“Fellow Daoist, we meet again.”

Ji Xuan with a smile on Zhao Fang, a gentle face.

“It’s really time for you to come.”

Zhao Fang was indifferent, her eyes swept over the elders and others on her side.

He always felt that these people were behind and looked at their own eyes, which was very wrong.

Despite the good cover, Zhao Fang caught them in the eyes, the killing intent.

Although I don’t understand why they are, he is not in the heart.

If you dare to provoke yourself, a sword is killed.

“Blood bones.” Ji Xuan looked to the blood bones, smiled charming face, when a little more condensed killing intent.

“Hui Xuan.”

Blood bone expressionless, “You are now in front of me, is it to die?”

This statement came out.

Elder and others simultaneous, one step, aura like a river, screaming, coldly staring at the blood.


Demon King at托 at the same time Across the front step, the fleshy body was straight, the moment there was a Aura from Elder who was not inferior.

He is not an 5-Star Demon King, but 6-Star Demon King!


In the magic cloud where the blood bones stand, there are also dozens of silhouettes, each of which is Demon King. Many of them are inferior to the previous ‘Duo’Demon King.

The two Powerhouses met at once, and the atmosphere was instantly with swords drawn and bows bent.

Zhao Fang waved, Metal Beast Battleship took off, he did not want to be sandwiched between Xianmeng and the Magic Nest, becoming their common enemy.

“You play, I just pass by.”

After the wave of the two sides waved, the Metal Beast Battleship flew to the sky.

“Brother Zhao, you and me are all Xianmen Lineage, now I see Demon Cultivator, can you sit back and ask Brother Zhao take action to help me.”

Ji Xuancheng said.

Zhao Fang, she has been lurking in the dark, she has already seen it, enough to slap Elder.

Such a strong great war force is what Xianmeng needs, and how she will let it go.

“Junior Brother, help the brothers to destroy this group of people, after the oneself infallible Cultivator, this world, you and me Martial Brother two people.”

Blood bones are also invited.

His expression with a trace of gentle, twilight and warm looking at Zhao Fang, seems to really look at a very good same side Martial Brother.

It seems that the person who just wanted to kill Zhao Fang is not like him.


The eyes of everyone on the field were concentrated on him.

“Forcing me to stand up?”

Zhao Fang, if the fire sees the fire, understands the intention of Ji Xuan and the blood bones, secretly sneer, and the Metal Beast Battleship continues to vacate, without the meaning of staying at all.

“I have been tired of killing and killing anything. You continue, I am leaving.”

The fairy war, in his case, is nothing more than a battle that he saw during his trip to the Heavenly Devils.

He is not a participant, nor does he want to be a participant. There is not much benefit in himself.

Looking at Zhao Fang, who is vacant, the blood bones and the two people of Ji Xuan are all blinking.

Zhao Fang rejects two people, seemingly free and easy, and actually the most risky.

Most likely, it will irritate the two Great Influences at the same time.

“Zhao Fang, have you killed so many Powerhouses in my devil’s nest, and want to leave safely?”

Blood bones instantly turn over the face, in the magic cloud, there are countless road magic shadows burst out, densely packed, blinking eyes filled with circular thousand zhang.

And half of the shadows are rushing toward the Metal Beast Battleship.

Zhao Fang complexion sinks.

“Blood bones, I read in the past, I don’t want to marry you again, don’t force me.”

“You can also marry me, jokes.” The bloody bones sneered.

“Mysterious girl.”

Elder can’t help but look at Ji Xuan.

Ji Xuan shook his head, cold as the beauty of the moon palace fairy, revealing a trace light smile, secretly thought: “Zhao Fang ah Zhao Fang, although you want to be independent, but some people do not want to let go of you.”

Zhao Fang stood in the sky above the Metal Beast Battleship, holding a sword, and facing the countless Demon Cultivator, which was killed in the face, just a sword.

A terrifying sword, like a plowing plough in the field, will bring a stunning sword to the Void in front of it.

Countless Demon Cultivator, died under this sword.

Unexpectedly, Demon Cultivator was horrified, and Zhao Fang’s back suddenly appeared in the yin and yang wings.

call out.

Sharp sky-splitting sound suddenly blasted in Void, and Zhao Fang silhouette disappeared in place.

The next moment.

A sword light from nine days, to the top ten Demon King-class Powerhouse.

“impudent !”

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Not waiting for them to show their joy, a figure, flashed from their eyes.

Directly over the other, and kill the blood bones standing in the magic cloud.

“Take the sword, the eighth style.”

The low voice echoed between heaven and earth, and terrifying Sword Qi gathered in the Tibetan sword, and broke out between his waves.

that moment.

Even if it is as strong as a bloody bone, it is complexion greatly changed, and the magic cloud is directly transformed into a blood cloud, which also has the screams of the countless Demon Cultivator.

Blood cloud Condensed into a blood shield, across the front of the blood, blocking the sword.

But it was only two interest, the blood shield was broken, turned into a blood ring, and fell.

“Blood god ring.”

Ji Xuan looks at the bloody bracelet, in the eyes reveal a trace wariness, “rumor, is the treasure left by the blood of Myriad Worlds, is a very rare and offensive and defensive treasure.”

“Just now, the bloody bones destroyed the Demon Cultivator Powerhouse hidden in the bloody bracelet, trying to use their flesh and blood to block the sword, but now it seems that he failed, that sword is too strong! ”

Ji Xuan murmured.

Even if she is, under that sword, there is a feeling of nowhere to hide.

She was beside the Elder and others, all of them were looking for solemn and fear.

Suddenly fortunately, the proposal at that time was vetoed by Ji Xuan, and there was no take action for Zhao Fang. Otherwise, it is not the blood bones but the bones, but they are!


Blood bone fever suddenly retreat, hemoptysis in the mouth, heart horror.

The defense of the blood god ring, even Peak’s aspirations can not break open, but can not stop Zhao Fang a sword.

Doesn’t it mean that his previous blow has already had the power to win eight?

How can this be?

The blood is hard to accept.

“The damned brat, to push this Demon to this level, just let you see, the real Strength of this Demon.”

The bloody bones are stunned and whispering, and there is a countless shadow in the behind, just like the countless terrifying devil.

At that time.

The aura of the blood bones has soared to the extreme, reaching an incredible degree.

“Aspirations are eight.”

Zhao Fang complexion solemn, the threat of blood bones at this moment is far more than the old Azure Dragon of the day.


Being held by such a large Demon Qi, the blood bones no longer have a human form, and they become a kind of monster, like a beast, and even a blood-red one.

“I want you to die!!” Scarlet Monster Beast stared at Zhao Fang, and the cold killing intent combined with the sinister Demon Qi was enough to stun the ordinal to the Cultivator’s liver and gallbladder.

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