“What now?”

If Zhao Fang is just a pure Union Powerhouse, he can’t naturally accept it, but he is also a mysterious enemies. He also rebels the Alliance and is an enemy of the Alliance.

This has to be treated with solemnity.

“Kill!” Xuanzang eyes are cold. “This Zhao Fang, Strong is flat, but a few people around him are strong, but those people seem to be no longer on Battleship, it is a good time for us to kill him.”

“Senior Brother, then, it’s up to you!”

Xuanzang flashed, unable to whisper in the ear, could not point nod, with a number of Powerhouse, quietly out of the bunker.


“It should be near here, why not.”

Zhao Fang stands at the forefront of the Battleship, overlooking the entire Void, and can’t help but frown.

When I was disturbed in the cultivation, Zhao Fang stopped practicing, and moved towards the battle center to get together.

Knowing that the battle started faster and ended faster.

When he arrived, all around had no trace of fighting.

He looked for a long time before he found some clues.


I heard the sound of the screaming, and I couldn’t help but follow the sound.

But what you see is a lot of bunkers, like a mountain range, across the Void.

At this time.

He moved his mind and looked at somewhere.

A complexion white, figure slender middle-aged man, showing figure.

“Join the road.”

At the moment when the man appeared, Zhao Fang saw through his cultivation base.

“myself Black Turtle Xianzong outer door discipline can’t, here’s the devil, dare to ask how Fellow Daoist is called?”

Can’t take the lead in starting to talk.

“What about other people? Let them all come out.”

Zhao Fang did not answer no, just indifferently said.

Unable to complexion, a cold attitude, Zhao Fang’s attitude, he is very unhappy, he is a Black Turtle, and has never been so despised.

“Your Excellency is too mad, I really think that there are strong people around, you can ignore everything?”

Can’t gloomy face.

“Listen to your voice, know my identity, and ask a question, when already knows the answer, what kind of abacus are you playing? In addition, my companions are no longer with me. Now, you are the only one I face. !”

Zhao Fang is like laughing and laughing.

“Only you are one?” Can not startled, immediately ecstasy, a can not hide the killing, whistling out.

“You want to kill me?”

When he felt the sinister killing intent, Zhao Fang smiled even more.

Unable to start to talk, after the bunker, a few people jumped out, among them the first man, the yin looking at Zhao Fang, the cold said with a laugh: “Zhao Fang, long time no see.”

“who are you?”

In the face of Xuan Zang’s killing intent, Zhao Fang is frowned and does not know how to deal with it.

“My name is Xuan Zang, you may not know me, but you should know Xuan Zang, Xuan Qiu.”

Upon hearing these two names, Zhao Fang remembered something.

“They are my son and grandson.” Xuanzang continued.

“So, are you coming to avenge them?”

Zhao Fang expression Indifferently, I don’t want Xuan Zang to be able to put two people in my eyes.

“Yes, you dare me Union Powerhouse, today, it is your death…”

Can not see the killing intent boiling, just to start, Zhao Fang raised his hand, and pointed to the sword, a terrifying Sword Qi hole wearing Void, directly stabbed in the inbetween the eyebrows.

Unable to between the eyebrows, a terrifying blood hole appeared, and the sound came to an abrupt end.

that moment.

The grin hideously on the face of Xuanzang froze.

The stalwart look of other Alliance Powerhouses was also shocked by this abrupt change.

Even if it is a bunker, seeing this scene reveals an incredible look.

Grand Black Turtle The celestial outer door discipline, the duality of the road can not be, just like this, was raised by a youngster killed?

The scene was so shocking that most people were shocked on the spot and could not speak.


I can’t lose weight.

His vitality, and even the soul, was crushed in that finger.

It has completely become a dead person!

“Mole cricket and ants ordinary people, dare to threaten me.”

Zhao Fang is still holding hands, expressionless.

Xuanzang reacted, and the body shivered slightly, only to feel the sky.

He thought that with his current strength, Zhao Fang, who destructed the team, is definitely not difficult.

But he did not expect that, in just a few months, Zhao Fang Strength was so good that he reached a level that he could not even match.

Still have to take revenge?

This thought, since it could not be fallen, never appeared again. The only thing he wants now is how to save his life in front of Zhao Fang.

“Listen to your tone, it seems to kill me?”

Zhao Fang complexion looks at Xuanzang.

Xuan Zang was scared and sat almost on his face. He almost laughed when he waved his hands. “This, you must have heard it wrong. I mean, you can’t come back once, so let me have a good reception.”

“Yes? You don’t want to take revenge for Xuan Qiu, Xuan Zang?”

Zhao Fang is like laughing and laughing.

“He, they are self-defeating, no wonder people.” Xuanzang lowered his head.

In order to survive, he can only follow Zhao Fang.

Because he found that he could not see through Zhao Fang Strength, from the point of view that the other side could not kill him, his Strength must have reached a level of terrifying.

This kind of character can kill himself by raising his hand.

Xuanzang dared to be impudent again.

Zhao Fang feels boring, so people who have no resistance can kill nothing.

“Zhao Young master…”

Suddenly, Void vibrates, and a crisp sound comes from far and near.

Followed by.

Everyone saw that a mysterious turtle, bigger than a mountain, carried a beautifully dusty woman, scratching Void and appearing in front of the Metal Beast Battleship.

“Green Sir.”

Xuanzang saw someone coming, and quickly Respectful Salute.

This is the close-fitting maidservant of the Black Turtle’s sir, and the strength is even more important. He doesn’t dare to neglect.

Black clothed women did not look at Xuanzang, directed at Zhao Fang, respectfully said: “Zhao Young master, my family Young Lady has please.”

“Your home, Young Lady?”

Zhao Fang is inexplicable. She doesn’t seem to know this black clothed women, but she will know her young Lady?


When black clothed women spit out four words, Zhao Fang suddenly realized, “It turned out to be her.”

“Lead the way ahead.” Zhao Fang indifferently said.


Black clothed women Void Hand A quote, leaving with Zhao Fang.

The two people never looked at Xuan Zang again.

After the two people left, Xuan Zang raised his head and his face was full of grievances. “The damned little scorpion, Strength is actually strong enough. In my life, I am afraid I can’t take revenge for my nephew.” ”

“No, I can’t, but the Adoptive Father can definitely do it.”

Xuanzang flickering, did not give up the obsession of revenge.

At this time.

There is an unanimous obituary of the Alliance Powerhouse complexion.

However, after being unable to be killed, the unmanned lock magic chain was dragged by Doken and took the opportunity to escape.

“Damned Zhao Fang, I lost another great job, I will never let you go!” Xuan growls.

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