I originally wanted to cheer the victory of Xianmeng and others.

Look at body Quick recovery, aura’s climbing blood magic phase, completely desperate!

This damn is a monster, hard to smash so many Berserk fierce attacks, actually not dead!

How is this damn playing?

“Zhao Fellow Daoist, I will take you away.”

Ji Xuan has already taken out the transmission charm, and the figure flies to the side of Zhao Fang, and it is necessary to activate the fairy charm.

Zhao Fang looked at the blood and cold, and said with a laugh: “Who said that I have no means?”

“and also?”

The bloody bones become stiff and stiff.

“Impossible. You are just a way to show the finger and the two swords, Defying the Heavens, and Impossible.” Blood bones stare at Zhao Fang, said solemnly.

“Stupid Demon Cultivator, my means, what can you imagine?”

Zhao Fang Lightly, untie the belt.

“What is he doing?”

Elder and others have dumbfounded a face, completely confused, what is the tactic of the great war.

“Hey, this fellow will be handed over to you.”

The belt flutters in the wind and instantly extends to hundreds of miles, enclosing the blood-bone method within the belt.

The belt emits has the power of mysterious, and there is a silver bell-like laughter inside. Then, in the eyes, the bloody bones of the people are incomparably fierce.

The sudden disappearance.

Aura completely dissipated.

It seems that it has never appeared in this World.


Elder and others are dumbfounded.


Demon King, etc., is complexion greatly changed.

“Space fairy.”

Ji Xuan stared at the belt, and suddenly seemed to think of something: “Is it a public ancestor town, Zongxian, ink ribbon World?”

After the ink ribbon took away the blood-bone method, the ink ribbon trembled fiercely, like the ink ribbon, and the fierce battle was erupting.

But very soon.

The battle subsided.

Zhao Fang mind, the voice of Jin Hao: “Master, get it.”

“Yeah.” Zhao Fang is not unexpected.

The blood-bone method is extremely powerful. After all, it is only a matter of success. After repeated injuries, Strength has long been out of peak.

And Jin Hao, but the goods are really worthy of the eight.

Waiting for work.

In addition, the Golden Dragon can control the Law in the ink band World. Strength is comparable to the nine-fold, and it is not difficult to suppress the blood bone of a heavy injury.

However, Elder and others are not aware of the situation.

I only feel that the ink band World terrifying is incomparable, even cruel, the blood bones of the world, and it is less than a moment to go, it is beaten without temper, simply shocking.


Demon King sees the big picture has been set, how dare to stay, screaming, and other Demon King, fleeing.

“Can you escape?”

Zhao Fang sneered, the ink band World unfolds, and the eyes will envelope the circle.

In addition to several Strengths such as Demon King, it is not good to see the opportunity to use Secret Art to take out the world-wide Demon King. Most of the Demon King Powerhouses are enveloped by Ribbon World.

“It seems that I have to take the action myself.”

Zhao Fang holds the Jianfeng sword, behind the yin and yang wings, and moves directly toward Demon King.

Ji Xuan thought about it and went to the purchase of other Demon Cultivator.


Zhao Fang came back, carrying the encrusted head, in a white coat, not staining the dust.

“Zhao Fellow Daoist is really Divine Might, and Ji Xuan admire!”

Ji Xuan returned with a few Demon King’s heads. After seeing it, he couldn’t help with said.

She is not polite, she is truly admired.

If there is no Zhao Fang to intervene today, relying on her strength, let alone compete with the blood bones, it is estimated that even how to die does not know.

“Zhao Fellow Daoist Divine Might is alive! I am waiting!”

Elder and others are respectful, and they are very fortunate in their hearts. They have not played against Zhao Fang. Otherwise, if they die here, they will not be bloody!

As for killing Zhao Fang…

Hehe, they don’t even dare to have this kind of mind.

Squinting at his own arrogant Elder and others, Zhao Fang sneered in his heart, too lazy to understand, directly opened a wave of plunder.

In fact, there are not many Demon Cultivators that he directly kills.

But he and the bloody bones killed Demon Cultivator, but there are quite a few, plus Deto King, and so on, directly contributed to the Level 1 Immortal Force value.

As the cultivation base advances to the seventh place, the Zhao Fang state instantly restores Perfection.

Even the display of the broken rhinoceros refers to the fingers of the wound, but also restored to the original.

When I noticed that Zhao Fang within the body was full of Immortal Force fluctuation, and stronger than the previous imposing manner, Ji Xuan’s eyelids revealed an incredible expression.

“Fellow Daoist, breakthrough?”

Lei Deng and other powerhouses, but also aware that Zhao Fang aura is different, but not too sure.

After all, they have not seen it, in the great war, directly from the six-way, breakthrough to the seven-fold existence.

At this moment, when I heard Ji Xuan’s words, I not only looked at them in the past.


Zhao Fang indifferently said.

Wen Yan.

Ji Xuan and Lei Deng Elder and others, were all surprised.

“Fellow Daoist is extraordinary, and it can breakthrough in this Rank.”

Ji Xuan is really serving this time.

“However, I have to remind Fellow Daoist of something.”

Ji Xuan took Zhao Fang to the corner of no one, solemn said: “Blood bones in the Heavenly Demon world are extraordinary, even called Demon Child by several big Demon King in the Heavenly Demon world, very valued, you kill him, they must Will not let you go.”

“Demon Child?”

Zhao Fang raised his eyebrows and didn’t care much. “Blood bones like to be a son.”

I know, Ji Xuan said: “Demon Child has a high status, even at a higher level, it is Hu Feng’s rain.”

“Higher level?”

Zhao Fang came to the spirit. With his current experience, how can’t I see that Myriad Worlds is not really big World.

However, with regard to Myriad Worlds above World, even the public and the inhabitants recorded very little, and Zhao Fang only knew about the scales and claws.

“I also listened to my teacher’s respect, and the Emperor Xianzong’s previous generation Xuan Nuo mentioned it. The World we are in is just a mustard in the vast Immortal World.”

“In this World above, there are places like Xianyu, Devil, Demon, and so on, where is the real big World, there is real Immortal residence.”

“And the blood bone, it is said that the magic domain someone comes, the body of a magic fairy Great Expert’s bloodline, status respect.”

Wen Yan.

Zhao Fang frowned.

If it is true as Ji Xuan said, then his own troubles are indeed not small.

“Is Black Turtle Xianzong also cuddling in Xianyu?”

Zhao Fang suddenly thought that Xianzong and Demon Cultivator had vowed each other for many years. Since the Heavenly Demon world is behind the magic domain, if there is no backing behind Xianzong, can you support it for so long?

Ji Xuan smiled, did not elaborate, just said: “If Fellow Daoist needs help, but come to me Xianzong.”

In just one sentence, I reveal Supreme confidence in the fearless domain!

Zhao Fang is instantly clear.

Ji Xuan decided to take advantage of the new bones of death, without restraint to fight against the devil, and invited Zhao Fang again.

Zhao Fang refused again, and after Ji Xuan’s resignation, he disappeared into the sky on the Metal Beast Battleship.

Shortly after he left, the fairy magic war broke out completely! And these things, alwaysy has nothing to do with him, his figure appears in the ink band World, looking to the bloody bones that have been smashed into a group of dead dogs.

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