Ink ribbon World.


After seeing the disguised Zhao Fang, Jin Hao’s delicate body, like a snake, entangled, and Zhao Fang’s heart was swaying.

“You rest first, I have something to ask him alone.”

Zhao Fang patted the golden hips of the hips, which made the slightly dissatisfied Jin Hao, smiled and left.

“You, are you Zhao Fang?”

As Zhao Fang approaches, his blood is hard to open his eyes.

“hehe, it seems that Senior Brother really remembers me deeply. I pretend to be like this. You can still recognize it.”

Zhao Fang thin smile.

“Your appearance can be disguised, but some habits when you raise your hand, but you can’t pretend.” The bloody bones are hoarse.

Zhao Fang startled.

Frowning looks at the back of the Golden Jubilee.

Even the bloody bones of this outsider can rely on this point to see through their own disguise. He does not believe that Jin Hao, as a partner of the public to accompany his tens of thousands of years, will not see it?

Since I saw it, why didn’t I say it?

This is a bit of fun.

Zhao Fang touched his chin.

“What the hell are you?” The bloody and hoarse voice interrupted the meditator Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang looked up and the corner of the mouth raised a trace smile.

No matter what purpose, Jin Min is not broken, but for himself, it is a good thing, there is no need to be too entangled, but in the face of Kim Min, then be careful and careful.

To figure this out, Zhao Fang is in a good mood. For the bloody bones, he is only said with a laugh: “Is not the Junior Brother you are familiar with?”

“In just a few years, it’s not from Yuan Ying. cultivate successfully. Nowadays, Powerhouse, Strength has a chance to win the Late Stage. This natural talent opportunity, even Myriad Worlds first Supreme Talent can’t compare, my god. Ranked Master, you can’t name such a True Dragon.”

Although it is enemy, but the blood bones have to admit that the potential of Zhao Fang is indeed terrifying!

“I was praised, but unfortunately, I didn’t have the background you imagined. I was the one who was lucky enough to be named by the Ming Wang.”

Zhao Fang said flatly: “And, compared to these, I am more curious about your identity.”

The blood bone expression changes.

Strong said with a laugh: “I am like you, but go to nothing more, what is the identity.”

Zhao Fang shook his head: “We are different. You don’t need to yell at me. Ji Xuan alwaysy tells me your identity.”

“I am enene with her, she will frame me for the sake of planting, and do everything.” Bloody.

“Well? Then you dare to let go of the spirit and let me check? If it is as you said, look at the face of Ming Wang, I can let you live a life!”

Zhao Fang looks like a smile and looks at the blood.

“Junior Brother, everyone’s side side, why do you have to kill it?”

The blood bone complexion is ugly. “If you let me go, how can I send you a Great Destiny?”


Zhao Fang seems to be interested, “How big is it.”

The blood bone cautiously looked around and said: “You come with your ear.”

Zhao Fang has no doubt about him, and he goes forward.

“The Great Destiny is…”

The words “Blood bones” just finished, the sound suddenly became condensed, “kill you.”

Followed by.

Blood double in the eyes shot two 璀璨bloody glow, an amazing fluctuation, straight to Zhao Fang.

He intended to control Zhao Fang by forcibly wiping away Zhao Fang consciousness.


His smile soon froze.

However, it was discovered that Zhao Fang, who was sideways, suddenly straightened up and looked at him indifferently and calmly.

Especially the opponent’s pair of ashes seems to have infinite mysterious power. Under the gaze of the twilight, his spiritual power that should be swift and powerful has become slow and weak.

Even, it is still a little bit broken.

“You really are not honest. Fortunately, I have been prepared for it!”

Will the blood bones unwilling surrender?

Zhao Fang does not believe this.

In the face of blood, but it is paralyzed him more than that, at the moment of his sensation, he took off his eye mask and looked at the blood.

“how can it be?”

Feel the spirit is being smoky by the other side swallow, blood complexion ugly to the extreme.

This is his killing move, which is broken?

What makes him chilling is.

Zhao Fang How can there be such an eye that is not human?

Indifference, emptyness, heart, despair…

Under the watchful eyes, all my defenses were completely destroyed!

Even the spiritual knowledge has a tendency to collapse!


Zhao Fang sounds amazing.

next moment.

The blood bones suddenly found that Zhao Fang gray White Eye, like a reversal of a peerless Vicious Beast.

When I saw the Vicious Beast silhouette, he was cold and had a strong sense of uneasiness.


A snoring sound, shattering the bones of the sea of ​​spirits, his infinite knowledge, like a discouraged ball, madly overflowing, and then by the peerless Vicious Beast swallow.

“Do not!”

The bloody bones roar, but even a little sound can’t be made.

He hurts too much.

I wanted to use the powerful sneak attack to make a serious injury or even a modified Zhao Fang, but I didn’t expect it to accelerate my demise.

“I’m not willingly! Even if it’s dead, don’t think too much!”

The bloody bones reveal a trace of fierceness, with only the remaining spiritual knowledge, fully activate the bloody beads suspended in the center of Linghai.

“Demon Blood beads, suppress everything, kill everything!”

Blood beads not only absorb the blood and bones of the bones, but even his blood Fleshy Body body, also swallowed.

Blood bones, like sacrifices, blinks are swallowed by blood beads.

In the glimpse of the disappearance of the blood bone body, the blood beads appeared in front of Zhao Fang, and the bloody glow was released.

“én? Is this the ultimate cuddling of blood?”

Feeling blood out of the ordinary, Zhao Fang is amazed, full of repression, but useless, as if all his means, are ineffective for blood beads.


Blood beads aura Berserk, the bloody vortex of the scent, contain a strong suction force, and Zhao Fang feels like his own blood, and he seems to leave himself.

“fuck, what the hell is this thing?”

Zhao Fang quickly retired, and after withdrawing from the bloody whirlpool, his suffocating blood slowly calmed down.

But then.

Even if he mobilized the power of Law in the World of ink, he could not suppress the blood, which made him more and more surprised.

“Ink Ribbon World I am in control of the almost, self-proclaimed even if you come in with eight accompaniment, you can be easily killed, this blood pearl can actually stalemate with me for so long, and it does not fall, it is a strange thing.”

Kim Min Jong also noticed the fluctuation of the battle, rushed in, and when she noticed the blood, she squatted and said: “Blood beads?”

“Five parties heaven and earth, listen to my order, seal!”

Zhao Fang dispatched the power of World Law to force the blood beads to be suppressed in Void, and the impact could not last for too long, but also won some Time for Zhao Fang.

“What blood magic beads?”

Zhao Fang looks at Jin Hao.

“I don’t know too well. It seems to have been seen before. When I saw it, the name suddenly appeared in the mind.” Jin said.

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