itchy, which is a sign that the granulation re-grows new meat.

Guan Yu went to a quiet room and the healing went back.

“You go to inform the tiger Elder, I have something to discuss with him!” Zhao Fang rushing to wait for the Φ feed


Tiger Elder is coming.

The public transshipment was shattered, and other anti-Influences were suppressed by the whites. The Che-family accepted the public transport industry across the board, and simply flew up.

As the main person in charge of the car, he did not sleep for two months.

This is the Cultivator, a seclusion is tens of hundreds of years, replaced by average person, early damn exhausted.

“Young master, are you looking for me?”

Unconsciously, when Tiger Face faced Zhao Fang, he used the honorific words.

Not only respecting Zhao Fang Strength, but also grateful to him for giving this car a good opportunity.

“I have some ideas, I want to talk to you, how do you see the feasibility!”

Zhao Fang greeted the tiger and sat down.

“Young master wants to form a team?”

After listening to Zhao Fang’s thoughts, Hu Wei’s expression changed slightly and exclaimed.

“Yes. You worry about the materials. I just want to know if the current strength of the car racers can be mass produced.”

Zhao Fang stared at the tiger’s Elder eyes.

Tiger Elder frowns.

“Influence of the reincarnation, the emotion is convinced, but still in the eye, once the white robe army has changed, they are like a wolf, jumping out again, splitting the public, even the car!”

Zhao Fang indifferently said.

The Elder complexion is ugly. How can he not understand this truth? If it is not the white robe army, the car waiting people can win the scene of the reincarnation.

“So, letting the white robe army be powerful is not only the first priority you consider, but also one of the things you have to consider in the future.”

“Only in this way, the car waiting people can always sit back and retreat to the throne of the first Influence!”

Zhao Fang light drink tea, indifferently said.

“I don’t know the technical conditions of the Young master, Refining the knives, the car can do it. Originally, my family is going to re-fining the knives to cultivate the initiative and regain control of the reincarnation.”

“I don’t want to, the news leaked, causing the influence of all walks of life to snoop, and the car waiting for the family to suppress this.”

Tiger said.

“That’s good. The next three months, you put down the things at hand, the full speed Refining reincarnation, meanwhile, I will let the white robe army press the wheel back to maintain order.”

“What is the Young master going to do?”

“destruction Heaven Demon!”


After arranging things properly, Zhao Fang left the reincarnation.

This time, he will be alone, travel to Void, and go to the Tian Yao world.

The reason why I didn’t bring the white robe army is that Refining Knife needs Time, Zhao Fang can’t afford it.


Before leaving, he bought a directional transmission fairy at Xianyuan Shop.

One end of the fairy squad, set at the white robe military camp.

At the other end, Zhao Fang took him to the body. When he got to the place he expected, he could send the white robe army at the other end through the fairy squad.

In other words, his trip is to play forward.

“A person is really lonely and cold. I know that I will drive the car on the shore of the island.”

On the Metal Behemoth Battleship, except for the technicians equipped with Battleship, only Zhao Fang is a idler.

Sitting in front of the Battleship and looking at the innocent Void, he was rather boring.

“Guan Yu stayed behind to help the white, the waiting for the car is still suffering, and I can only say that I am leaving.”

Zhao Fang sighs.

“No, there is also a mother-in-law. Little Ling’er, Xiao You, are practicing in the Qiongta of the mother-in-law, I don’t know how they have been.”

Thinking, Zhao Fang communicated with her mother and entered the Qiongta.

The vitality of the Joanta is full of vitality.

Although he was only a spiritual entry, he also felt the richness of the power inside Qiongta.

The first two layers, basically no trace of human.

On the 3rd layer, he met a big living person.


When he saw what he was doing, Zhao Fang complexion turned black.

“damn it, this old goods is really shameless!”

I don’t know because the humans of the 3rd layer are too few, or the drunkards are starting to release themselves. This old-fashioned fellow, is clothed in pants, lying on the grass and sleeping.

The key is.

This Old Man didn’t know what he had dreamed of. The old sluts had a strong momentum, and even the mothers who had stayed aside were frequently noticed.

“It feels like something is going to happen.” Zhao Fang smirked.

For the private life of the drunkard, he has no interest at all, and the knowledge drifts through the 3rd layer. He has discovered many old acquaintances.

For example, they are all in the sword of the sword and the former Jianjianshan discipline Qin Yun.

For example, it became the head of many cloud beasts, with many cloud beasts and other cloud beasts robbing Spirit’s Kong Ling.

such as……

“Hey? Xiaoyou?”

Out of Zhao Fang’s expectation, he did not find Xiaoyou.

Even if he let go of the spirit, search the entire Xionx 3rd layer, there is no her aura.

“Where is Xiao You?” Zhao Fang frowned. He was not a Fleshy Body. He could only do everything in Sense Joan, and he couldn’t talk to the creatures in Joant.

With this kind of doubt, Zhao Fang came to the cave dwelling where Xiao You was living.

When the spirit penetrated into all the a sudden of cave dwelling, he stopped.

Because I saw the position of the corner of the cave dwelling, I left a line of words.

“Zhao Fang, when you see this sentence, I am ready to leave Qiongta, go back to the place where I raised me… I can get to know you, I am honored… Don’t read. Xiaoyou, stay!”

Zhao Fang is on the spot, “Small quiet away?”

Some of them couldn’t figure out why she chose to leave, and the message seemed to be decisive, but she was full of disappointment.

“What the hell is this’s going on?”

Zhao Fang is full of doubts and is very interested in finding a drinker and others to ask, but this is obviously impossible unless he returns to Jonta by Fleshy Body.

If this is the case, then leave from Joan, rush to the Tian Yao world, the ghost knows how long it takes to consume, six months? Or one year half load?

Zhao Fang can’t afford it.

“Where she returned to her mother, is it the netherworld family?” Zhao Fang vaguely remembered that when he met the Ming family in the Netherworld City of the Dragon Hunting Field, Xiao You said his origin.

“I am going to the demon world, it seems to go through the netherworld world. If so, then go to the netherworld world!”

“In addition, I have to move Qiongta from the original virtual space as soon as possible. Otherwise, every time I enter the Qiongta, I have to go through a big shuttle, which is too much trouble.”

Zhao Fang made up his mind.

The next journey was resumed in the beginning of the boring state.

Zhao Fang no longer looks at Void, but tempers the Immortal Technique in the Battleship Gravity.

Time has passed for half a month. On this day, Zhao Fang was still practicing in the Gravity room, but was awakened by the sound of Outer World’s shouting. I didn’t even think that this unexpected battle actually rolled in myself!

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