Under Void.

Two people, you flee me, not so busy.

More lively.

To chase both sides, it is Demon Cultivator and Alliance Powerhouse.

The two sides are suddenly dead, and it is dead, almost the kind of irreconcilable until death!

“You can’t escape, you can’t escape, accept death!”

In the Alliance Purture team, a combined Powerhouse is cold with a laugh.

“Xuan Zang, don’t deceive too much, you will retreat now, this Commander can be regarded as nothing, otherwise, this Commander once you escape from birth, you must destroy your whole family!”

Even if you are at large, you can’t forget to scream.

“You don’t have that chance!”

As the Xuanzang voice fell, in front of the mountains, the oblique assassination of a wave of people, for the first person, is a two-way Powerhouse.

“Not good, it’s the people of the league!”

Demon Cultivator we have complexion big change, even if it is more devilish, it is hateful.

One person, Xuan Xuan, made him a headache.

Now, there is another Powerhouse that is stronger than Xuanzang, and it is clear that he will push him to the road.

There are tigers before, and there are hungry wolves!

This is the situation of the more devils at this moment, he is ready to choose, and can not choose.

Only when he took this opportunity to rush out of the blockade in front, he had a way to live.

The sorrowful devil screamed, and the Demon Cultivator beside him, the aura soared like a madman, and he was desperately desperate.

Great war at the touch of a hair.

Demon Cultivator is struggling with the Alliance Powerhouse and is not afraid of death, trying to break through.

But the number of Alliance Powerhouses is too large, and those crazy killing Demon Cultivators are killed by Strong’s powerful Alliance Powerhouse!

Demon Cultivator is getting younger and younger.

Not long after, there were only a few more waiting.

“Damned Xuanzang, this hatred, I have more to remember, come to Japan, you must let you double back!”

I’m staring at Xuanzang, and the grievances and hatred in my eyes are like the essence.

After saying this sentence, the body of the devil handsome, there is a road crack.

“Not good, how much you want to use Heavenly Demon to escape, Senior Brother, take action!”

Originally holding a cat and a mouse to play with the mood of the embarrassing, seeing the situation is not called complexion greatly changed.


The road in front of the blocked road is double, and suddenly a black chain is taken out and thrown at the scorpion.

The chain is traversed, and the original black chain suddenly emits an unusual glow, and there are countless brilliances.

That moment.

The Alliance Powerhouse has a feeling that it is not the chain of the ordinary, but the chain of Law that can capture Azure Heaven.

This feeling is even more profound for Demon Cultivator.

They clearly felt that as the chains plunged, their magical powers seemed to be disturbed, and there was a stagnation, and Strength fell to the extreme.

Even if it is more than a devil, it is no exception.

Directly from a magical handsome, to the extent of the ordinary magic.

“This is specifically for Demon Cultivator’s ‘Lock Magic Chain’? Xuanzang, you are really poisonous, actually use this kind of thing to deal with me!”


Demon Cultivator is rampant, can to move unhindered 睥睨, rarely scruples.

The current lock chain is the Alliance’s Powerhouse based on the characteristics of the Magic Culture Technique, the chain of Law, the Demon Cultivator.

The lock chain is out, not to mention his 1-Star, even if it is 9-Star, Strength will be greatly reduced, unless it is Demon King, undisturbed.

Demon King level Powerhouse, some of the existing insights out of their own kind of Law, you can rely on the Law of the species to compete with the lock magic chain!

“The lion beats the rabbit and uses all his strength. It seems like you are a very evil devil. How can this Venerable be despised?”

When the lock chain took off and the Demon Cultivator, Xuanzang stepped forward and sneered.

“Junior Brother wants to take him, and he said to his brother, why use the lock chain and use it too much.”

The two-way powerhouse, the powerhouse, said.

“hehe, to ‘Unable to Senior Brother’Strength, it’s not difficult to squat, but Demon Cultivator is sinister, you can’t guard against it, Junior Brother can’t let Senior Brother take risks.”

Xuan Zang said with a laugh, “But this time, I am amazed by the Senior Brother. After I go back, I will be the Adoptive Father!”

Listening to him, the face that can’t be plated, soothed, reveals a trace smile. “Junior Brother is extremely worried about it. It is a neglect for the brother.”

“Senior Brother is also killing, and Junior Brother can understand.”

The two sides have a business blow each other.

I can’t listen to it any more, cold said with a laugh: “I didn’t really see it, Black Turtle’s democracy is also so hypocritical!”

“you shut up.”

Not waiting for start to talk, Xuanzang is a palm on the head, almost his body is blown up.

It’s awkward to laugh and not give in.

When Xuanzang was about to continue to ‘force people’, the Void trembled in the distance, a huge Metal Beast Battleship, appeared in front of the Alliance Powerhouse.

“én? Is there anyone in this wilderness?”

“Must be Demon Cultivator with the party, everyone is on guard!”

Xuan Zang low roaring sound, the attitude of the Alliance Powerhouse immediately posing alert.

This is also the Metal Beast Battleship imposing manner out of the ordinary, which shocked the Powerhouse such as Xuanzang. If it is an ordinary battleship, he will not care, and even send people to smash Battleship.

Battleship is getting closer.

The Powerhouse of the Alliance has been looking for shelters to hide.

Even Xuanzang and others are no exception.

When I was dragged away, I was desperately shouting: “I am a Demon Cultivator. Please ask Your Excellency to save me. My home, King, must thank you!”

The sound is thunderous and resounds through the hundred miles.

“damned.” Xuanzang complexion immediately ugly.

He would have suspected that Battleship is related to Demon Cultivator, and that he is not interested in the terrifying aura of Battleship emits.

The Battleship has been near the common, and there is no trace of the hidden Xuanzang and others. However, after more than this, it is completely alarming the Battleship Powerhouse.

as predicted.

Battleship turned around, with one kind of firm posture, move towards Xuanyuan and others hiding the bunker.

“How damn you are, I will kill you!”

Xuanzang complexion is extremely ugly and cannot be ordered, so that the Alliance Powerhouse is ready to fight.

Seeing a great war is inevitable.

When you see the young silhouette standing in front of the Battleship, Xuanzang’s expression suddenly stunned and blurted out:

“How could it be him?”

“How is he!” More than a damn expression.

Two people, this reaction, can not be curious, “you all know him, who is that? Look at him, it seems to be a youngster.”

“His name is Zhao Fang and he belonged to my alliance.”

“There was a killing of my Demon Cultivator.”

Xuanzang and Duo at the same time.

“Belongs to my alliance? Has it destroyed hundreds of magic nests? This is our friendly army.”

Can’t overjoyed, but looking at Xuanzang’s face, there is no trace of happiness, but there is endless hatred. “He killed my son and grandson.”

“And, he always rebelled out of the league!”

Unable mood is as ups and downs as a mountain bike, Wen Yan cursed without cursing: “fuck.” “What about now?”

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