“What is this monster?”

Not only Zhao Fang, the Xianmeng Powerhouse, which often deals with Demon Cultivator, was also shocked by the sudden changes in blood bones.

Scarlet monsters roar.

The body surface escapes a lot of blood sex fiend gas, like a thick fog, sweeping all directions.

Zhao Fang frowns, figure back.

Although it is not clear, this blood sex fiend gas is what, but he always has a bad feeling.

Some of the slower Cultivators, after being covered in bloody fog, were like chicken blood, and the blue veins jumped, the blood light flashed, and the whole person aura was violent.


They are smashing into a group of Blood Mist, a rich bloody aura, nourishing the entire Blood Mist, making the Blood Mist more and more intense.

“Hey, Zhao Fang, you are honored to see my blood magical phase. When this phase comes out, all the creatures that are enveloped are the Servant I can give. When the law comes out, I am invincible!”

The bloody bones came out, keeping the meaning of madness and smugness.

“It turned out to be blood magic?”

“It is rumored that among the Demon Cultivator, there is no one in the billions, even if it is the Heavenly Demon world of Demon Cultivator, there are only a few people who have cultivated the Fa, and they are all standing at the apex of Heavenly Demon. Sir, this fellow what’s going on, before has never heard of it, actually has also cultivated the law?”

The Elder complexion is ugly.

As a Black Turtle, Elder, he knows a lot about secret news.

But there are still limitations.

At least, he is not clear about the origins of blood.

“Zhao Fellow Daoist, let’s take action together, can’t let him continue to expand, otherwise, his Strength will become stronger and stronger!”

Ji Xuan expression solemn.

At the same time, to Zhao Fang, “The bones are special, the Heavenly Demon world won’t let him go wrong. If I didn’t guess, the Heavenly Demon Powerhouse is on the way.”

Zhao Fang looked at her strangely.

“Next, I will fully assist you and kill this demon!” Ji Xuan voice is firm.

Zhao Fang does not say anything.

Just hold the sword, the sword is one, and the sword goes with the heart.

It is directly the seventh style of stepping on the sky.

Ji Xuan is also like her, summon out of the mysterious turtle, Strength soared to the seven-level level, personally assisted Zhao Fang.

Elder and others although also want to take action.

But their strength is too weak, and the gap between the blood and the bones is too big. If you don’t pay attention, you will be lost by Blood Mist and become a source of strength for your blood.


They were drunk and ordered to retire.

Fight with Demon King.

The sharpness long sword broke into the body of the bloody bone, and the sword edge went deep into the flesh and blood, and then it was stuck inside and could not be pulled out.

Ji Xuan’s mysterious turtle method was also broken by the bloody bones.

If the non-mysterious turtle is best at defending, the ordinary will be the seventh hard-boiled one, fearing that it will be killed early.

She coughed blood backwards and complexion paled.

“Oh, it’s useless, it’s up to you two, and practicing for a hundred years is not the opponent of this Demon!”

Sassy with a laugh.

“how about it?”

Zhao Fang looks at Ji Xuan.

Ji Xuan shook his head. “I am innocent for the time being. However, I still underestimated the blood magical phase. With his current strength, it is not our ability to deal with it.”

“and so?”

“Retreat, stay in the green hills, not afraid of no firewood.”

Ji Xuandao.

Can’t beat, of course, to escape.

The fool will go to the stupid cunt behavior that knows what to do and to die.

It is not brave and fearless.

But, stupid!

“I want to try again.”

Zhao Fang shook his head.

Ji Xuan can leave at any time, but he can’t.

My damn’s Zangfeng sword is still inserted in the blood bones.

“Fellow Daoist.”

See Zhao Fang once again take the initiative to meet the blood bones, Ji Xuan complexion slightly changed, she bite the clench one’s teeth, also chose the take action.

“Your greatest snuggle is the overbearing swordsmanship. Now, long sword is on me, what do you have to deal with this Demon.”

For Zhao Fang who was killed twice, the blood bones were not in the heart, and sneer.

“Who told you that swordsmanship is my strongest killing move?”

Zhao Fang sneered at the sneer, in the horror of Ji Xuan, the unbelievable eyes of the blood, suddenly shot a finger.

“Breaking the rhinoceros means!”

Pointing out, like a huge gun throwing a hundred zhang (333m) circumference, terrifying the meaning of tearing, instantly tearing the defense of the blood.


Half of his body was directly crushed into Blood Mist by this finger.

Blood bone, heavy injury!

Looking at the painful and tragic, the body is almost blasted blood, Ji Xuan looked at Zhao Fang’s look, full of shock.

“Good overbearing powerful one finger, that split second, I have a feeling that World has to be shattered by this finger.”

Ji Xuan body chills.

If Zhao Fang’s finger is aimed at her, even if she has a mysterious turtle, she will die, and the front is too overbearing!

“Unfortunately, I could not kill him.”

The complexion of the pale Zhao Fang, suppressing the Immortal Force was drained from the almost out of control body, shaking his head and smiling.

The broken rhinoceros refers to the Ninth Rank Higher Immortal Technique, which is repaired to Perfection and can be pointed to a World.

Zhao Fang uses a lot of materials from the public transport, and only practises the broken rhinoceros to small accomplishment nothing more.

“If it is Great Accomplishment, he is ready to die.” Zhao Fang sighed.

This is so.

With his Fleshy Body’s strong action with the broken rhinoceros, it also suffered great pain, and the five fingers that are red and twisted are proof.

“My Fleshy Body is too weak, I have to find the Spirit of True Dragon as soon as possible, practice Azure Dragon forging, then Fleshy Body Great Accomplishment, and then show the broken rhinoceros finger, there should be no backlash.”

Zhao Fang Void Hand Once caught, the Tibetan sword was swept back.

“Take the sky, the eighth style!”

“Take the sky, the ninth style!”

You are sick, you are going to die, even if the blood bone suffers from a serious injury, but it is not difficult to recover with his strange blood magical phase.

He doesn’t want to manage the situation and return to the original point.


The bloody bones roared and seemed to feel that the two swords were terrifying, figure suddenly retreat at the same time, only half of the blood magical phase of the body, sharply shrinking, blinking into a small blood magic phase of a dozen feet .

At the same time.

The surface of the law is covered with barbs and the skin is as hard as rock.

Two unrivalled Sword Qi, tearing the surface of the law, deep into the law, but did not open the law.


Bloody bones sneer, holding a pair of eyes that are not like human, staring at Zhao Fang: “Your means is exhausted!”

The broken rhinoceros refers.

Strongest Two-style stepping sword.

Anything like this requires a huge Immortal Force as a support, even if Zhao Fang is evildoer, the three runs out, and the body Immortal Force should also be consumed.

This is the idea of ​​blood bone at this time.

The Immortal Force does not have Immortal Force, it is a slightly stronger human nothing more, in front of his bloody magical body of Fleshy Body, it is a slag.

“Now, it’s my turn to fight back…” Gorefiend grin hideously, Blood Mist spread over a large number of Demon Cultivators, in a path of screams, Blood Mist became full of strength, his injury is also rapidly healing.

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