The artillery fire is annihilated.

Terrifying fluctuation stops.

The Demon Qi black ball, which protects hundreds of Demon Cultivator Powerhouses, is broken through two times and completely collapses without any existence.

In Void, there are only a few remaining situations of miserable silhouette.

That’s how many three 4-Star Demon King Powerhouses, and now they are all extremely hurt, no longer fighting.


How sad and bitter.

Hundreds of Demon Cultivators took action together, the sound of what kind of vast, but only thunder and heavy rain, even the enemy did not touch, almost completely annihilated.

“How many sirs are lost?”

“That Battleship what’s going on, how can it be so strong?”

More stunned and more stunned, the body trembled.

Buzz ~

The first ship of the ship was trembled and recharged. All around heaven and earth, the fairy aura, came in madness.


More complexion ugly.

In his current state, if you come back again, you will definitely die.

In the magic cloud, the blood is bone-bearing, and the indifferent looks at, and there is no joy or sadness.

Demon King is a frowns, speculating on the mood of the blood bone at this time, considering whether to save more.

Three 4-Star’s Demon King Powerhouse is also a great great war force for the Magic Nest. It is a pity that it is lost in vain.

Of course.

The blood bones have been quietly at the at, and there is no meaning to save the shackles.


Many sadness in the heart, and other Demon King, look at each other’s humiliation and hatred in the eyes.

That one.

The only five Demon Kings, at the same time, ignited their magic and, with the power of Berserk destruction, rushed toward the Metal Beast Battleship.


The first gun of the ship ejected a sly light pillar, such as the light to dispel the darkness, easily smashing the suicide impact of many and others.

Their self-destruct is like a small stone thrown into the sea, and even a little spray is not aroused.

At this point, take action of hundreds of Demon Cultivator, all body!

The corner of the mouth slightly raise, smile cold: “This is the Battleship of the public transport, really out of the ordinary, Junior Brother, with your ability to sit on this Battleship, too reluctant.”

“Or give it to your brother to keep it for you.”

The blood bones are eyeing the Metal Beast Battleship and take action.

A cover of Heavenly Demon, traversing Void, grabs the Metal Beast Battleship.

“I finally can’t help but have to do it?”

Zhao Fang is cold and cold, without fear of bloody offensive, all of a sudden swords, clear sword edge, like a trace of light through the clouds.

The sword and the palm touched each other in an instant.


The Fluctuation that broke out at this intersection was in no way inferior to the Full strength strike of the ship’s first shot.


The mountains in the circumference thousand zhang have been ruined, terrifying Demon Qi, which is rampant.

“én? No wonder so crazy, it really has some skills.”

Blood bones surprised to see Zhao Fang.

His hand, though not the effort, but also used three 40% of the power, enough to kill most of the five.

Zhao Fang just joined the road, but hardened it.

Moreover, what scared him was that the power of the sword had made him feel amazed.

“It seems that this brat has a lot of secrets. At least, this set of swordsman is out of the ordinary, I want to get it.”

The blood is squinting.

“You are also okay.” Zhao Fang is indifferent.

“Not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth’s brat, just that blow, I only used 30% force.” Blood bone expression is cold.

“Actually, just the sword, I only used one force.” Zhao Fang gave him a look.

Mom sells the batch, dare to be in front of the father Zhuang Bi, live impatient, right?

“court death.”

Bloody anger, take action again, paint Hei Mo palm cover heaven and earth, emits grateful terrifying aura, strong power, several times the previous palm.

“Take the sword, the seventh style.”

Zhao Fang unintentionally and bloody bones, directly using the killing move, a sword out, heaven and earth change, the magic cloud rewinds.

Even if it is bloody, I feel the terrifying edge of this sword contain, and the twilight surface shows a trace solemn.



Two terrifying fluctuations, once again collided together.

Heaven and earth are instantly covered by Sword Qi Demon Qi, and terrifying.

The aftermath of the collision even broke the protective cover of the outer layer of the Metal Beast Battleship.

Demon Cultivator, such as Duo and Duo, is out of the scope of thousand zhang, and is also cough up blood on the spot by Yu Bozhen. As for the ordinary magic, he is directly killed.

Everyone was upset and quickly regressed.

After the wave was exhausted, Zhao Fang was very handsome and proud.

Opposite him, it is the bloody bone of a slightly difficult situation.


鲅 com complexion micro-shock.

Since the rise of the blood bones, the countless, countless times are still dead, but the opponent is nothing more than his powerful Demon Cultivator.

Like Zhao Fang this Rank, in order to make the blood bones such a difficult situation, he still sees first time.

“A sword breaks through the law, and it is not rumored.”

The blood bones looked at Zhao Fang deeply, until now, he understood the origin of Zhao Fang.

Not based on the mysterious behind the seven, not relying on the Metal Beast Battleship, but on its own Strength.

“Actually, I have two more tricks. Does Senior Brother want to see it?”

Zhao Fang thin smile, a portrait of harmless to human and animals.

Blood and bones are condensed.

This alone, it cost him countless Demon Qi to resist, if he did not practice the Cultural Technique, he was afraid of being healed and even killed.


Such a powerful sword, actually not his strongest killing move?

The blood bone suspects that Zhao Fang is swindling himself.

But in his heart, he also sneaked a bit of vigilance.

Twilight fretting, said with a laugh: “Junior Brother means extraordinary, no wonder that the day will be seen by the master. You can leave, there are still things to deal with for the brother.”

After that, I didn’t pay any attention to Zhao Fang, but I looked at a mountain in the cold.


After the mountains, a large number of people, headed by the women, are the Black Turtle, such as the contemporary mysterious woman.

Ji Xuan!

In her behind, she also followed some of the Xianmeng Powerhouse.

“Zhao Fang is actually the bloody Junior Brother. This person is really a Demon Cultivator spy? Damned, I knew that I should have killed him.”

A grumpy Xianmen Powerhouse heard the words of the blood, angrily said.

“Idiot. Have you seen yourself beat yourself?”

Another Powerhouse angered, but saw the ruined Demon Cultivator corps next to the Metal Beast Battleship, and the faint unfettered battle fuctuation between heaven and earth.

“Zhao Fang’s relationship with the blood bones is indeed not simple.”

“However, he is not the help of my immortal alliance, plus the right side with the blood bones, it is very likely that it will be with the bloody bones and deal with us, the mysterious girl Sir, I suggest, after the great war activate, this will The root cause is to get rid of it in advance.”

A flashing light, filled with a thick Thunder aura’s old man, said coldly.

This person is called the Lei dynasty, and he is the sixth-largest Powerhouse. He is the punishment of Black Turtle’s external gate, Elder, who is in charge of lightning and is overbearing.

“The elder sentence of Elder is very much, I agree.”

“I also agree.” Other powerhouses have nod, eyes are looking at the expression of the indifferent Ji Xuan.

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